CSTATIC - Statically Linked Modules

This Natural profile parameter can be used to define a list of module names which are to be linked statically together with the Natural parameter module. It corresponds to the NTCSTAT macro in the Natural parameter module.

Possible settings See CSTATIC Parameter Syntax.
Default setting none  
Dynamic specification no  
Specification within session no  


  1. Each module specified and linked to the Natural parameter module can be called from a Natural object using a CALL statement.
  2. As the length of a value of a profile parameter is limited to 256 characters, the number of module names specified with the CSTATIC parameter is limited. Alternatively, the macro NTCSTAT may be used to define more statically linked modules.
  3. Modules which have been statically linked can be replaced during session initialization by loading them dynamically (see the profile parameter RCA for details). Modules which are linked neither statically nor loaded dynamically are loaded when they are first invoked by a CALL statement.
  4. If you want to link modules to an environment-independent nucleus, you have to define them with the CSTATIC parameter in two Natural parameter modules: One parameter module has to be linked to the environment-independent nucleus and the other to the environment-dependent nucleus. Note that for all other parameter definitions only the parameter module linked to the environment-dependent nucleus is used.
  5. For further information, see Modules for Static Linking in the Installation documentation.

The following topics are covered below:

CSTATIC Parameter Syntax

For each module name (1-8 characters) an external reference is generated for the linkage editor.


Or, if the external reference (entry-name) is different from the module name, the entry name can be specified, enclosed in brackets, after the module name:


NTCSTAT Macro Syntax

NTCSTAT allows just one module specification per macro call. For each module name (1-8 characters) an external reference is generated for the linkage editor.

         NTCSTAT module-name

Or, if the external reference (entry-name) is different from the module name, the entry name can be specified, separated by a comma, after the module name:

         NTCSTAT module-name,entry-name

Example of Parameter CSTATIC


Examples of NTCSTAT Macro

         NTCSTAT MOD1
         NTCSTAT MOD12
         NTCSTAT MOD27,$MAIN