Natural Swap Pool

This part provides information on the Natural swap pool which is available when you are using either of the following TP monitors:

  • CICS
    (where the Natural swap pool is optional in z/VSE environments and not supported in open transaction environments (OTE) on z/OS)

  • openUTM
    (where the Natural swap pool is necessary)

The behavior and the functionality of the Natural swap pool is to a large extent identical in these environments. However, differences or TP-monitor-specific features exist. These are marked accordingly in the following texts.

The following topics are covered:

Purpose of a Natural Swap Pool
Natural Swap Pool Operation
Swap Pool Initialization
Dynamic Swap-Pool Reorganization
Defining the Natural Swap Pool
Natural User Area Size Considerations
Swap Pool Data Space
Global Restartable Swap Pool under openUTM
Terminating the Global Swap Pool

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