Text |
Syntax error in array index specification. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Upper/lower boundary LT 0; or index = 0 in array definition. |
Explanation |
Either the upper/lower array boundary is less than 0, or the index in an array definition is 0. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Invalid delimiter in INDEX clause. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Data area cataloged/stowed successfully. |
Explanation |
The catalog/stow process is terminated without detecting any error in the data definition. The data definition may now be used in a Natural program with a DEFINE DATA statement. |
Action |
No action required. |
Text |
Only index or edit mask modifiable in a view field. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Maximum rank for data structures is 3. |
Explanation |
In the data area editor, the command '.E' (extended field definition) has been specified for a field inside a data structure, where the rank (maximum dimension of the field) exceeds 3. All dimensions of the previous substructures until level 1 and the dimension of the current field are added to calculate the rank of the current field. |
Action |
Check the data structure, or the field currently being edited, for correct dimensions. |
Text |
Variable specified in REDEFINE not available. |
Explanation |
A variable used in a REDEFINE definition is not defined in the current block (or data area), or is defined on a different level. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Data block not found. |
Explanation |
The data block indicated as the parent block in a child block definition was not found. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Predict file is not of type 'CONCEPTUAL'. |
Explanation |
The Predict file that is to be included as data definition from the Predict file into the data area, is not defined as a 'CONCEPTUAL' file in Predict. Its only allowed to incorporate 'CONCEPTUAL' files as data structure. |
Action |
Change file definition in Predict or select correct file. |
Text |
Mark fields for incorporation into global data area. |
Action |
Mark the fields which are to be incorporated into the global data area. |
Text |
'n' fields have been incorporated into global data area. |
Action |
No action required. |
Text |
No fields have been incorporated into global data area. |
Text |
'.V' must not be used during redefinition or in a view. |
Action |
Do not use '.V' during redefinition or in a view. |
Text |
View definition must be assigned level 1. |
Action |
Assign correct level. |
Text |
Structure definition must have previous level + 1. |
Action |
Assign correct level. |
Text |
Group definition must contain at least 1 field. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Data definition must not end with a flagged definition. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Constant has been defined without an initial value. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Constant not permitted within a redefinition. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Non-numeric value in length field. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
User-variable definition found within a view definition. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
View contains fields not existent in the new DDM. |
Explanation |
You have tried to modify the name of the DDM in the last column of the data area editor screen. However, one or more of the fields specified in the view are not defined in this DDM. |
Action |
Either do not change the DDM name, or specify the name of a DDM which contains all fields in the view. |
Text |
Program name missing in GENERATE command. |
Action |
Issue GENERATE command with program name. |
Text |
Constant used as index has not been defined. |
Explanation |
The constant used as index for the array definition must be defined before the array definition. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Non-numeric constant used as index for p.group/mult.field. |
Explanation |
A constant which is not numeric has been used as index for a periodic group or multiple-value field. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Undefined constant used as index for per.group/mult.field. |
Explanation |
A constant used as index for a periodic group or multiple-value field must have been defined before it can be used for that purpose. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
CATALOG/PURGE command not available if RECAT=ON. |
Explanation |
The commands CATALOG and PURGE are not available if the parameter RECAT (dynamic recatalog) has been set to RECAT=ON, either dynamically or in the Natural parameter module. Instead of CATALOG and PURGE, the commands STOW and SCRATCH should be used. |
Action |
Use valid command or change parameter. |
Text |
Natural work area is full; increase ESIZE parameter. |
Action |
Increase the value for the ESIZE parameter. |
Text |
Invalid value for FLAG1. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
'.*' command only allowed for mul.fields/periodic groups. |
Explanation |
In the data area editor, C* variables can be generated by using the line command '.*' for a multiple-value field or a periodic group. For all other kinds of lines, this command is not allowed. |
Action |
Enter '.*' command in a line of a multiple-value field or periodic group. |
Text |
Only 1 'C*' variable allowed for a multiple-value field. |
Explanation |
You have used the command '.*' to generate a C* variable for a multiple-value field for which a C* has already been defined. Only one C* variable per multiple-value field is possible. |
Action |
Do not use this line command on this field. |
Text |
Version 3.1 source format error, .... |
Explanation |
A data area cannot be saved using the Version 3.1 compatible source format if: - the LEVEL is greater than 9, - the LENGTH field is greater than 4 digits, - an ARRAY INDEX is defined via the '.e' command, - an OPTIONAL parameter is defined. |
Action |
Remove the corresponding features, or save the data area in Version 4.1 format. |
Text |
Function not available, because Predict is not installed. |
Explanation |
The Predict dictionary must be installed in order to perform the function specified or to process the object specified. |
Action |
Install Predict, or do not use this function. |
Text |
DDM not consistent with Predict definitions. |
Explanation |
You have incorporated fields from a DDM into a data area. However, the Predict definitions related to the DDM were modified after the DDM had been generated. Therefore, the Predict definitions were not incorporated into the data area. |
Action |
Either ignore, or generate the DDM again to avoid inconsistencies. |
Text |
Create Predict description only possible with SYSDIC. |
Explanation |
The function Create Predict Description is only possible when SYSDIC is active. |
Action |
Enter SYSDIC to start Predict. |
Text |
No other products are available. |
Explanation |
There are no products to be displayed on the Other Products menu of the MAINMENU. Perhaps no products are installed or you do not have access to them. |
Text |
Please select/enter a function. |