Natural File Server for DB2

In all supported TP-monitor environments (CICS, IMS/TM, and TSO),  the Natural interface to DB2 provides an intermediate work file, referred to as the File Server, to prevent database selection results from being lost with each terminal I/O. Exception: Com-plete.

This section covers the following topics:

Concept of the File Server

To avoid reissuing the selection statement used and repositioning the cursors, Natural writes the results of a database selection to an intermediate file. The saved selected rows, which may be required later, are then managed by Natural as if the facilities for conversational processing were available. This is achieved by automatically scrolling the intermediate file for subsequent screens, maintaining position in the work file rather than in DB2.

All rows of all open cursors are rolled out to the file server before the first terminal I/O operation. Subsequently, all data is retrieved from this file if Natural refers to one of the cursors which were previously rolled out (see the description of roll out in Logical Structure of File Server below).

If a row is to be updated or deleted, the row is first checked to see if it has been updated in the meantime by some other process. This is done by reselecting and fetching the row from the DB2 database, and then comparing it with the original version as retrieved from the file server. If the row is still unchanged, the update or delete operation can be executed. If not, a corresponding error message is returned. The reselection required when updating or deleting a row is possible in both dynamic mode and static mode.

Only the fields which are stored in the file server are checked for consistency against the record retrieved from DB2.

As the row must be uniquely identified, the Natural view must contain a field for which a unique row has been created. This field must be defined as a unique key in DB2. In a Natural DDM, it will then be indicated as a unique key via the corresponding Natural-specific short name.