Installation for REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML Statements on z/VSE

This document describes the installation steps for enabling the use of the Natural statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML on z/VSE.

Related Topics:

For information on the functions provided by REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML, see the following documents:


The following requirements must be met to execute the REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML statements:

  • The ICU library must be installed to convert data from one encoding to another (at least internally). For details, see the relevant section in the Unicode and Code Page Support documentation.

  • A TCP/IP stack must be available and enabled for the execution environment.

  • A DNS (Domain Name System) server or DNS services must be available in the execution environment to resolve internet addresses (gethostbyname function).

For Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) support, the following additional prerequisites apply:

  • An activated IPv6 stack must be available on the local host.

  • The local network must support IPv6.

  • An accessible and IPv6-capable DNS server must be available.

  • For IPv6 internet communication, an IPv6 connection from the service provider must be available.

  • If both IPv4 and IPv6 are used, a dual stack must be supported.

  • IPv6 support must be configured with the appropriate keyword subparameters of the Natural profile parameter XML described in the Parameter Reference documentation.

See also General Prerequisites and System Support in the section Overview of the Installation Process.

Installation Procedure

Be sure to read Installation Process and Major Natural Features before you start the installation procedure.

The installation procedure comprises the following:

Step 1: Link the Module NATXML or NATXMLA9 to the Nucleus

The module NATXML is required to execute the statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML. If you want the PARSE XML statement to support IBM architecture level 9, alternatively, you can use the module NATXMLA9. See also Support for Architecture Levels.

  1. Set the System Maintenance Aid (SMA) parameter NATXML to Y (default is N).

  2. The NATXML module is then linked to the environment-independent nucleus by using the following INCLUDE statement:



For support of IBM architecture level 9:

  1. Set the SMA parameters NATXML and NAT-ARCHLEVEL9 to Y (default is N).

  2. The alternative NATXMLA9 module is then linked to the environment-independent nucleus by using the following INCLUDE statement:


Step 2: Enable the Environment-Dependent Nucleus for LE Execution

The REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML statements require the IBM Language Environment (LE) for execution. If you want Natural to run in the IBM Language Environment (LE), perform the following steps:

  1. Set the System Maintenance Aid (SMA) parameter NAT-LE to Y (Yes). The default setting is N (No).

  2. Additionally, if you want to modify the LE options in the NATLEOPT source module or if you use non-Natural programs running in 24-bit mode, set the appropriate SMA parameter as described in Build the Natural-Specific IBM Language Environment Options in Installing Natural.

  3. Link the environment-dependent nucleus to support LE.

This applies to all batch and TP monitor system environments except Com-plete.

Step 3: Link the Required Modules to the Nucleus

Link the modules indicated in this section to the nucleus depending on the environment to be used.

Batch and CICS

  1. Add the LE library (usually PRD2.SCEEBASE) to the OBJ-SEARCH definition of the link job to resolve the references to LE functions.

  2. Link the following LE and TCP/IP access modules to the environment-dependent nucleus by using the appropriate INCLUDE statement:


    Do not specify the NOAUTO parameter in the ACTION statement for the link step.

  3. If you use the BSI TCP/IP, set the following in the linkage job:


    If you use a z/VSE version older than Version 5.2 or an BSI TCP/IP stack older than Version 2.5.5, set the following in the linkage job.


Com-plete and SMARTS

  1. Link the following LE access module to the environment-dependent nucleus by using the appropriate INCLUDE statement:

  2. Copy the NCFTCPvr phase to the Com-plete/SMARTS load library.

  3. For support of the IBM TCP/IP stack, define the CDI (Communication Driver Interface) as described in Standard CDI Definitions in the Com-plete documentation.

  4. Add the POSIX SERVER statement to the Com-plete parameter module SYSPARM.

Support for Architecture Levels

If your Natural system runs on z/OS or z/VSE with an IBM processor with architecture level 9 or higher, you can replace the module NATXML by NATXMLA9. NATXMLA9 is built to use advanced machine instructions introduced with IBM’s ESA/390 and z/Architecture. You can use the system command TECH(see the System Commands documentation) to find out the architecture level supported on your current machine.

NATXMLA9 improves execution performance, especially for the statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML that use Unicode variables or perform code-page encoding operations. For more information on architecture levels, refer to the related documentation from IBM (z/Architecture, Principles of Operation).

An operation exception error (abend code S0C1) can occur if the NATXMLA9 module is used, but the underlying machine architecture level is lower than 9.

Installation Verification

After the last step of the installation procedure has been completed, proceed as follows:

  1. Activate the statements in the runtime environment; see Activation/Deactivation in the section Statements for Internet and XML Access in the Programming Guide.

    For information on the profile settings that enable the support of the REQUEST DOCUMENT and/or PARSE XML statement, see the following documents:

    • Profile Settings in the section Statements for Internet and XML Access in the Programming Guide

    • Profile parameter XML in the Parameter Reference documentation

  2. Try the example programs contained in the Natural system library SYSEXV.