Functions in the Edit Map Menu

This section contains information on the functions available in the Edit Map menu.

Field and Variable Definitions

This function can be used to view or edit all map fields, parameters and local variables used by the map.

The Field and Variable Definitions function is equivalent to the line command ..E, which can be entered in the map editing area (see also Line Commands in Editing a Map).

The Field and Variable Definitions function invokes the Field and Variable Definitions - Summary screen, which displays the following information for each map field:

Column Explanation
Name Field name.
Field mode (type of field):
D Data area field.

Field is from a local data area, global data area or parameter data area.

S System variable.
U User-defined field.
V View (DDM) field.
blank Undefined field.
Format Natural data format and length of the field.
Ar Field is an array if an A is entered; otherwise, this column is blank.
Ru Number of attached processing rules.
Lin Line position.
Col Column position.

The following line commands and PF keys are available on the Field and Variable Definitions - Summary screen:

Command/PF Key Explanation
A Defines an array.
D Deletes a field.
E Edits a field.
Prr Edits a processing rule.
- - Goes to the top of the screen.
. Exits the screen.
PF9 Invokes the PARAMETER DEFINITIONS window to view, add or modify parameters that do not appear as map fields in the map editing area but are nevertheless associated with the map as attribute control variables, start values or help parameters.
PF10 Invokes the LOCAL DATA DEFINITIONS window to view, add or modify local variables that can be used to pass values from one processing rule to another.

The following commands are available in the PARAMETER DEFINITIONS or LOCAL DATA DEFINITIONS window:

Command Explanation
A Defines an array.
D Deletes a variable.

Command D does not delete a parameter if this parameter is still applied to any map field as an attribute control variable, start value or help parameter.

- - Goes to the top of the window.
. Exits the window.

Edit Map

Invokes the map editing screen to modify an existing map or help map definition.

The map editor starts an editing session in split-screen mode. If the map being edited is a help map definition, full-screen mode is in effect.

Initialize New Map

This function can be executed only if no object with the same name is stored in the Natural system file. See also Initializing a Map.

Initialize a New Help Map

This function should be used to create a help map, since it offers you the most flexibility when entering and editing text (leading blanks must be entered). It also provides additional checks to ensure that a valid help map is created.

The function can be executed only if no source object and no cataloged object with the same name is present in the Natural system file.

A help map is stored as a map and can be referenced with the parameter HE in the map definition.

When initializing or editing a help map, you can specify in the map settings where the help map is to appear on the screen at execution time.

See also Initializing a Map.

Maintenance of Profiles & Devices

This function allows you to add, modify or delete session, map and device profiles.

A session profile is used to assign default map settings to be used when a map or a help map is initialized.

A map profile defines the map settings to be in effect during map definition and execution.

A device profile defines the standard characteristics and settings for a device. This profile can be used to ensure compatibility between the map definition and the device to be used.

See also Device Check in Context in the section Initializing a Map.

Save Map

The map definition is saved as a source object in the current Natural library in the current system file.

Test Map

The current map definition is tested to ensure that it can be executed successfully. This includes testing of all processing rules (including Predict rules) and help facilities.

When testing a map, any additionally created numeric map parameters are initialized with the value 1.

Stow Map

The map definition is saved as a source object and cataloged object in the current Natural library and system file.


This function invokes the help facility of the map editor with information on all functions provided by the map editor.

Start of instruction setTo display map editor help information

  1. In the Edit Map menu, press PF1.

    In the command line of the Edit Map menu, enter a question mark (?).

    The Help Main Menu appears.

  2. In the Select chapter field, enter the number or letter that corresponds to the required help topic and press ENTER.

    A help screen appears for the selected topic or another menu is invoked with further help topics that help narrow down your search.

In addition to the help facility, the map editor provides individual information on any input field available on any map editor screen.

Start of instruction setTo display help information about a field

  • Place the cursor in the field for which you require help and press PF1.

    In the field for which to invoke help, enter a question mark (?).

    Depending on the field selected, a screen with appropriate help information appears or a window from which you can select a valid input value.