Application Programming Interfaces

This section describes the application programming interfaces (APIs) available with Natural Security. It covers the following topics:

Overview of Subprograms

Natural Security provides a number of application programming interfaces (APIs), that is, subprograms which may be used to access Natural Security maintenance and retrieval functions from outside the Natural Security library SYSSEC.

The use of the subprograms is controlled by the general option Free Access to Functions via APIs (which is described in the section Administrator Services).

Start of instruction setTo list the APIs:

  1. On the Main Menu, select Administrator Services.

    If you are allowed access to Administrator Services, the Administrator Services Menu 1 will be displayed.

  2. Press PF8.

  3. On the Administrator Services Menu 2, select Application Programming Interfaces.

    A list of the interface subprograms along with examples and explanatory online texts will be displayed.

The following subprograms are available:

Subprograms for Access Verification:

Subprogram Function
NSC---L   Check if logon to a library is allowed, and which modules in a library are available to a user.
NSCCHCK   Check if access to external object is allowed.
NSCDEF   Check if object is defined to Natural Security.

Subprograms for User Authentication:

Subprogram Function
NSC---P Check if password is valid.
NSC----P Check if password is valid, and change password.
NSC---SP Check if password is valid - in RPC server environments.
NSCSSX Check if password is valid - in an LDAP user authentication context.

Subprograms for Administrator Services:

Subprogram Function
NSCADM Display General Options; process (ETID-related) logon records; remove/re-establish maintenance/retrieval sections for individual object types; display users in whose security profiles a value differs from a preset value; list and unlock locked user IDs.
NSCXLO Display maintenance log records.

Subprograms for Object Maintenance:

Subprogram Function
NSCFI Maintenance functions for files.
NSCLI   Maintenance functions for libraries.
NSCMA  Maintenance functions for mailboxes.
NSCOB Maintenance functions for external objects.
NSCUS   Maintenance functions for users.
NSCUT Maintenance functions for utilities.

Subprograms for Retrieval:

Subprogram Function
NSCDA Display library security profile.
NSCDA-C   Display command restrictions of library security profile.
NSCDA-P   Display security options, security limits and session parameters of library security profile.
NSCDA-S   Display statement restrictions of library security profile.
NSCDAU   Display special link security profile.
NSCDAUC   Display command restrictions of special link security profile.
NSCDAUP   Display security options, security limits and session parameters of special link security profile.
NSCDAUS   Display statement restrictions of special link security profile.
NSCDU   Display user security profile.
NSCXR Cross-reference functions.
NSCXRIER Display individual logon error records.
NSCXRUSE Display users with logon error counters and unused user IDs.
NSCXRUTC Display utility functions allowed for a user.
SECNOTE Display security notes of user, library or special link security profile.
The display functions (function code DI - Display security profile) of these subprograms are considered to be retrieval functions.

Each subprogram that is to be used must be copied into the library in which it is to be executed, or into one of the steplibs concatenated to that library.

The subprograms (with the exception of SECNOTE) cannot be invoked from any of the logon-related user exits described in the section User Exits.

Return Code

Several of the subprograms contain the field PRC. It contains the return code. This will be "0" if the function was performed successfully. Any other return code nnnn corresponds either to a Natural Security error number or, if prefixed with a hyphen "-", to a Natural system error number. You can display the corresponding message by entering the Natural system command HELP Unnnn (for a Natural Security message, in library SYSSEC) or HELP nnn (for a Natural system message).

Subprogram NSC---L

The subprogram NSC---L is used to:

  • check whether a specific user is allowed to log on to a specific library;

  • ascertain which modules in a library are available to a user.

NSC---L is invoked as follows:


Example programs PGM---L and PGM---LM of how to invoke subprogram NSC---L, as well as explanatory texts TXT---L and TXT---LM, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGM---L(M) and TXT---L(M).

Subprogram NSC---P

The subprogram NSC---P is used to check if the password supplied together with a user ID is valid.

To perform this function in a Natural RPC server environment, is it recommended that NSC---SP (see below) be used instead.

NSC---P is invoked as follows:


An example program PGM---P of how to invoke subprogram NSC---P, as well as an explanatory text TXT---P, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGM---P and TXT---P.

For the execution of this subprogram, the general option Maximum Number of Logon Attempts applies, that is, each invalid password will be considered an unsuccessful logon attempt.

Subprogram NSC---SP

The subprogram NSC---SP is only to be used in Natural RPC server environments. On the whole, it corresponds to NSC---P (described above).

It is used to check if the password supplied together with a user ID is valid.

NSC---SP is invoked as follows:

                     PPARM1 PRC PNSC-MESSAGE

An example program PGM---SP of how to invoke subprogram NSC---SP, as well as an explanatory text TXT---SP, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGM---SP and TXT---SP.

For the execution of this subprogram, the general option Maximum Number of Logon Attempts applies, that is, each invalid password will be considered an unsuccessful logon attempt. In addition, Natural Security will react as if the Lock User Option were set to "X", that is, it will "remember" unsuccessful logon attempts across sessions. Unlike the Lock User Option, however, the locking of user IDs will not include the user ID as contained in the Natural system variable *INIT-USER. When the maximum number of logon attempts is exceeded, the Natural RPC server session will not be terminated.

Subprogram NSC----P

The subprogram NSC----P is used to check if the password supplied together with a user ID is valid; in addition, it is used to change the password.

NSC----P is invoked as follows:


An example program PGM----P of how to invoke subprogram NSC----P, as well as an explanatory text TXT----P, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGM----P and TXT----P.

For the execution of this subprogram, the general option Maximum Number of Logon Attempts applies, that is, each invalid password will be considered an unsuccessful logon attempt.

Subprogram NSCADM

The subprogram NSCADM is used to:

  • display the settings of General Options in Administrator Services;

  • process logon records, which is particular relevant for ETID-related logon records;

  • remove/re-establish Natural Security maintenance/retrieval sections for: base/compound application profiles and RPC server profiles.

  • compare a preset value (as set in the Library and User Preset Values) with the the corresponding actual value in user profiles to obtain a list of all user profiles in which the value differs from the preset value.

  • list locked user IDs, and unlock a user ID.

NSCADM is invoked as follows:


Example programs PGMADMnn of how to invoke subprogram NSCADM, as well as explanatory texts TXTADMnn, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMADMnn and TXTADMnn.

The second parameter has to be filled with the function code for the desired function. The following functions are available:

Code Function
For general options:
GDO Display general options.
NSF Display NSF options.
For logon records:
LR List.
DR Delete.
For maintenance/retrieval sections for base/compound application and RPC server profiles:
DI Display.
DE Delete.
For preset-value comparison:
PR Compare.
For locked user IDs:
LI List locked user IDs.
UL Unlock a user ID.

Subprogram NSCCHCK

The subprogram NSCCHCK is used to check whether a specific user is allowed to access a specific external object.

NSCCHCK is invoked as follows:


An example program PGMCHCK of how to invoke subprogram NSCCHCK, as well as an explanatory text TXTCHCK, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMCHCK and TXTCHCK.

Subprogram NSCDA

The subprogram NSCDA is used to display the security profile of a library.

NSCDA is invoked as follows:


An example program PGMDA of how to invoke subprogram NSCDA, as well as an explanatory text TXTDA, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMDA and TXTDA.

Subprogram NSCDA-C

The subprogram NSCDA-C is used to display the Command Restrictions part of a library security profile.

NSCDA-C is invoked as follows:


An example program PGMDA-C of how to invoke subprogram NSCDA-C, as well as an explanatory text TXTDA-C, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMDA-C and TXTDA-C.

Subprogram NSCDA-P

The subprogram NSCDA-P is used to display the Security Options, Security Limits and Session Parameters parts of a library security profile.

NSCDA-P is invoked as follows:


An example program PGMDA-P of how to invoke subprogram NSCDA-P, as well as an explanatory text TXTDA-P, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMDA-P and TXTDA-P.

Subprogram NSCDA-S

The subprogram NSCDA-S is used to display the Statement Restrictions part of a library security profile.

NSCDA-S is invoked as follows:


An example program PGMDA-S of how to invoke subprogram NSCDA-S, as well as an explanatory text TXTDA-S, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMDA-S and TXTDA-S.

Subprogram NSCDAU

The subprogram NSCDAU is used to display the security profile of a special link.

NSCDAU is invoked as follows:


An example program PGMDAU of how to invoke subprogram NSCDAU, as well as an explanatory text TXTDAU, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMDAU and TXTDAU.

Subprogram NSCDAUC

The subprogram NSCDAUC is used to display the Command Restrictions part of a special link security profile.

NSCDAUC is invoked as follows:


An example program PGMDAUC of how to invoke subprogram NSCDAUC, as well as an explanatory text TXTDAUC, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMDAUC and TXTDAUC.

Subprogram NSCDAUP

The subprogram NSCDAUP is used to used to display the Security Options, Security Limits and Session Parameters parts of a special link security profile.

NSCDAUP is invoked as follows:


An example program PGMDAUP of how to invoke subprogram NSCDAUP, as well as an explanatory text TXTDAUP, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMDAUP and TXTDAUP.

Subprogram NSCDAUS

The subprogram NSCDAUS is used to used to display the Statement Restrictions part of a special link security profile.

NSCDAUS is invoked as follows:


An example program PGMDAUS of how to invoke subprogram NSCDAUS, as well as an explanatory text TXTDAUS, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMDAUS and TXTDAUS.

Subprogram NSCDEF

The subprogram NSCDEF is used to check whether a specific object is defined under Natural Security, that is, whether a security profile for the object exists.

NSCDEF is invoked as follows:


An example program PGMDEF of how to invoke subprogram NSCDEF, as well as an explanatory text TXTDEF, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMDEF and TXTDEF.

Subprogram NSCDU

The subprogram NSCDU is used to display a user security profile.

NSCDU is invoked as follows:

                  PTEXT(*) PNSC-MESSAGE

An example program PGMDU of how to invoke subprogram NSCDU, as well as an explanatory text TXTDU, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMDU and TXTDU.

Subprogram NSCFI

This subprogram is only available on mainframe computers, and it can only be applied to file security profiles. For DDM security profiles, you use the subprogram NSCLI (see below).

The subprogram NSCFI is used to perform maintenance/retrieval functions for file security profiles from outside of the library SYSSEC.

NSCFI is invoked as follows:


Example programs PGMFInnn of how to invoke subprogram NSCFI, as well as explanatory texts TXTFInnn, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMFInnn and TXTFInnn.

The first parameter (PFUNCTION) has to be filled with the function code for the desired function. The following functions are available:

Code Function
AD   Add file
CL   Cancel link between library and file
CO   Copy file
DE   Delete file
DI   Display file
MO   Modify file (including all components of its security profile)
RE   Establish read-link between library and file
UP   Establish update-link between library and file

Subprogram NSCLI

The subprogram NSCLI is used to perform maintenance/retrieval functions for library security profiles from outside of library SYSSEC.

NSCLI is invoked as follows:

                  PPARM PPARM1 PPARM2 PTEXT(*) PPARM3 PPARM4 
                  PPARM5 PPARM6 POPRB(*) PNSC-MESSAGE

Example programs PGMLInnn of how to invoke subprogram NSCLI, as well as explanatory texts TXTLInnn, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC. Example programs PGMDDMnn of how to invoke NSCLI with function code MD, as well as explanatory texts TXTDDMnn, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMLInnn, TXTLInnn, PGMDDMnn and TXTDDMnn.

The first parameter (PFUNCTION) has to be filled with the function code for the desired function. The following functions are available:

Code Function
AD   Add library
CL   Cancel link between user and library
CO   Copy library
DE   Delete library
DI   Display library
DL   Display special link between user and library
DM   Display allowed/disallowed modules
ET   Get library ID via ETID
LK   Link user to library
MD   Maintain DDM profile; see also below (this function is not available on mainframes)
MM   Modify allowed/disallowed modules
MO   Modify library (including all components of its security profile)
SL   Establish special link between user and library
TL   Temporarily lock link between user and library
UC   Update all "modified" command processors in the library

If PFUNCTION is filled with function code MD, the PSUBFUNC part of the parameter PPARM has to be filled with the code for the desired subfunction. The following subfunctions are available:

Code Subfunction
AD   Add DDM profile
CL   Cancel link between library and DDM profile
CO   Copy DDM profile
DE   Delete DDM profile
DI   Display DDM profile
MO   Modify DDM profile
RE   Establish read-link between library and DDM profile
UP   Establish update-link between library and DDM profile

Subprogram NSCMA

The subprogram NSCMA is used to perform maintenance/retrieval functions for mailbox security profiles from outside of the library SYSSEC.

NSCMA is invoked as follows:


Example programs PGMMAnnn showing how to invoke subprogram NSCMA, as well as explanatory texts TXTMAnnn, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMMAnnn and TXTMAnnn.

The first parameter (PFUNCTION) has to be filled with the function code for the desired function. The following functions are available:

Code Function
AD   Add mailbox
CO   Copy mailbox
DE   Delete mailbox
DI   Display mailbox
MO   Modify mailbox (including all components of its security profile)
RE   Rename mailbox

Subprogram NSCOB

The subprogram NSCOB is used to perform maintenance/retrieval functions for external object security profiles from outside of library SYSSEC.

NSCOB is invoked as follows:


Example programs PGMOBnnn of how to invoke subprogram NSCOB, as well as explanatory texts TXTOBnnn, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMOBnnn and TXTOBnnn .

The first parameter (PFUNCTION) has to be filled with the function code for the desired function. The following functions are available:

Code Function
AD   Add external object
CL   Cancel link between user and external object
CO   Copy external object
DE   Delete external object
DI   Display external object
DL   Display link between user and external object
LK   Link user to external object
MO   Modify external object (including all components of its security profile)

Subprogram NSCSSX

The subprogram NSCSSX is used to check if the password supplied together with the user ID is valid.

A prerequisite for the use of this subprogram is that the user authentication via an LDAP server has been activated; see Authentication Options.

NSCSSX is invoked as follows:


Example programs PGMSSXnn of how to invoke subprogram NSCSSX, as well as explanatory texts TXTSSXnn, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMSSXnn and TXTSSXnn .

For the execution of this subprogram, the general option Maximum Number of Logon Attempts applies, that is, each invalid password will be considered an unsuccessful logon attempt.

Subprogram NSCUS

The subprogram NSCUS is used to perform maintenance/retrieval functions for user security profiles from outside of library SYSSEC.

NSCUS cannot be used for private libraries which may be attached to user security profiles; for maintenance/retrieval of private libraries, you use subprogram NSCLI.

NSCUS is invoked as follows:


Example programs PGMUSnnn of how to invoke subprogram NSCUS, as well as explanatory texts TXTUSnnn, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMUSnnn and TXTUSnnn.

The first parameter (PFUNCTION) has to be filled with the function code for the desired function. The following functions are available:

Code Function
AD   Add user
AM   Multiple add user
CO   Copy user
DE   Delete user
DI   Display user
EG   Edit group members
ET   Get user ID via ETID
MO   Modify user (including all components of his/her security profile)

The user maintenance function "Copy User's Links" is not available via NSCUS.

For function code EG, the following subfunctions are available:

Code Subfunction
AD   Add users to a group
DE   Delete users from a group
LI   List group members

Subprogram NSCUT

The subprogram NSCUT is used to perform maintenance/retrieval functions for utility security profiles from outside of library SYSSEC.

NSCUT is invoked as follows:


Example programs PGMUTnnn of how to invoke subprogram NSCUT, as well as explanatory texts TXTUTnnn, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMUTnnn and TXTUTnnn.

The first parameter (PFUNCTION) has to be filled with the function code for the desired function. The following functions are available:

Code Subfunction
AD Add utility
DE Delete utility
DI Display utility
MO Modify utility (including all components of its security profile)

Please note that the components of the security profiles are different for each utility; see also the sources of PGMUTnnn.

Subprogram NSCXLO

The subprogram NSCXLO is used to read maintenance log records, which are created by Natural Security if the general option Logging of Maintenance Functions is active.

NSCXLO is invoked as follows:


Example programs PGMXLOnn of how to invoke subprogram NSCXLO, as well as explanatory texts TXTXLOnn, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMXLOnn and TXTXLOnn.

Subprogram NSCXR

The subprogram NSCXR is used to perform cross-reference functions for security profiles from outside of library SYSSEC.

NSCXR is invoked as follows:

                PPARM PPARM2(*) PNSC-MESSAGE

Example programs PGMXRnnn of how to invoke subprogram NSCXR, as well as explanatory texts TXTXRnnn, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMXRnnn and TXTXRnnn.

The first parameter (POBJ-TYPE) has to be filled with the code for the type of object for which a function is to be performed:

Code Object Type
US   User
LI   Library
DD DDM (this object type is not available on mainframes)
FI File (this object type is only available on mainframes)
MA   Mailbox
LE Logon error record
LR Logon record
ST Steplib
UT Utility
CP Command processor
PE   Predict external object (this object type is only available if Predict is installed)
PF Predict function (this object type is only available if Predict is installed)
PL Predict 3GL library (this object type is only available if Predict is installed)
PO Predict documentation object (this object type is only available if Predict is installed)
SF System file

For the individual object types listed above, the following functions can be performed by filling the parameter SUB-TYPE with one of the following function codes:

Function Available for Every Object Type:

Code Function
TR Translates the 2-character object-type code into the corresponding object type.

Functions Available for a User (US):

Code Function
*   List all users.
A   List all users of type Administrator.
P   List all users of type Person.
M   List all users of type Member.
T   List all users of type Terminal.
G   List all users of type Group.
B   List all users of type Batch.
GR   List all groups the user belongs to.
GP   List all privileged groups the user belongs to.
GM   List all users contained in the group.
BU List all users in whose security profiles the batch user ID is specified.
NI   Retrieve the user ID belonging to a specified user name.
L* List all users and all libraries to which they are linked directly.
LA   List all libraries available to the user.
LL   List all libraries to which the user is linked.
LD   List all libraries to which the user is linked directly.
LG   List all libraries to which the user is linked by means of a group.
LP   List all libraries to which the user is linked by means of a privileged group.
OW   List all security profiles owned by the user.
DD List all DDMs available to the user (this function is not available on mainframes).
DL List all DDMs available to the user by means of a special link (this function is not available on mainframes).
FI List all files to which the user's private library is linked (this function is only available on mainframes).
UT List all utility profiles which apply to the user.
TD Retrieve the Time Differential and Time Zone settings of the user's security profile.

Functions Available for a Library (LI):

Code Function
*   List all libraries and users' private libraries.
L   List all libraries.
U   List all users' private libraries.
NI   Retrieve the library ID belonging to a specified library name.
DD   List all DDMs to which the library is linked (this function is not available on mainframes).
LD List all DDMs to which the library is linked by means of a special link (this function is not available on mainframes).
FI List all files to which the library is linked (this function is only available on mainframes).
NO List allowed/disallowed modules.
SM Retrieve information on users' access rights to a single module in the library.
US   List all users linked to the library.
UT List all utility profiles which apply to the library.
CP List all command processors for the library that have a specific status.

Functions Available for a DDM (DD):

Code Function
*   List all defined DDMs (that is, for which security profiles exist).
UN List all undefined DDMs (that is, for which no security profiles exist).
DD List all defined and undefined DDMs.
P List all DDMs with external status PUBLIC.
A List all DDMs with external status ACCESS.
U List all DDMs with external status PRIVATE.
ND List all DDM security profiles for which no corresponding DDMs exist.
LI List all libraries which are linked to the DDM.
US List all users which are linked to the DDM.
SL List all DDM definitions in special link security profiles.
X List all DDM definitions in library and special link security profiles.

Functions Available for a File (FI):

Code Function
PU   List files of type PUBLIC.
AC   List files of type ACCESS.
UP   List files of type PRIVATE.
DD   List files with existing DDM.
ND   List files with no DDM.
UN   List undefined files.
LI   List libraries to which the specified file is linked.
US   List users whose private libraries are linked to the specified file.

Functions Available for a Mailbox (MA):

Code Function
LI   List all libraries to which the mailbox is assigned.
US   List all users to which the mailbox is assigned.

Functions Available for Logon Error Records (LE):

Code Function
P List logon error records, in order of TP user IDs.
T List logon error records, in order of terminal IDs.

Functions Available for Logon Records (LR):

Code Function
L List logon records, in order of library IDs.
U List logon records, in order of user IDs.
D List logon records, in order of logon date.
LX List logon records to undefined libraries (in order of library IDs).
UX List logon records of undefined users (in order of user IDs).

Functions Available for Steplibs (ST):

Code Function
*   List all steplibs.
LK   List protected steplibs.
NN List public steplibs.
SL   List special linked steplibs.

Functions Available for Utilities (UT):

Code Function
LI   List all library-specific utility profiles defined for the utility.
US   List all user-specific utility profiles defined for the utility.
UT List all utility profiles defined for the utility.
blank List all utility profiles defined for all utilities.

Functions Available for Command Processors (CP):

For a command processor, NSCXR will list all libraries and users for the command processor (without any SUB-TYPE specification being required).

Functions Available for Predict Objects (PE, PF, PL, PO):

For each of the four Predict object types, NSCXR will list all objects of that type (without any SUB-TYPE specification being required).

Functions Available for System Files (SF):

Code Function
FN   List all libraries of the current FNAT system file which are not defined in Natural Security.
FU List all libraries of the current FUSER system file which are not defined in Natural Security.

Function Available for External Objects:

Code Function
LU List all users who are linked to the external object.

Subprogram NSCXRIER

The subprogram NSCXRIER is used to display individual logon error records (similar to the Logon/Countersign Errors function Display individual error records).

NSCXRIER is invoked as follows:


An example program PGMXRIER of how to invoke subprogram NSCXRIER, as well as an explanatory text TXTXRIER, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMXRIER and TXTXRIER.

Subprogram NSCXRUSE

The subprogram NSCXRUSE is used in conjunction with the Lock User Option set to "X" to obtain a list of users whose logon error counters are greater than "0".

It is also is used in conjunction with the general option Record Each User's Logon Daily. When this option is active, NSCXRUSE can be used to display the IDs of users who have not logged on to Natural since a specified date.

NSCXRUSE is invoked as follows:


An example program PGMXRUSE of how to invoke subprogram NSCXRUSE, as well as an explanatory text TXTXRUSE, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMXRUSE and TXTXRUSE.

See also the subprogram NSC---SP.

Subprogram NSCXRUTC

The subprogram NSCXRUTC is used in to obtain a list of all utility functions which are allowed for a user.

NSCXRUTC is invoked as follows:


An example program PGMXRUTC of how to invoke subprogram NSCXRUTC, as well as an explanatory text TXTXRUTC, are provided in source form in the library SYSSEC.

The individual CALLNAT parameters are explained in the source codes of PGMXRUTC and TXTXRUTC.

Subprogram SECNOTE

The subprogram SECNOTE is used to display the Security Notes part of a security profile. It can be applied to a user, group, library or special link security profile.

The object module of SECNOTE is stored in the library SYSTEM. The source code of SECNOTE is not available.

SECNOTE has to be invoked with the following parameters:

Parameter Explanation
With this parameter, you specify the type of object whose Security Notes are to be read. Valid values for PTYPE are:
U User. The current content of the Natural system variable *USER determines which user's Security Notes will be read.
L Library. The current content of the Natural system variable *APPLIC-ID determines which library's Security Notes will be read.
G Group. The current content of the Natural system variable *GROUP determines which user's/group's Security Notes will be read.
S Special Link. The current contents of the Natural system variables *GROUP and *APPLIC-ID determine which special link's Security Notes will be read.
PNOTES (A60/8) On return from SECNOTE, this parameter contains the Security Notes.
PRC (N4)
This parameter contains the return code from SECNOTE. Possible return codes are:
0 Security Notes have been read.
860 PTYPE contains an invalid code.
806 Library does not exist (is not defined to Natural Security).
861 User has no special link to library.
873 User does not exist (is not defined to Natural Security).

The above-mentioned system variables are described in the Natural System Variables documentation.