Text |
ESY5981 Invalid value specified (BLKCTRL/BLKSIZE/LRECL). |
Explanation |
Invalid value for BLOCK CONTROL, BLOCK SIZE or RECORD LENGTH specified. |
Action |
Please correct error. |
Text |
ESY5982 Error during use of ISAM-key. |
Explanation |
Possible reasons: - duplicate key detected for DUPEKY=NO - key must be generated, but KEYLEN is greater than 8 bytes or no default KEYPOS - key length of file is greater than 253 bytes - key not found in ISAM-file - no key supplied for UPDATE-INPLACE=YES - invalid key sequence detected |
Action |
Please check parameters or file attributes. |
Text |
ESY5983 ... not supported in .... |
Explanation |
Some views or features are not supported under certain circumstances. Example: View EVENTING is not supported in Single User Mode on BS2000/OSD. |
Action |
No action possible. |
Text |
ESY5984 Server is not authorized to access. |
Explanation |
ESY Server Task is not authorized to access various objects with protection attributes, which not allows access for $TSOS. |
Action |
No action possible. |
Text |
ESY5985 Access to tape file not allowed. |
Explanation |
Access to tape file was requested, but parameter TAPES=NO is specified in ESY startup file. |
Action |
Please contact your ESY Administrator. |
Text |
ESY5986 No or not enough space for .... |
Explanation |
Various startup parameter sizes are exceeded. See variable text for details. |
Action |
Please contact your ESY Administrator. |
Text |
ESY5987 Job Variable already exists. |
Explanation |
An existing job variable cannot be allocated again. |
Action |
Please check your input values. |
Text |
ESY5988 Invalid task type detected. |
Explanation |
Task type must have a value between 1 and 7. |
Action |
Correct program. |
Text |
ESY5989 Invalid ELEMENT specification. |
Explanation |
Element name must be unique. |
Action |
Correct element name. |
Text |
ESY5990 Field RECORD not found in format buffer. |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to read a record without specifying the 'RECORD' field. |
Action |
Supply field RECORD in program. |
Text |
ESY5991 Unknown product. |
Explanation |
An invalid 'PRODUCT' value was specified. |
Action |
Specify valid product code. |
Text |
ESY5992 Requested job variable not found. |
Explanation |
The requested job variable is not catalogued. |
Action |
No action required. |
Text |
ESY5993 Cannot open file. |
Explanation |
An open request failed. |
Action |
No action required. |
Text |
ESY5994 File not on volume. |
Explanation |
The requested data set is not on the specified volume. |
Action |
No action is required. |
Text |
ESY5995 File not in catalog. |
Explanation |
The data set is not catalogued. |
Action |
Specify VOLSER, or catalog data set. |
Text |
ESY5996 Volume not online. |
Explanation |
The specified volume is currently not available. |
Action |
Contact Operator or system programmer. |
Text |
ESY5997 Data set is not PDS or sequential. |
Action |
No action is required. |
Text |
ESY5998 MEMBER not found. |
Explanation |
The requested member was not found. |
Action |
No action is required. |
Text |
ESY5999 ENTIRE SYSTEM SERVER node ... not active. |
Action |
Contact Operator or system programmer. |
Text |
Error text not available. |