Invoking and Operating SYSBPM

This document describes how to invoke the SYSBPM utility and the usage of the SYSBPM Main Menu including the relevant fields, functions and commands. In addition, information is provided on obtaining online help and using SYSBPM in a z/OS Parallel Sysplex environment.

This section covers the following topics:

Invoking and Terminating SYSBPM

Start of instruction set To invoke the SYSBPM utility

  • Enter the following Natural system command:


    The SYSBPM Main Menu which looks similar to the example below appears:

     09:12:35             ***** NATURAL SYSBPM UTILITY *****             2023-05-23
     BPNAME NATGBP82                 - Main Menu -                   Type Global Nat
     BPPROP OFF                                                       Loc DAEF QA41
                                                                   Preload QA41GBPL
                Object Functions                Object Pool Statistics
                L  List Objects                 A  Buffer Pool
                D  Delete Objects               C  BP Cache
                I  Directory Information        M  Message Buffer Pool
                H  Hexadecimal Display
                W  Write to Work File           Other Functions
                X  Display Sorted Extract
                ?  Help                         S  Select Buffer Pool
                .  Exit                         B  Blacklist Maintenance
                                                P  Preload List Maintenance
        Code .. _   Library ... *_______
                    Object .... *_______________________________________
                    DBID ...... 0____  FNR .. 0____  Object Pool ... * (B,C,*) (M)
    Command ===>
          Help        Exit  Last        Flip                                Canc  

Start of instruction setTo display selection fields for message objects

  • Enter function code L in the Code.. input field and M in the selection field Object Pool to display a pop-up menu similar to to the example below:

     09:16:05             ***** NATURAL SYSBPM UTILITY *****             2023-05-23
     BPNAME NATGBP82                 - Main Menu -                   Type Global Nat
     BPPROP OFF                                                       Loc DAEF QA41
                                                                   Preload QA41GBPL
              +--------------Specify Message Pool Parameter--------------+
              ! Message number .. 1___ - 9999   Library .. *_______      !
              ! Language code ... 0_            DBID ..... 0____         !
              ! Codepage ........ *_______      FNR ...... 0___          !
              !                                                          !
                 W  Write to Work File           Other Functions
                 X  Display Sorted Extract
                 ?  Help                         S  Select Buffer Pool
                 .  Exit                         B  Blacklist Maintenance
                                                 P  Preload List Maintenance
         Code .. l   Library ... *_______
                     Object .... *_______________________________________
                     DBID ...... 0____  FNR .. 0____  Object Pool ... m (B,C,*) (M)
    Command ===>
          Help        Exit  Last        Flip                                Canc

Start of instruction set To cancel the pop-up menu

  • Press PF3 or PF12.

Start of instruction set To terminate the SYSBPM utility

  • Press PF3 or PF12.

    In the command line, enter a period (.) or enter EXIT.

After you have invoked the SYSBPM Main Menu you can choose a function code or a PF key from a SYSBPM menu to execute a SYSBPM function. Alternatively, you can use a SYSBPM direct command as described in the relevant section.

The functions provided in the SYSBPM Main Menu are organized in three sections:

  • The Object Functions section contains functions for displaying or manipulating Natural objects in the buffer pool or BP cache, and Natural system or user messages in the message pool.

  • The Object Pool Statistics section contains functions for obtaining object-independent statistical data on the buffer pool or BP cache including hash tables, and the message pool. Object-independent data does not include any individual information on the object such as object name, size or addresses.

  • The Other Functions section contains functions for selecting a buffer pool in the active subsystem (subsid) and for specifying objects to be loaded or not to be loaded into the buffer pool or message pool.

For a description of the available functions, see Functions.

In addition to choosing a function you can also select the Natural objects or messages the function will be applied to by choosing either of the following options:

Online Help

The online help function of SYSBPM provides information on SYSBPM direct commands (see the relevant section) or valid input values for fields that appear on SYSBPM screens.

Start of instruction set To invoke the online help function for SYSBPM direct commands

  • On any SYSBPM screen, position the cursor in the Command line and press PF1 or enter a question mark (?).

    The Help window appears with a list of all SYSBPM direct commands available.

Start of instruction set To invoke the online help function for a SYSBPM input field

  • On any SYSBPM screen, position the cursor in any input field and press PF1 or enter a question mark (?).

    The Help window appears for the relevant field with a list of all valid input values.

SYSBPM Main Menu - Fields, Functions and Commands

This section covers the following topics:


The following table describes the fields of the SYSBPM Main Menu. We also indicate, if a field is specific to only one type of object pool (buffer pool and BP cache vs . message pool).

Fields Explanation
BPNAME The name of the global buffer pool as specified with the profile parameter BPNAME. For a local buffer pool, no name but a blank field is displayed for BPNAME.

See also BPNAME - Name of Natural Global Buffer Pool in the Parameter Reference documentation.

BPPROP The setting of the profile parameter BPPROP to control the propagation of changes to an object in a buffer pool.

See also BPPROP - Global Buffer Pool Propagation in the Parameter Reference documentation.

Type The type of buffer pool, such as Global Nat, Local Nat, Global Sort or Global DL/I.
Loc The location. Displays the host ID (in the example screen above: DAEF) and the subsystem ID (in the example screen above: QA41).
Preload The name of a preload list if loaded.

See also Preload List Maintenance.


The name of the library where the executed object (either from the buffer pool or message pool) is stored.
You can specify a name or use asterisk (*) notation.

The default asterisk (*) selects all libraries.

This field applies also for message pools.


The name of the executed object loaded in the buffer pool.
You can specify a name or use asterisk (*) notation.

The default asterisk (*) selects all objects.

DBID The database ID (DBID) of the system file FNAT or FUSER where the executed object from the buffer pool or message pool is stored and from where it is loaded.

If you specify 0 (zero; this is the default) as DBID, the specified object(s) will be selected regardless of their DBID. Any value other than 0 represents a particular DBID specification.

This field applies also for message pools.

FNR The file number (FNR) of the system file FNAT or FUSER where the executed object from the buffer pool or message pool is stored and from where it is loaded.

If you specify 0 (zero; this is the default) as FNR, the specified object(s) will be selected regardless of their FNR. Any value other than 0 represents a particular FNR specification.

This field applies also for message pools.

Object Pool
Selects the type of object pool(s) to be used.
B Buffer pool
C BP cache.
* Both buffer pool and BP cache. This is the default.
M Message pool


  1. If you have selected the message pool (M), you can only execute the functions List Objects, Delete Objects, Select Buffer Pool and Preload List Maintenance, see Functions.
  2. The type of object pool specified determines the portion of the list of objects that is displayed at first. For example, if you enter selection criterion C, the portion contains the objects loaded in the BP cache. By scrolling up, the objects loaded in the buffer pool are displayed. If no object is found in the BP cache, only objects of the buffer pool are displayed.
  3. If the function List Objects is applied to the buffer pool and the BP cache (by selecting *), all objects are displayed that are loaded either in the buffer pool or in the BP cache. Objects loaded in the buffer pool are displayed on top.

Fields Specific to Messages

The following fields are only available for selecting messages:

Fields Explanation
Message Number The number of the message.
Language Code The language code under which the message has been saved.
Codepage The code page under which the message has been saved.


The individual functions are listed below. You invoke a function by entering the one-letter code that corresponds to the function required in the Code.. field, for example, L for List Objects. Note that for the message pool you can only enter the functions List Objects, Delete Objects, Select Buffer Pool and Preload List Maintenance.

Code Function Explanation
L List Objects Displays information on the objects either loaded in the buffer pool and/or the BP cache (if used), or message pool (if activated). Each list item can be accessed individually and various line commands can be performed for each object.
D Delete Objects Deletes one or more objects from the buffer pool, BP cache or message pool.
I Directory Information Displays the full directory information of a specified object loaded in the buffer pool or the BP cache.
H Hexadecimal Display Displays in hexadecimal format a specified object loaded in the buffer pool.
W Write to Work File Writes to a local file or a PC text file the object directory information located in the buffer pool and/or BP cache.
X Display Sorted Extract Displays a sorted list of 50 object directories located in the buffer pool or BP cache. The list items can be arranged by using any of the sort criteria provided.
A Buffer Pool Invokes the Buffer Pool Statistics menu. From this menu, you can invoke object-independent statistics functions for the buffer pool including hash table statistics.
C BP Cache BP cache required.

Invokes the BP Cache Statistics menu. From this menu, you can invoke object-independent statistics functions for the BP cache including hash table statistics.

M Message Buffer Pool Statistics Message pool required.

Invokes the object-independent Message Buffer Pool Statistics menu.

S Select Buffer Pool Displays a selection list of all available buffer pools.
S and specify Object Pool M Select Message Pool Displays a selection list of all available message pools.
B Blacklist Maintenance Invokes the Blacklist Maintenance menu which is used to maintain a blacklist of objects which are not to be executed.
P Preload List Maintenance Invokes the Preload List Maintenance menu for the buffer pool or the message pool (if activated). In a preload list, you can specify the names of objects, that are to be loaded into the buffer pool or the message pool.

PF Keys and Direct Commands

In the SYSBPM Main Menu, you can use the PF keys or SYSBPM direct commands listed in the table below. An underlined portion of a command represents its minimum abbreviation. For further commands, see SYSBPM Direct Commands.

PF Key Command Function
PF1   Provides SYSBPM help information: see also Online Help.
PF3 EXIT Leaves the current function/screen and displays the previous screen.
PF4 LAST Displays the SYSBPM direct command entered most recently.
PF6 FLIP Switches the PF-key line: toggles between the display of PF1 to PF12 and PF13 to PF24.
PF15 MENU Returns to the SYSBPM Main Menu.

SYSBPM in a z/OS Parallel Sysplex Environment

Whenever Natural switches to another operating system image (host), Natural also switches buffer pools. A switch of buffer pools is indicated by a different host ID, which is displayed in the Loc field of a SYSBPM screen.

Switching can take place after each terminal I/O, that is, after choosing any function key or by choosing ENTER. After switching buffer pools, browsing and positioning commands will not be executed (TOP, BOTTOM, +, -, LEFT, RIGHT). Instead, the list starts from the top of the new buffer pool.

If the BPPROP profile parameter (see BPPROP - Global Buffer Pool Propagation in the Parameter Reference documentation) is set to PLEX or to GPLEX, SYSBPM commands that manipulate blacklists, delete objects or initialize the buffer pool are first executed as usual, and then propagated to other buffer pools available on the same subsystem. If a BP switch caused a function to be aborted or propagated, an appropriate message appears. An appropriate message also appears if Natural has successfully switched to another host and changed buffer pools.