Text |
No data defined in program. |
Explanation |
The program (or subprogram, subroutine, helproutine) to be displayed in the top half of the editing screen does not contain any explicit field definitions. |
Action |
Check program to be displayed, and have the data area used by the program displayed to see the desired variables. |
Text |
Field/parameter type is missing. |
Explanation |
Field/parameter type must be specified. |
Action |
Enter a field/parameter type. |
Text |
Do not enter starting value for an index which is '0'. |
Explanation |
For a dimension whose index is '0' you cannot specify a 'Starting from' value. |
Action |
Either specify an index, or remove starting value. |
Text |
Dynamic layout not possible for WRITE statement. |
Explanation |
You cannot use a dynamic layout map for a map that is to be output via a WRITE statement. |
Action |
Correct error. |
Text |
Verification name already exists, but is not a free rule. |
Explanation |
The verification you have specified already exists and is defined in Predict as an automatic rule. |
Action |
Specify other verification name. |
Text |
Rejected by Predict defaults. |
Explanation |
The switch 'Rule in Map Editor' in the Predict Defaults is set to 'D' (disallowed). |
Action |
Ask your Predict administrator to change the default. |
Text |
Do not enter a rule name and source text at same time. |
Explanation |
Enter either a free rule name to include the rule source from Predict into the rule editor, or enter source text, press ENTER and then enter a rule name to save the source in Predict. |
Action |
Remove either the rule name or the source text and press ENTER again. |
Text |
Do not apply a processing rule to an output field. |
Explanation |
A processing rule that is attached to an output field is not executed. |
Action |
Remove the processing rule or change the field class. |
Text |
Internal error...while searching library path for object. |
Explanation |
An unexpected internal error occurred while searching for an object in the current library and concatenated libraries. |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Table overflow, too many variables defined. |
Explanation |
The number of variables in a map has been exceeded. The maximum number is 500 variables. |
Action |
Reduce the number of variables to fewer than 501. |
Text |
Map contains GUI elements and cannot be stowed via CATALL. |
Explanation |
The map contains GUI elements. The 'stow' was not executed, because it would have destroyed the original map source. The map has been loaded from a GUI-supporting platform and contains elements like bitmaps, selection boxes, drop-down menus and the like, which are not available on a mainframe platform. If such a map were stowed, all these elements would be removed to generate a mainframe-compatible map. In normal edit mode, when you attempt to stow the map, you will be warned about the loss of elements, but can proceed to stow the map (if the loss is acceptable to you). |
Action |
Either STOW the map individually (not with the CATALL command), or use the CATALOG function only. |
Text |
Invalid array range. |
Explanation |
Invalid array dimension: The lower bound must be smaller than the upper bound. |
Action |
Specify different lower or upper bound. |
Text |
Error occurred during migration of a KAPRI map. |
Explanation |
This error message is only issued during CATALL. During the migration process of a KAPRI map, an incorrect box formatting element was found, which could not be applied. |
Action |
Migrate the map manually with the SYSMAP utility. |
Text |
XREF request disallowed by Natural Security definition. |
Explanation |
In a Natural Security environment, XREF can only request settings that provide more detailed information than defined by means of the Natural Security profile that applies. The following table shows the possible combinations (valid combinations marked with "+"): Definition I Request by XREF command in Natural I Security I profile I OFF ON FORCE -------------+----------------------------- OFF I + + + ON I - + + FORCE I - - + |
Action |
Check data and correct error, or contact the DBA to modify the appropriate security profile. |
Text |
Function not possible with DBID = 0. |
Explanation |
To generate the Natural cross references the DBID of the Natural system file, where the module is to be stored, must not be zero. |
Action |
Contact the DBA to generate a valid Natural parameter module or invoke Natural and overwrite the value of the data base identification dynamically. |
Text |
Invalid input data. |
Explanation |
Invalid data have been specified for the field. |
Action |
Specify valid input data. |