The Software AG Editor is used to edit objects in Natural (including utilities such as SYSRPC and SYSBPM) and the following other Software AG products:
Natural ISPF
Entire Operations
Entire Output Management
Each of these products uses a subset of the complete Software AG Editor functionality.
If you want to use the Software AG Editor as an alternative to the Natural program editor, set the editor profile appropriately (see also General Defaults in Editor Profile in Editors - General Information).
The Software AG Editor provides Natural ISPF-like functionality to display and/or edit objects such as:
Natural objects of the type program, subprogram, subroutine, helproutine, copycode, text, class or function
PDS members and sequential files
z/VSE members
PANVALET members
Job SYSOUT (browse mode only)
Output in the user work pool
List of system objects (browse mode only)
Any text objects or tables