Installation Process and Major Natural Features on z/OS

This document provides general information on the prerequisites and processes required to install base Natural and Natural add-on products. In addition, it describes installation tools and major Natural components required for installation.

Notation vrs or vr:

When used in this document, the notation vrs or vr represents the relevant product version (see also Version in the Glossary).

General Prerequisites and System Support

Before beginning the installation process, consider the following:

  • Be sure to read the current Natural Release Notes for Mainframes for information on software and hardware requirements, known issues and changes to the documentation. These Release Notes apply to base Natural and Natural add-on products.

  • A supported version of the operating system on which Natural is to run must be installed. For the supported operating systems and versions, refer the Product Version Availability section of Software AG's Empower web site at

  • A supported version of the TP monitor/online interface used with Natural must be installed. For the supported versions, refer to TP Monitors/Online Interfaces in the current Natural Release Notes for Mainframes.

  • A supported version of Adabas must be installed to store the Natural system files. See also Natural System Files.

    For the supported versions, refer to Database Management Systems in the current Natural Release Notes for Mainframes.

  • A supported version of each database management or file system used to store the user data processed with Natural must be installed.

    For the supported versions, refer to Database Management Systems in the current Natural Release Notes for Mainframes.

For information regarding Software AG product compatibility with IBM platforms and any IBM requirements for Software AG products, review the Software AG IBM Product Availability web page.

Installation Medium

The installation medium (for example, tape or CD-ROM) distributed for Software AG mainframe products contains all data sets required to install base Natural and the Natural add-on products.

The software required for the optional Natural components are contained in the data sets supplied for base Natural. The software required for the Natural add-on products are contained in separate product data sets which are listed in the product-specific sections of the Installation for z/OS documentation. In addition to the product data sets, the installation medium can contain the latest fix updates for the supplied products.

The names of the product data sets begin with a product code that identifies each product, as in the following table:

Product Code Product Name
ETP Entire Transaction Propagator
NAF Natural Advanced Facilities
NAT Natural
NAZBT Natural Batch for zIIP
NAZCI Natural for CICS for zIIP
NAZCO Natural for Com-plete for zIIP

Natural Com-plete/SMARTS Interface
(corresponds to Natural Com-plete Interface)

NCI Natural CICS Interface
NCJ Natural Japanese Language Pack
NDB Natural for DB2
NDL Natural for DL/I
NII Natural IMS TM Interface
NOC Natural Optimizer Compiler
NSC Natural Security
NSF Natural SAF Security
NTC Natural Connection
NTI Natural TSO Interface
NVS Natural for VSAM
RNM Natural Review

Software AG Product Delivery Report

Each installation medium is delivered with a Software AG Product Delivery Report providing the following information:

  • A list of all data sets contained on the medium.

  • The sequence in which the data sets are located on the medium.

  • Attribute descriptions of each data set.

Installation Method

The installation of Software AG products on z/OS is performed by installation jobs that contain the JCL required to identify the job to the operating system and run the job.

There are two methods for creating and running the installation jobs:

  • using the jobs generated by System Maintenance Aid (SMA), or

  • using the jobs created from the sample installation jobs provided.

The Installation for z/OS documentation solely describes the installation procedure for the jobs generated by SMA. If you do not use SMA for installation, refer to the example installation jobs supplied on the installation medium.

SMA is supplied with base Natural.

System Maintenance Aid (SMA)

For each step of the installation procedure, System Maintenance Aid (SMA) generates an installation job according to your specifications in SMA. You then submit and run the generated job.

Before you can start generating the jobs, you have to load the SMT111.TABS data set from the installation medium into the SMA system file. SMT111.TABS contains the tables SMA requires to build the jobs.

SMA is supplied with base Natural. For instructions on loading the data set and using SMA, refer to the System Maintenance Aid documentation.

Readme File

For installation guidance and information on new or changed SMA parameters and Natural features, you can view the product-specific Readme files by using the appropriate SMA function.

Start of instruction setTo view a product-specific Readme

  • From the product list on an SMA Maintenance screen, execute the RM (Show Readme File) command for the required product(s).

Sample Installation Jobs

The sample installation jobs that can be used as an alternative to SMA are provided in a PDS library contained on the data set product-code-vrs.JOBS (for example, NAT828.JOBS) shipped on the installation medium. All sample installation jobs provided are listed and described in the README document that accompanies the shipment.

You need to adapt the sample installation jobs to your requirements.

Installation Job Identification

Each installation job indicates the product code and version (for example, NAT828) of the corresponding product (for example, Natural).

Each step of the installation procedure is identified by a job name (for example, I050) and one or more steps (for example, Steps 0100 and 0101 for Job I050) that indicate the tasks performed by the job. The job name can have a prefix such as a product code (for example, NATI050). The prefix can be specified with the SMA parameter JOB-PREFIX (the default prefix is SMA).

A sample installation job from the PDS library can also have a suffix letter which indicates a variant of the job. For example: Job I060L is a variant of Job I060 and used if support of the IBM Language Environment (LE) is required. In SMA, the same variant is executed with Job I060 and the appropriate SMA parameter setting.

Overall Installation Procedure

The installation process comprises the following:

  1. Creating the Natural system files.

  2. Creating the Natural parameter module.

  3. Creating the Natural nucleus.

  4. Loading the Natural objects.

  5. Installing the optional Natural components.

  6. Installing the Natural add-on products.

Installation Verification

Verify the successful completion of the installation by starting Natural and testing the system functions as described in the relevant sections of the Installation for z/OS documentation.

If Natural Security is installed, certain Natural functions and libraries can be restricted to specific users.

INPL Utility

The installation instructions frequently refer to the Natural INPL utility which is used to load the data sets (for example, NATvrs.INPL) contained on the Natural installation medium into the Natural system files. The INPL utility is invoked with the Natural system command INPL. For detailed information on the INPL utility, refer to the Utilities documentation.

Natural Nucleus Components

The Natural nucleus consists of two functional parts: the environment-independent nucleus and the environment-dependent nucleus.

If you maintain different versions of Natural, you must use distinctive names for the nuclei to identify each version.

This section covers the following topics:

Environment-Independent Nucleus

The environment-independent nucleus contains components that are independent of the operating system or TP system (online interface) being used. The same instance of the environment-independent nucleus can be used in different online and batch environments in different address spaces. The environment-independent nucleus is reentrant.

The environment-independent nucleus can reside in the extended link pack area (ELPA) where it can be shared between different address spaces.

A module (such as the environment-independent nucleus) loaded into the ELPA is protected against modification. Therefore, tests for modifications of the environment-independent nucleus should be performed in a separate environment. You can use the operator command SETPROG to load a modified environment-independent nucleus into the ELPA.

If the environment-independent nucleus resides in the ELPA, multiple batch jobs or TP regions (for example, CICS) share the same instance of the environment-independent nucleus. This results in a significant reduction of paging activities and virtual storage consumption.

Modules for Linking

The following modules must be linked to the environment-independent nucleus:

  • Modules for base Natural

  • Environment-independent modules of Natural add-on products

  • Environment-independent user-supplied modules

When using System Maintenance Aid (SMA), the required modules are linked to the environment-independent nucleus during the appropriate installation job/step. Modules that can optionally be linked are mentioned in the Installation Procedure.

The installation of the environment-independent nucleus is described in Link the Nucleus in the Installation Procedure.

Specifying the Nucleus Name

The name of the environment-independent nucleus to be used is specified with the Natural profile parameter NUCNAME in the Natural parameter module during the installation of the environment-dependent nucleus. You can specify NUCNAME as a dynamic parameter in the primary parameter input, but you cannot specify NUCNAME in the input strings of the Natural profile parameter PROFILE or SYS.

The Natural parameter module is described in Building a Natural Parameter Module in the Operations documentation. NUCNAME, PROFILE and SYS are described in the Parameter Reference documentation.

If you maintain different versions of Natural, we recommend that you use distinctive names for the nucleus to clearly identify each version and environment, for example: NAT828 for the environment-independent nucleus, NAT828C for the environment-dependent nucleus for a CICS interface, and NAT828B for the batch environment.

Environment-Dependent Nucleus

The environment-dependent nucleus contains components that depend on the operating or TP system being used.

In addition to the environment-independent nucleus, every single address space in which Natural runs requires an environment-dependent nucleus containing modules that perform actions specific to the operating or TP system. The environment-dependent nucleus assumes control from the operating or TP system at the start of a Natural session, loads the environment-independent nucleus and passes control to it.

Modules for Linking

The following modules must be linked to the environment-dependent nucleus:

  • Environment-specific Natural interface modules

  • Environment-specific work file and print file modules

  • Environment-specific Natural parameter module (see also Building a Natural Parameter Module in the Operations documentation)

  • Environment-dependent modules of Natural add-on products

  • Adabas link routine (ADALNK or ADAUSER)

  • Environment-dependent user-supplied modules defined as CSTATIC in the Natural parameter module. The Natural profile parameter CSTATIC is described in the Parameter Reference documentation.

When using System Maintenance Aid (SMA), the required modules are linked to the environment-dependent nucleus during the appropriate installation job/step. Modules that can optionally be linked are mentioned in the Installation Procedure.

The installation of the environment-dependent nucleus is described in Link the Nucleus in the Installation Procedure.

Modules for Static Linking

Both the Natural configuration module NATCONFG (described in the Operations documentation) and the Natural parameter module contain the Natural-supplied list of additional modules to be statically linked to the nucleus.

The Natural parameter module also contains the user-supplied list of additional modules to be statically linked to the nucleus as specified with the Natural profile parameter CSTATIC.

Each entry of these lists consists of a program name and a V-type address constant which must be resolved by linking the corresponding module to the Natural parameter module.

The Natural-supplied list provided with NATCONFG is used if the Natural parameter module is not linked to the environment-independent nucleus. If modules are statically linked to the environment-independent nucleus, a Natural parameter module that defines all these modules must also be linked to the environment-independent nucleus.

Optionally, you can specify an alternative Natural parameter module by using the Natural profile parameter PARM (described in the Parameter Reference documentation). An alternative parameter module takes precedence over a parameter module that is linked to either the environment-independent or the environment-dependent nucleus.

Merging Module Lists

During initialization of a Natural session, up to three lists of statically-linked modules (specified with the Natural profile parameter CSTATIC) are merged:

  • Base list for the merge is the list of the Natural parameter module specified with the Natural profile parameter PARM;

  • V-type address constants not resolved in this list are resolved using the Natural parameter module linked to the environment-dependent nucleus;

  • V-type address constants not yet resolved are resolved using the Natural parameter module linked to the environment-independent nucleus.

If a user-supplied module is to be statically linked to the environment-independent nucleus, it must be specified in the Natural parameter module linked to the environment-independent nucleus as well as in the Natural parameter module specified with the Natural profile parameter PARM.

Modules for Dynamic Loading

When initializing a Natural session, you can also dynamically load the modules (supplied by Software AG or user-defined) that have been defined for static linking. For information on whether the module of a Natural add-on product is suitable for dynamic loading, read the documentation for your specific Natural add-on product.

For information on defining external names for static non-Natural programs and dynamic linking and controlling these programs, see the Natural profile parameters RCA and RCALIAS described in the Parameter Reference documentation.

Modules Called Dynamically

If a module is not defined for static linking, Natural attempts to load and execute the module using environment-dependent functions (for example, EXEC CICS LINK under CICS) when the corresponding Natural CALL statement is executed.

Natural System Files

The Natural system files are stored in an Adabas database.

The table below lists and describes the Natural system files that are usually available in a Natural environment. The availability of the system files and the data contained in the files depends on the Software AG products installed in addition to base Natural.

The settings for the system files are defined with Natural profile parameters of the same names (exception: scratch-pad file). You can follow the hyperlinks in the table below to read details about these parameters in the Parameter Reference documentation.

System File Supplied with File Contents
FNAT Base Natural All objects required for Natural system applications.
FUSER Base Natural User-specific objects required for user-defined applications.
FPROF Base Natural Parameter profiles specified by the profile parameter PROFILE, provided no database information is supplied as subparameter of PROFILE.
Scratch-pad file Base Natural Data that is not stored explicitly as a Natural object in another system file. See also Natural Scratch-Pad File in the Operations documentation.
FDIC Base Natural Natural Data Definition Modules (DDMs).

If Predict is installed, FDIC also contains data for the Predict dictionary system.

If the Natural Development Server is installed, FDIC also contains application data and holds object locking information.

FREG Base Natural Registry data that is not stored explicitly in another system file.
FSEC Natural Security Control information required for security definitions.
FSPOOL Natural Advanced Facilities Control and spooling information required to output a report on a screen or printer and obtain print statistics.

It is also possible to store Natural system files in a VSAM file system if Natural for VSAM is installed. The Installation for z/OS documentation describes the installation steps that apply when using an Adabas database for storage.

Defining a Scratch-Pad File

Like all other system files of Software AG products, the scratch-pad file is a logical file. The logical file number of the scratch-pad file is 212.

Since there is no mnemonic for the scratch-pad file such as FNAT and FUSER or FDIC, it has to be defined:

  • either statically by using the macro NTLFILE in the Natural parameter module or

  • dynamically by using the Natural profile parameter LFILE.

Examples of NTLFILE and LFILE Definitions:

LFILE Parameter:



NTLFILE 212,physical-dbid,physical-fnr,password,cipher-key