Reason Codes for the Shared Memory Objects File Server under NDB

This section contains the reason codes for Shared Memory Objects File Server (FSSM) requests.

Unlike Natural system messages, the explanatory long texts to reason codes are only available in this document, not online.

These reason codes usually appear in the NAT7393 file server initialization error.

A reason code can be accompanied by an FSSMxxxx error message. For more information, see Messages from the Shared Memory Objects File Server under NDB.

For information on the FSSM, see File Server – Shared Memory ObjectFile Server – Shared Memory Object in the Database Management System Interfaces documentation.

The following reason codes can appear:

Decimal Hexadecimal Explanation Action
1000 3E8 Natural Authorized Services Manager is not found. Start an Authorized Services Manager that is linked to the NATFSSM module.
1001 3E9 Natural Authorized Services Manager with linked NATFSSM module is not found. Start an Authorized Services Manager that is linked to the NATFSSM module.
1003 3EB NDBSMIO was invoked with an invalid function code. Contact Software AG support.
1004 3EC Enqueue on SAGNDBFS operation failed. Contact Software AG support.
1005 3ED Dequeue of SAGNDBFS operation failed. Contact Software AG support.
2001 7D1 NATFSSM was invoked with and invalid function code. Contact Software AG support.
2002 7D2 NATFSSM detected an invalid parameter card. Correct the parameter card. Do not insert blanks between or within parameters.
2003 7D3 The name of the shared memory object has an invalid length. Correct the name to a length of 1 to 8 characters.
2004 7D4 A parameter value exceeds 32k-1. Correct the value of a parameter which exceeds its limit of 32 KB - 1 byte.

Parameter values are limited for the number of directory entries, primary allocations, secondary allocations, maximum allocations and block sizes.

2005 7D5 The specified block size of the shared memory object is not a multiple of 8. Correct the block size of the shared memory object to a multiple of 8.
2006 7D6 NATFSSM could not find a definition for the specified shared memory object. Define the shared memory object in the ASMPARM parameter file of the Authorized Services Manager.
2010 7DA The maximum allocation is larger than the number of available blocks. Increase the number of blocks or decrease the maximum allocation in the shared memory object definition in the ASMPARM parameter file of the Authorized Services Manager, so that the maximum allocation does not exceed the number of available file server blocks.