Uninstalling Natural

You uninstall Natural using the Software AG Uninstaller. For detailed information on how to use the uninstaller, see the Using the Software AG Installer guide.

In short: to uninstall Natural, proceed as follows:

  1. Open a command window and go to the bin directory of your main installation directory.

  2. Execute the script beforeUninstallAsRoot.sh as the root user.

  3. Run the command uninstall. This starts the Software AG Uninstaller.

Natural Security cannot be uninstalled without removing the whole Natural environment in which Natural Security has been installed.

The following files are not removed:

  • If it has been created, the runpath directory /opt/softwareag/Natural/v<version>/lib.

  • All files created by the user, for example, Natural modules in FUSER or parameter files.

  • Scripts in the Natural/INSTALL directory which may be needed to stop services or daemons.

  • Machine-name directories for ApplinX and the Natural Web I/O Interface which contain files to access these services.