First Steps After the Installation

This section describes the steps which you have to perform after you have installed Natural Security for the very first time:

These steps need only be performed after an initial installation of Natural Security, that is, if the version you have installed is your first version of Natural Security on this FSEC system file. They need not be performed after the installation of a new Natural Security version on an existing FSEC system file.

Step 1: Change the Password of the User "DBA"

Beginn der AnweisungslisteTo change the password of the user "DBA":

  1. Invoke Natural in the environment where Natural Security has been installed.

  2. On the Natural Security logon screen (or logon dialog box), enter the library ID SYSSEC, the user ID DBA, the password DBA, and a new password, and press ENTER.

  3. Enter the new password again and press ENTER to confirm the password change.

Installation Verification

The fact that you were able to perform this step also means that Natural Security is operational. No further verification is required.

Step2 : Define Administrators

Create a user security profile for each person who is to be a Natural Security administrator, and then link each Natural Security administrator to the library SYSSEC.

The following is an example of how to do this.

Beginn der AnweisungslisteTo define an administrator:

  1. On the Natural Security logon screen (or logon dialog box), type the library ID SYSSEC, the user ID DBA and the new password (as set in Step 1 above).

    The Natural Security Main Menu is displayed.

  2. Select Maintenance.

    A window is displayed.

  3. Mark the object type User with a character or with the cursor.

    The User Maintenance selection list is displayed.

  4. In the command line of this selection list, enter the command ADD.

    A window is displayed.

  5. Choose a user ID for your Natural Security administrator. For example, if the administrator's name were "Arthur Dent", you could choose "AD" as his user ID. The following steps in this example will use this ID.

  6. Enter the user ID AD and the user type "A".

    The Add User screen is displayed.

  7. Enter the user name "Arthur Dent" and set Private Library to "N" (and press ENTER).

  8. Press PF3.

    The user "Arthur Dent" is now defined to Natural Security under the user ID "AD". The User Maintenance selection list is displayed again.

Beginn der AnweisungslisteTo link the administrator to SYSSEC:

  1. In the Co column of the User Maintenance selection list, mark the user "AD" with the function code LL.

    A window is displayed.

  2. Enter the library ID SYSSEC.

    The Link User To Libraries selection list is displayed.

  3. In the Co column of the selection list, mark the library SYSSEC with the function code LK.

    The user "Arthur Dent" is now linked to the library SYSSEC.

  4. In the command line, enter the command LOGOFF.

    The Natural Security logon screen (or logon dialog box) is displayed.

Now you can log on to SYSSEC with the user ID "AD" and the password "AD". When you log on with the new user ID for the first time, you must change the password (by typing in a new password in addition to the user ID and password).

Deleting the User "DBA"

Once you have successfully defined administrators, it may be advisable to delete the user "DBA" to make sure that the user ID "DBA" cannot be used by unauthorized users to gain access to SYSSEC.

Beginn der AnweisungslisteTo delete the user "DBA":

  1. Log on to SYSSEC with the user ID AD.

  2. Go to the User Maintenance selection list as described above.

  3. On the list, mark the user "DBA" with the function code DE.

  4. A window is displayed, in which you enter the user ID DBA.

    The user "DBA" is now deleted.

Step 3: Define System Libraries

Create security profiles for all system libraries of Natural and Natural subproducts installed at your site. To do so, use the Natural Security function Definition of System Libraries, which is described in the section Administrator Services.