Text |
Primary key only allowed for 'KSDS' files. |
Explanation |
The descriptor type 'PR' is only allowed for VSAM 'KSDS' files. |
Action |
Change descriptor type. |
Text |
No key allowed for RRDS file. |
Explanation |
Descriptor type must be blank for RRDS files. |
Action |
Enter blank for descriptor. |
Text |
Descriptor or PE count only allowed for Adabas files. |
Explanation |
The definition of a descriptor or a PE count is only allowed for Adabas files. |
Action |
Check file type or definiton of descriptor or PE count. |
Text |
GR-STRUCT only allowed for PE-GROUPS in Adabas files. |
Explanation |
The option GR-STRUCT defines the FORMAT BUFFER layout of the PE-GROUP. GR-STRUCT = ' ' indicates that a PE-GROUP is to generated as a group which occurs N times as a whole. GR-STRUCT = 'N' indicates that the group is to be generated as a group in which each member occurs N times. Option only valid if the file type is 'A' (Adabas) or 'U' (Userview). |
Action |
Correct error. |
Text |
Field not found. hit enter to continue. |
Explanation |
The specified field not found in Predict. |
Action |
Enter another field, or hit enter to continue. ATTENTION: if you don't change it an error occured if you want |
Text |
Field name must be specified. |
Explanation |
The specified function requires the specification of a field name. |
Action |
Enter a field name. |
Text |
Alternate index name (DD name) missing. |
Explanation |
The name of the alternate index is not specified. |
Action |
Enter alternate index name. |
Text |
Transaction backout. |
Explanation |
During the adding of a new file another user stores a file with the same file number. Therefore a transaction backout occurred. |
Action |
Enter a new file number. |
Text |
Security access level must be less security update level. |
Explanation |
The specified security access level of an Adabas file must be less than entered security update level. |
Action |
Check the entered security level. |
Text |
Primary sequence field not defined. |
Explanation |
The primary key of a VSAM file is not defined. |
Action |
Enter a primary key for the VSAM file. |
Text |
Primary sequence field not inverted. |
Explanation |
The defined primary key is not inverted. May be that you have specified the wrong field as primary key. |
Action |
Check field. |
Text |
PREFIX only allowed for FILE TYPE 'L'. |
Explanation |
VSAM PREFIX only allowed for files of type 'L' (LOGICAL VSAM FILES). The VSAM PREFIX plus the PRIMARY KEY must be equal in length and offset to the PRIMARY KEY of the physical VSAM file (FILE TYPE 'V'). |
Action |
Correct error. |
Text |
VSAM DD name must be specified. |
Explanation |
The used function requires the specification of the VSAM DD name. |
Action |
Enter VSAM DD name. |
Text |
File has logical files. |
Explanation |
Only KSDS files may have related logical VSAM files. You have tried to modify the file organisation attribute of a VSAM file from KSDS to ESDS or RRDS. This attribute change is only allowed, if the KSDS file has no logical files. |
Action |
Do not change the file organisation attribute of a KSDS file if this file has some related logical files. |
Text |
Minimum must be less maximum. |
Explanation |
The entered minimum record size is greater than the maximum record size. |
Action |
Check entered record size. |
Text |
Only KSDS files can be compressed. |
Explanation |
The specification of COMPRESSION = 'Y' is only allowed for KSDS files. |
Action |
Enter COMPRESSION = 'N'. |
Text |
Invalid VSAM organization. |
Explanation |
Only KSDS, RRDS or ESDS organizations of VSAM files are allowed. |
Action |
Enter a valid VSAM organization. |
Text |
Invalid file compression. |
Explanation |
Only 'Y' or 'N' could be specified for the file compression. |
Action |
Enter 'Y' or 'N'. |
Text |
Invalid zone specification. |
Explanation |
Only the numeric zone specification 'F' or 'C' of a VSAM file is allowed. |
Action |
Enter 'F' or 'C'. |
Text |
Blocksize must be greater than record size. |
Explanation |
It is not allowed to specify a recsize greater blksize for a file. |
Action |
Check recsize and correct error. |
Text |
Related number must be specified. |
Explanation |
If you want to add a new logical VSAM file the specification of the related file number is required. |
Action |
Enter the related file number. |
Text |
Related number not found. |
Explanation |
The specified related file number of a logical VSAM file could not be found. |
Action |
Enter the valid related file number. |
Text |
Related file not a 'KSDS' file. |
Explanation |
The specified related file of a logical VSAM file must be a 'KSDS' file. |
Action |
Enter the file number of the related KSDS file. |
Text |
Related file number only if file-type = 'L'. |
Explanation |
The specification of a related file number is only allowed if the file is of type 'L' (LOGICAL VSAM FILE). |
Action |
Enter blank for related file number. |
Text |
Entry point already used. |
Explanation |
Another module with the same entry point already exists. |
Action |
Modify the entry point name. |
Text |
Entry points not unique. |
Explanation |
An entry point with that name already exists. |
Text |
Invalid Natural pgm,lib name. |
Explanation |
The specified program or library name contains an invalid character. |
Action |
Enter a valid program or library name. |
Text |
Natural lib only allowed if pgm specified. |
Explanation |
The Natural implementation pointer consisting of - program-id - library - file number - database number could be incompletely specified. But if the library is defined the program-id must exist. |
Action |
Check Natural implementation pointer. |
Text |
Natural fnr only allowed if library specified. |
Explanation |
The Natural implementation pointer consisting of - program-id - library - file number - database number could be specified incompletely, but if the file number is defined the library name must exist. |
Action |
Check Natural implementation pointer. |
Text |
Natural dbid only allowed if fnr specified. |
Explanation |
The Natural implementation pointer consisting of - program - id - library - file number - database number could be incompletely specified. But if dbid is defined the file number must exist. |
Action |
Check Natural implementation pointer. |
Text |
COBOL preprocessor terminates abnormally. |
Explanation |
PROCEDURE DIVISION not found in the COBOL source program. |
Action |
Check COBOL source program and correct error. |
Text |
Punch only allowed if member name specified. |
Explanation |
If direct punch is required the name of the member must be specified. |
Action |
Enter the name of the member. |
Text |
SUPER Natural files compared. |
Explanation |
The SUPER Natural file has been compared with the stored file definition in Predict. |
Text |
SUPER Natural not installed. |
Explanation |
If you use a function for which SUPER Natural must be installed this message will be sent. |
Action |
Install SUPER Natural. |
Text |
Enter 'X' or leave blank. |
Explanation |
Each system default marked with 'X' can be modified by the user. A space in this field indicates that the default may not be modified. |
Text |
To file does not exist. |
Explanation |
If you want to copy the file definition from one file to another file, the 'TO FILE' must exist. |
Action |
Add a new file. |
Text |
TO FILE ID must be specified. |
Explanation |
The 'TO FILE' must be specified for the copy function. |
Action |
Enter a valid 'TO FILE'. |
Text |
To file must be a standard file. |
Explanation |
The copy of a standard file is only allowed if the 'TO FILE' is also a standard file. |
Action |
Enter a valid 'TO FILE'. |
Text |
Push backward not allowed for user views. |
Explanation |
The push backward function is only allowed for Adabas files. |
Action |
Modify Adabas file and than use 'PUSH BACKWARD'. |
Text |
You are not owner of the DDM. |
Explanation |
If Natural Security is installed and you are not declared as owner of the DDM, this message will be sent. |
Action |
Change the Security definition if necessary. |
Text |
Enter valid function code or valid command. |
Explanation |
Enter in the XREF menu one of the indicated function codes or one of the valid commands as described in the help map of the XREF command. |
Text |
XREF request disallowed by security definition. |
Explanation |
In a Natural security environment the XREF switch can only be set to a value more detailed as defined in the appropriate security profile. The following table shows the valid combinations: definition | request by the XREF command in the sec. | profile | off on force ------------+------------------------------- off | + + + on | - + + force | ̲ ̲ + |
Action |
Check data and correct error or contact the DBA to modify the appropriate security profile. |
Text |
XREF switch set to FORCE. |
Explanation |
For all following catalog processes Natural will check if the program is documented in Predict and CROSS REFERENCE data will be generated. |
Text |
XREF switch set on. |
Explanation |
For all following catalog processes Natural will generate CROSS REFERENCE data. |
Text |
XREF switch set off. |
Explanation |
For all following catalog processes Natural will not generate any CROSS REFERENCE data. ATTENTION. Existing CROSS REFERENCE DATA of new cataloged programs will be deleted. |
Text |
Installed Predict version does not support the function. |
Explanation |
The CROSS REFERENCE function will be only supported by a Predict version 2 or higher. |
Action |
Please contact the DBA to install an appropriate Predict version. |
Text |
Function not possible with DBID = 0. |
Explanation |
To generate the Natural cross references the DBID of the Natural system file, where the module is to be stored, must not be zero. |
Action |
Contact the DBA to generate a valid Natural parameter module or invoke Natural and overwrite the value of the data base identification dynamically. |
Text |
Program is not documented in Predict. |
Explanation |
In case the XREF switch is set to FORCE the Natural program to be cataloged must be documented in Predict. |
Action |
Document the program in Predict. |
Text |
A non-zero response code was received from the database. |
Explanation |
The Natural error messages NAT3001 - NAT3999 deal with database response codes; that is, an error message 'NAT3nnn' indicates that the database has replied to a command with a response code 'nnn'. The error may be caused by one of the following: - An invalid request was made to the database. - A malfunction occurred in the database. |
Action |
Retain the number of the response code and contact your database administrator. |