Natural System Error Messages 6501-6550

NAT6501: SAG editor buffer pool not found, invalid or not active.

SAG editor buffer pool not found, invalid or not active.
The SAG editor buffer pool is not defined correctly, not allocated or
not started. Possibly, it was initalized with a Natural
nucleus of a different Natural version. An editor buffer pool cannot
be shared by different Natural versions.
If you have defined an auxiliary SAG editor buffer pool with the profile
parameter EDPSIZE, there may not be enough memory to allocate it.
Check if the NTBP macro in the Natural pameter module specifies the
editor buffer pool correctly. For a global buffer pool, check if it has
been started successfully. Correct problem and restart Natural session.

NAT6502: SAG EDITOR buffer pool too small.

SAG EDITOR buffer pool too small.
The SAG EDITOR buffer pool is defined too small to contain all the
required tables and a sufficient number of blocks. Refer to the
Natural documentation for information on the SAG EDITOR
buffer pool space requirements.
Enlarge the SAG EDITOR buffer pool or use a smaller work file and
restart the Natural environment.

NAT6503: SAG EDITOR buffer pool initialization timeout exceeded.

SAG EDITOR buffer pool initialization timeout exceeded.
For a multi-user environment or when you are running a global
SAG EDITOR buffer pool, either 1) initialization by another user has
failed due to an unexpected abend, or 2) the initialization timeout
value has been exceeded.
In the first case, contact Software AG support and once problem is
solved, restart the EDITOR buffer pool. In the second case, increase
the EDITOR buffer pool timeout parameter and then restart the EDITOR.

NAT6504: SAG EDITOR buffer pool work file open error :1:.

SAG EDITOR buffer pool work file open error ... .
During SAG EDITOR buffer pool initialization, the first access to
the work file has failed with one of the following return codes:

04: Work file cannot be opened or accessed.
08: Invalid work file record length.
12: Work file I/O error.
16: Work file defined incorrectly or in use by another buffer pool.
20: Too few work file records (minimum is 10).
Check the console operator log for more detailed messages.
Correct the problem with the work file and restart the SAG EDITOR
buffer pool.

NAT6505: SAG EDITOR work file record length invalid.

SAG EDITOR work file record length invalid.
The EDITOR SAG buffer pool work file has been defined with an
invalid record length. It must be in the range of 504 to 16384
bytes and it must be a multiple of 8 bytes.
Redefine the SAG EDITOR buffer pool work file with a correct
record length and restart the SAG EDITOR buffer pool.

NAT6506: SAG EDITOR buffer pool has been restarted.

SAG EDITOR buffer pool has been restarted.
The SAG EDITOR buffer pool has been restarted by the administration
utility. The new buffer pool cannot be accessed by this session.
Restart the Natural session to access the new buffer pool.

NAT6507: EDITOR buffer pool initialized successfully by user :1:.

EDITOR buffer pool initialized successfully by user ...
The SAG EDITOR buffer pool was successfully initialized by
user ...  This message is for information only and is not
sent to the operator console if the SAG EDITOR buffer pool
parameter IMSG=OFF was set.

NAT6508: SAG EDITOR buffer pool initialization failed by user :1:.

SAG EDITOR buffer pool initialization failed by user ...
The SAG EDITOR buffer pool initialization started by user ...
has failed. This message is sent to the operator console only
if the SAG EDITOR buffer pool parameter IMSG=ON was set.
Check the other messages on the operator console for more detailed
information about the cause of the failure.

NAT6509: SAG EDITOR buffer pool terminated by user :1:.

SAG EDITOR buffer pool terminated by user ...
The SAG EDITOR buffer pool has been terminated by user ...
This message is for information only and is not sent to the
operator console if the SAG EDITOR buffer pool parameter
IMSG=OFF is set.

NAT6510: SAG Editor work-file read error :1:.

SAG Editor work-file read error ....
An error has occurred when reading a record from the SAG Editor
buffer-pool work file. The error reason code explains the cause
of the failure as follows:

04: Work-file OPEN error.
08: Invalid work-file record length.
12: Work-file I/O error.
16: Incorrect work file defined.
20: Record not found.
24: Work-file CLOSE error.
Check the console operator log for more detailed messages.
Correct the problem with the work file and restart the SAG Editor
buffer-pool if necessary.

NAT6511: SAG Editor work-file write error :1:.

SAG Editor work-file write error ....
An error has occurred when writing a record to the SAG Editor
buffer-pool work file. The error reason codes are:

04: Work-file OPEN error.
08: Invalid work-file record length.
12: Work-file I/O error.
16: Incorrect work file defined.
20: Record not found.
24: Work-file CLOSE error.
Check the console operator log for more detailed messages.
Correct the problem with the work file and restart the SAG Editor
buffer-pool if necessary.

NAT6512: SAG editor cannot run with this Natural version.

SAG editor cannot run with this Natural version.
The SAG editor module NATEDT linked to Natural is not compatible
with the Natural nucleus, that is, the NATEDT module belongs to a
different version.
Link the correct NATEDT module.

NAT6513: Editor work file in use by job :1: on system :2:.

Editor work file in use by job ... on system ....
The SAG Editor buffer pool work file is attached to a local buffer pool
of the job and system as indicated in the message.
The current buffer pool cannot be 'warm-started'
with this work file because of a different job name or system name.
Check whether you have defined the correct work file. If you are sure,
you can perform a buffer pool 'cold start', e.g. with session profile
parameter EDBP=(COLD=ON), to re-initialize the buffer pool work file.

NAT6514: Editor work file in use by global buffer pool :1: on system :2:.

Editor work file in use by global buffer pool ... on system ....
The SAG Editor buffer pool work file is attached to the global buffer
pool and system indicated in the message.
The current buffer pool cannot be 'warm-started' with
this work file because of a different buffer pool name or system name.
Check whether you have defined the correct work file. If you are sure,
you can perform a buffer pool 'cold start', e.g. by session profile
parameter EDBP=(COLD=ON), to re-initialize the buffer pool work file.