Select System Error Messages

You can select the Natural system error messages to be unloaded from a list.

You can produce this selection list from an object specification screen of the unload function when performed in advanced-user mode.

Start of instruction set To select Natural System error messages

  1. On the Unload Natural System Error Messages screen, if required, change the message numbers in the Error number from/to fields (default is the full range of numbers) and select Select system error messages.

    The List System Error Messages screen appears with a list of all system error messages contained in the system file specified.

    This screen is described in the following section.

The select function for user-defined error messages is described in the section Select Objects.

Columns and Commands

The columns and commands provided on the List System Error Messages screen are explained in the following table.

You can use the input fields below each column heading to start the list from a particular system error message or filter messages. Valid input values are mentioned in the table below.

Column PF Key Explanation

One of following line commands can be entered in the input field next to the system error message required:


L or LI

Lists the short and long texts of the message.

S or SE
UL or U

Selects the message for subsequent unloading.
Any of these commands only marks the message selected for subsequent processing. To execute the unload function, you need to choose PF2 (Unloa) described below.
DE Deletes the message.
DL Only deletes the long text of the message.
Number   The number of the system error message.

You can enter a number or a range of numbers. Valid ranges are:

value*       All messages with numbers that begin with value.
value> All messages with numbers greater than or equal to value.
Example: 10>
value< All messages with numbers less than or equal to value.
Example: 100<
The kind of system error message text:
S Short text.
L Long text.
A Short and/or long text.

The language code of the system error message.

You can enter up to 8 valid language codes (for example, 1 for English) for the error messages to be selected.

An asterisk (*) selects all language codes.

Error Message Text   The short text of the system error message.
  PF2 Starts unloading the system error messages selected for processing.

As an alternative, in the Command line, you can enter either of the following direct commands:


  PF11 Marks all system error messages listed for subsequent unloading with PF2.

As an alternative, in the Command line, you can enter either of the following direct commands:
