Invoking and Terminating the DDM Editor

The DDM editor is used to edit the source of a DDM.

This section describes how to invoke and terminate the DDM editor for an existing DDM by using either the DDM Maintenance menu of DDM Services, or the Natural system command EDIT.

Invoking the Editor with DDM Maintenance

Start of instruction setTo invoke the DDM editor from DDM Maintenance

  • In the DDM maintenance window, next to the DDM to be edited, enter the function code E.

    The source code of the specified DDM is read into the editing area of the DDM editor.

    If the Adabas or SQL database referenced by the specified DDM is available and a database file with the specified file number exists, a screen similar to the example below appears; if not, an empty screen is displayed instead.

    17/09/2004                       DDM Services                              
    12:44:43               V 6.1.1 Pl 9   Software AG 2004              Line: 1
    DBID: 20    FNR: 14    DDM: EMPLOYEES                        DEF.SEQ.:     
       C   T      L Name                              F  Length  S  D          
                  1 PERSONNEL-ID                      A     8       D          
           *        CNNNNNNN                                                   
           G      1 FULL-NAME                                                  
                  2 FIRST-NAME                        A    20    N             
                  2 MIDDLE-I                          A     1    N             
                  2 NAME                              A    20       D          
                  1 MIDDLE-NAME                       A    20    N             
                  1 MAR-STAT                          A     1    F             
           *        M=MARRIED                                                  
                  1 SEX                               A     1    F             
                  1 BIRTH                             N  06.0       D          
                  1 N@BIRTH                           I     2       D          
           G      1 FULL-ADDRESS                                               
           M      2 ADDRESS-LINE                      A    20    N             
                  2 CITY                              A    20    N  D          
                  2 ZIP                               A    10    N             
                  2 POST-CODE                         A    10    N             
                  2 COUNTRY                           A     3    N             
    F1  HELP  F2 CHOICE F3  STOW+EXIT      F10 STOW             F11 CHECK      

    If the Tamino database referenced by the specified DDM is available and a database file with the specified file number exists, a screen similar to the example below appears; if not, an empty screen is displayed instead:

     01/10/2004                       DDM Services                              
     11:05:45               V 6.1.1 Pl 9   Software AG 2004              Line: 1
     DBID: 175   FNR: 1     DDM: DDM_TEST                         TYPE: XML     
        C   T   L  Name                              F      Length  D           
            G   1  EMPLOYEE                                                     
            G   2  GROUP$1                                                      
                3  PERSONNEL-ID                      A           8  D           
            G   2  GROUP$2                                                      
            G   3  FULL-NAME                                                    
            G   4  GROUP$3                                                      
                5  FIRST-NAME                        A          20  D           
                5  MIDDLE-NAME                       A          20  D           
                5  MIDDLE-I                          A          20  D           
                5  NAME                              A          20  D           
                3  MAR-STAT                          A           1  D           
                3  SEX                               A           1  D           
                3  BIRTH                             A          10  D           
            G   3  FULL-ADDRESS                                                 
            G   4  GROUP$4                                                      
                5  ADDRESS-LINE                      A          20              
                5  CITY                              A          20  D           
                5  ZIP                               A          20  D           
     F1  HELP  F2 CHOICE F3  STOW+EXIT      F10 STOW             F11 CHECK      
     F12 DOCTYPE INFO    F13 MODIFY HEADER  F14 SHOW EXT FIELD   F15            

For information on the fields and commands provided in the DDM editor, see the section Using the DDM Editor.

Invoking the Editor with EDIT

As an alternative to using DDM Services functions, you can invoke the DDM editor with the Natural system command EDIT.

Start of instruction setTo invoke the DDM editor with EDIT

  • From the Natural main menu, choose Direct and, in the Direct Command window, enter the following:

    EDIT VIEW object-name

    where object-name denotes the name of the DDM to be edited.

    The DDM editor is invoked for the DDM specified and the DDM source is read into the editing area.

For information on all options available with EDIT, see the relevant section in the System Commands documentation.

Terminating the Editor

This section describes how to terminate an editor session and return to the DDM maintenance window.

Start of instruction setTo terminate the DDM editor

  1. After editing, saving and cataloging the DDM source (see Using the DDM Editor and Saving and Cataloging a DDM), on the DDM editor screen, press ESC.

    The DDM editor menus COMMANDS, MISC and QUIT (see also the section Commands) appear at the top of the DDM editor screen as shown in the example below:

             COMMANDS                 MISC                     QUIT            
    14:22:37               V 6.1.1 Pl 7    Software AG 2004             Line: 1
    DBID: 20    FNR: 14    DDM: EMPLOYEES                        DEF.SEQ.:     
       C   T      L Name                              F  Length  S  D          
                  1 PERSONNEL-ID                      A     8       D          
           *        CNNNNNNN                                                   
           G      1 FULL-NAME                                                  
                  2 FIRST-NAME                        A    20    N             
                  2 MIDDLE-I                          A     1    N             
                  2 NAME                              A    20       D          
                  1 MIDDLE-NAME                       A    20    N             
                  1 MAR-STAT                          A     1    F             
           *        M=MARRIED                                                  
                  1 SEX                               A     1    F             
                  1 BIRTH                             N  06.0       D          
                  1 N@BIRTH                           I     2       D          
           G      1 FULL-ADDRESS                                               
           M      2 ADDRESS-LINE                      A    20    N             
                  2 CITY                              A    20    N  D          
                  2 ZIP                               A    10    N             
                  2 POST-CODE                         A    10    N             
                  2 COUNTRY                           A     3    N             
    F1  HELP  F2 CHOICE F3  STOW+EXIT      F10 STOW             F11 CHECK      
    Select a Command                                                           
  2. Select the QUIT menu and choose EXIT (with STOW) or QUIT (without STOW) to leave the DDM source as described in QUIT Menu.

    The DDM maintenance window appears.