SYSPCI Utility - Product Configuration and Initialization

The SYSPCI utility is used after a first-time installation of Natural or one of its add-on products which uses the Software AG Installer. It sets up a number of files, parameters and individual settings depending on your environment.

If you want to use the SYSPCI utility, you must have been defined as a Natural administrator in the local configuration file (see also Administrator Assignments in the Configuration Utility documentation). You will be able to invoke the SYSPCI utility even if you are not a Natural administrator, however, when you start the configuration of the selected product, the SYSPCI utility will not be able to load the initialization files and the Natural startup error 12 will occur.

Using the SYSPCI utility, you can do the following:

  • Enter the necessary information for the required Adabas files for your products, and add these files if they do not exist.

  • Enter the database IDs of the required Adabas files into Natural's global configuration file.

  • Enter the database IDs and file numbers of the new or existing Adabas files into the default parameter files for your products.

  • Initialize your product.

  • Optional, depending on the selected product: execute additional functions (such as loading product data).

After an update installation, you need not invoke the SYSPCI utility if the required Adabas files and the parameters in the required default parameter files have already been set up previously (for example, after a first-time installation). Previously set up parameters will be kept with an update installation.

You can call the SYSPCI utility in different ways, as described in the following topics:

Configuring the Installed Products Using a Screen

You can configure the installed Software AG products that the SYSPCI utility can detect in your environment.

The description below provides general information on how to use the SYSPCI utility, and it explains the options that are normally available for all products. For detailed information on the files that need to be set up for a specific product, see the installation documentation for that product.

Start of instruction setTo configure an installed product

  1. Enter the following command:


    If you invoke the SYSPCI utility in an environment which is protected by Natural Security, Natural Security will validate the utility profile for SYSPCI.

    A screen appears which lists the installed Software AG products that have been detected in your environment. For example:

    13:24:34               ***** NATURAL SYSPCI UTILITY *****            2014-06-26
    User SAG          - Product Configuration and Initialization -
                           Select a single product:
                           _  Natural Development Server (NDV)
                           _  Natural Command Processor (NCP)
                           _  Predict (PRD)
                           _  Natural Business Services (NBS)
                           _  System Automation Tools (SAT)
                           _  Entire Output Management (NOM)
                           _  Entire Operations (NOP)
                           _  Natural Security Log (NSL)
                           _  Natural Security (NSC)
                           _  Exit
          Help        Exit                                                  Canc
  2. Mark the product that you want to configure and press ENTER.

    It is recommended that you configure your products in the same sequence as listed on the screen.

    The content of the resulting screen depends on the selected product. For example:

    10:51:36               ***** NATURAL SYSPCI UTILITY *****            2014-06-16
    User SAG          - Product Configuration and Initialization -                 
         Product selected: Natural Development Server (NDV)                        
         Mark actions:                                                             
           Create new Adabas file .. X             
           Use existing Adabas file  _                                   
           Initialize product ...... X                                                
         Adabas file definitions for the NDV FDIC file:                            
           Database ID _____  Select _                                             
           File number _____  Select _   File name ________________                
         Start selected action(s) .. _  (Y/N)                                      
          Help  Files Exit  Check DBIDs FNRs                                Canc   
  3. If you mark Use existing Adabas file and press PF2, a new screen will be shown.

    The content of the resulting screen depends on the selected product. For example:

    08:53:16               ***** NATURAL SYSPCI UTILITY *****            2015-07-08 
    User SAG          - Product Configuration and Initialization -                  
                       Select a single entry for product NDV                        
                           _ List FDU file for NDV-FDIC                            
                           _ List NDVPARM (parameter file)                         
                           _ Select a parameter file                               
                           _  Exit                                                  
          Help        Exit                                                  Canc    

    You can select the following

    Option Description
    List FDU file for ppp-nnnn This option will list the FDU file for the single product file. Where ppp in this case represents the product code (NDV in the above screen) and nnnn the file name (FDIC in the above screen).
    List pppPARM (parameter file) This option will list the default parameter file for the product. ppp in this case represents the product code (NDV in the above screen).
    Select a parameter file This option will list any existing parameter file and allow you to select it.

    For any file that is listed, you can change the file contents by switching to EDIT mode using either the command EDIT or pressing PF11. Use command COMMANDS or press PF10 to show the available commands.

  4. Specify the following information for the selected product:

    Option Description

    Create new Adabas file or
    Use existing Adabas file

    If Create new Adabas file is marked, the first file must not exist and a new Adabas file will be created. Depending on the selected product, there may be more than one file. If one or more of the other files already exist they can be used for the product.

    If Use existing Adabas file is marked, the first file must exist. Depending on the selected product, there may be more than one file. If one or more of the other files do not exist, they can be created.

    If the Adabas file exists already, however, the SYSPCI utility will only check whether the file has the correct structure (FDT).

    In both cases (new and existing file), the following actions will be performed:

    • The database ID of each required Adabas file will be entered into Natural's global configuration file.

    • The database ID and file number of each new or existing Adabas file will be entered into the default parameter file for your product.

    Initialize product This option is only available for products which have an initialization program.

    If marked (default), the initialization program for the selected product will be loaded and executed. If you want to activate the product, you have to mark this option.

    If you want to use this option, the database for which you specify the database ID must be online.

    Database ID The database ID of the Adabas file.

    When you mark the Select field next to Database ID or when you press PF5, a list of all databases is shown which can be found on the machine. The list also shows whether a database is currently online or offline. You can then mark a database in the list to select it.

    File number The number of a file in the selected database. This can be the number of an existing file or for a new file.

    When you mark the Select field next to File number or when you press PF6, a list of all files is shown which can be found for the specified database ID. You can then mark a file in the list to select it.

    The Adabas system files are also shown in the list, so that you can see which file numbers have already been assigned. However, you must not mark an Adabas system file. Otherwise, an error will occur.

    When you specify the number for a new file, make sure that the Create new Adabas file option is marked.

    File name The name of the Adabas file.

    When you have selected an existing file, the corresponding file name is automatically shown. This name cannot be changed.

    When you have specified a new file number which does not yet exist, you can enter a file name (optional). If you do not enter a file name, a product-specific default name will be used.

    For some products (such as Predict), you have to specify additional options. See the installation documentation for that product for further information.

    After you have entered information for an option, you can press ENTER or PF4 to validate your input.

  5. In the Start selected action(s) field, enter "Y" and press ENTER to start the configuration of the selected product.

    After the selected actions for the selected product have been performed, a message such as the following is shown:

    Function completed successfully.
    The following actions have been performed by the SYSPCI utility:
    - Loaded Adabas file with DBID 10 FNR 55 for product NCP
    - Updated global configuration file for DBID 10
    - Updated Natural parameter file NATPARM and set LFILE 190 to DBID 10 FNR 55
  6. Press ENTER to proceed.

    The initial screen of the SYSPCI utility is shown again and you can configure further products. The configuration of Natural Security, however, is an exception. In this case, Natural is terminated after the initialization program has been executed.

Calling the SYSPCI Utility with Direct Command Data

You can call the SYSPCI utility using a direct command that consists of keywords and their corresponding values. Thus, you can also use the SYSPCI utility in batch mode.

Exception: When the initialization of the Adabas file for Natural Security has been completed (by loading the initialization program with the INPL utility and executing it), the Natural session is terminated by the INPL utility. Therefore, it is not possible to execute any additional commands after this step.

You can use the following keywords with the SYSPCI command (see also the examples below):

Keyword Meaning
PRODUCT * Product to be processed. Valid values:

NDV for Natural Development Server.
NCP for Natural Command Processor.
PRD for Predict.
CST for Construct (alternative to NBS).
NBS for Natural Business Services.
SAT for System Automation Tools
NOM for Entire Output Management
NOP for Entire Operations.
NSL for Natural Security Log.
NSC for Natural Security.

It is recommended that you configure your products in the same sequence as listed above.

DBID * Database ID of the Adabas file.
DBID2 ** Database ID of the second Adabas file if PRODUCT is PRD, NBS, NOM or NOP.
DBID3 ** Database ID of the third Adabas file if PRODUCT is NBS.
FNR * File number of the Adabas file.
FNR2 ** File number of the second Adabas file if PRODUCT is PRD, NBS, NOM or NOP.
FNR3 ** File number of the third Adabas file if PRODUCT is NBS.
FUNCTION or FCT Function to be executed. Valid values:

ADA: Create new Adabas file.
ADU: Use existing Adabas file.
INT: Load and execute initialization program.
ALL: Both (ADA and INT). Default.
ALU: Both (ADU and INT).

FILE-NAME Name of the Adabas file if FUNCTION is ADA or ALL. Valid values: 16 characters without blanks.
FILE-NAME-2 or FILE-N2 Name of the second Adabas file if PRODUCT is PRD, NBS, NOM or NOP. Valid values: 16 characters without blanks.
FILE-NAME-3 or FILE-N3 Name of the third Adabas file if PRODUCT is NBS. Valid values: 16 characters without blanks.
SUBFUNCTION Additional function to be executed. The valid values depend on the product.


  • PRC: Convert FDIC data.

  • PRP: Load FDIC description.

  • PRD: Load example data.

  • PRA: Both (PRP and PRD).

  • PR1: Convert FDIC data and load FDIC description.

  • PR2: Convert FDIC data and load example data.

  • PR3: Convert FDIC data and load FDIC description and example data.


  • LDC: Load Construct data.

  • LDP: Load Predict data.

  • LDA: Both (LDC and LDP).


  • LDM: Load NOM data.

END, STOP, EXIT, QUIT or . Exit the SYSPCI utility. The keyword must be entered as a single command.
FIN Exit the SYSPCI utility and terminate the Natural session. The keyword must be entered as a single command.


  1. The keywords marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
  2. The keywords marked with two asterisks (**) are mandatory for the corresponding products.
  3. All other keywords are optional.


  • Batch Mode
    Commands in the batch input file which is defined by the CMSYNIN profile parameter:


    Data in the batch input file which is defined by the CMOBJIN profile parameter:


    See also Natural in Batch Mode in the Operations documentation.

  • Interactive Mode - Natural Command Line
  • Interactive Mode - Natural Stack
    natural stack='(SYSPCI FUNC ALL PROD NCP DBID 77 FNR 1501: PROD NSL DBID 77 FNR 1601; FIN)'