PROGRAM - Non-Natural Program Receiving Control after Termination

This Natural profile parameter specifies a non-Natural back-end program which is to receive control after the termination of the Natural session.

Possible settings 1 - 8 characters Non-Natural back-end program.
numeric value Setting a numeric value, for example PROGRAM=0, indicates "no back-end processing".

This is particularly relevant when Natural is invoked by a front-end program, because a default may be taken if PROGRAM is blank or not specified; see Front-End Invoked via XCTL in the TP Monitor Interfaces documentation.

MSG This additional option determines that the Natural session termination message is issued before Natural passes control to the back-end program. The following syntax applies:

MSG is not evaluated under IMS TM and Com-plete.

NOMSG This additional option determines that the Natural session termination message is not issued before Natural passes control to the back-end program. The following syntax applies:
Default setting PROGRAM=(,NOMSG)  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session yes The Natural back-end program can also be specified from within a Natural program by calling the Natural subprogram CMPGMSET, which is provided in the library SYSEXTP.

The additional options MSG and NOMSG cannot be specified from within a Natural program.

Application programming interface USR4001N (for mainframes) See SYSEXT - Natural Application Programming Interfaces in the Utilities documentation.
USR6204N (for all platforms)


  1. Data for the program specified with the PROGRAM parameter can be supplied with the TERMINATE statement.
  2. For the conventions of calling non-Natural back-end programs, see Back-End Program Calling Conventions in the Operations documentation.

CICS-Specific Information:

In addition to back-end programs, the Natural CICS interface also supports back-end transactions which may be specified via RET=XXXX or RTI=XXXX or STR=XXXX instead of a program name, with XXXX being a valid CICS transaction ID.

  • RET=XXXX indicates that control has to be passed to CICS together with a return transaction ID by a CICS RETURN TRANSID ('XXXX') command.

  • RTI=XXXX indicates that control has to be passed to CICS with a return transaction ID by a CICS RETURN TRANSID ('XXXX') IMMEDIATE command.

  • STR=XXXX indicates that a new transaction has to be started by a CICS START TRANSID ('XXXX') TERMID (*INIT-ID), before relinquishing control via a CICS RETURN command.


  1. Back-end transactions are not supported if you start a Natural session with an EXEC CICS LINK command or a distributed program link (DPL). They are ignored if specified.
  2. Return transactions (RET= or RTI=) are only supported for terminal-oriented sessions. They are ignored if specified for asynchronous sessions.
  3. The complete specification of a back-end transaction must be enclosed in single quotation marks.
