Problem Determination Guide

The items listed below are cross-referenced by Natural for DL/I error messages. They are supplied to advise Natural programmers, DL/I database administrators and system support personnel of actions required to correct a given problem.

Item Number Corresponding Action
Activate Natural Trace Facility for DL/I

The Natural trace facility for DL/I is available in all Natural for DL/I environments.

To activate the Natural trace facility for DL/I (Dynamic Trace Activation)

  • Execute the command NDLTRACE in library SYSDDM as follows:

    NDLTRACE ON parm1 parm2 parm3 

    Permitted values for trace parameters are either CMD, SER, ROU (according to the specifications in the given error message) or ALL to trace all events of Natural for DL/I.

To activate the Natural trace facility for DL/I (Initial Trace Activation)

  1. Code the TRACE parameter in the NDLPARM module according to the specifications in the given error message.


    Specify TRACE=ALL to trace all events of Natural for DL/I.

  2. Assemble the NDLPARM module.

  3. Link-edit the load module that contains Natural for DL/I.

To create and display the Natural trace for DL/I

  1. Start the Natural session with DSIZE=64 (or smaller).

    This is required because the trace data is written into the DSIZE buffer.

  2. Activate the trace facility (see above) and specify the following commands:

    TEST DBLOG D    Start DBLOG for DL/I.
    ... Reproduce your problem here.
    TEST DBLOG D Display the data logged.
Obtain the Program Listing
Obtain the View Listing
Obtain the DBD Macros
Obtain the PSB Macros
Obtain the NDB Description Printout

To obtain the printout, execute the Natural module NDLBLOCK in the library SYSDDM with the following parameters:

  • block type (3 bytes alphanumeric) = NDB

  • block name (8 bytes alphanumeric) = dbd-name

Obtain the NSB Description Printout

To obtain the printout, execute the Natural module NDLBLOCK in the library SYSDDM with the following parameters:

  • block type (3 bytes alphanumeric) = NSB

  • block name (8 bytes alphanumeric) = psb-name

Obtain the UDF Description Printout

To obtain the printout, execute the Natural module NDLBLOCK in the library SYSDDM with the following parameters:

  • block type (3 bytes alphanumeric) = UDF

  • block name (8 bytes alphanumeric) = db-id**file-number
    (that is, 3 digits for the database ID, a literal separator "**" and 3 digits for the file-number)

Obtain a DUMP
Obtain the NDLPARM Listing
Obtain the NATDBD Procedure Output
Obtain the NATPSB Procedure Output