FNR - Default File Number of Natural System Files

This Natural profile parameter identifies the default number of the database file in which the Natural system files (FNAT, FUSER, FDIC, FSEC, FSPOOL, FPROF, FREG) are located.

Possible settings 1 - 65535 Default file number.
Default setting none  
Dynamic specification yes

If you specify the profile parameter FNR dynamically in conjunction with any of the individual profile parameters which define the system files (FNAT, FUSER, FDIC, FSEC, FSPOOL, FPROF, FREG), you must specify the FNR parameter before any individual system file parameter.

Specification within session yes  


  1. The default file number applies to all Natural system files for which no individual database file numbers are specified.
  2. File numbers for individual system files can be specified with the file-number subparameter of the profile parameters FNAT, FUSER, FDIC, FSEC, FSPOOL, FPROF and FREG.


Example 1:


This example assigns the user-program system file to File 8 on Database 10. All other system files are assigned to File 5 on Database 10.

Example 2:


This example assigns all system files to File 5 on Database 10.