Text |
Not enough Natural DL/I storage. |
Explanation |
Natural DL/I could not get the requested entry in the TSA internal table, because the requested storage is too large (or zero). Module name: NDPRBTSA Problem Determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (REQ,ROU)). |
Action |
Increase the related TSA parameter SEQNUM in the NDLPARM module. If this error occurs with requested storage = 0, contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Natural DL/I work area overflow. |
Explanation |
An overflow occurred in a work area acquired from the Natural DL/I common area. Module name: NDPSFBBS Problem Determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2, 10. |
Action |
Modify the related work area size parameter WORKLGH in NDMCPARM. |
Text |
Natural DL/I work area overflow. |
Explanation |
An overflow occurred in a work area acquired from the Natural DL/I common area. Module name: NDPSSBAN Problem determination: Items 1 (a snap of NDDSSLMN control is provided, trace parameter = (SER)), 2, 10. |
Action |
Modify the related work area size parameter WORKLGH in NDMCPARM. |
Text |
Invalid secondary index specification. |
Explanation |
When performing a STORE operation, a field value has been specified for a secondary index field on the current segment. A secondary index is built by DL/I on one or more DL/I fields; to change a secondary-index value, modify the values of these fields. Module name: NDPSFBBS Problem determination: Items 2, 4. |
Action |
Probably a user error; correct program. |
Text |
Too many secondary indices have been specified. |
Explanation |
You have attempted to specify more than 4 secondary indices. No more space is available for AIX pointers building the list of SSAs. Module name: NDPSSBAN Problem determination: Items 1 (a snap of the NDDSSLMN control block is is provided, trace parameter = (SER)), 2. |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
Internal error. Module name: NDPSFBSA Problem determination: Item 1 (a snap of format buffer is provided, trace parameter = (SER)). |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
Internal error. Module name: NDPSFBCS Problem determination: Items 2, 3, 4, 6. |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Field to be read cannot be accessed. |
Explanation |
1. Program error: the program refers to a value of a field that is not an I/O field; i.e., the field does not belong to the accessed segment and is not the sequence field of an accessed segment ancestor in the hierarchical path used. 2. The DDM and the corresponding NDB do not match. Module name: NDPSFBKF Problem determination: Items 2, 3, 6, 8. |
Action |
1. Refer to the field correctly: the program may reference it with an OBTAIN, ASSIGN or MOVE statement. 2. Check the DDM against the NDB, field short names in particular. |
Text |
Invalid descriptor name. |
Explanation |
1. a) The Natural DL/I DBD and the Natural DDM do not match. b) An invalid descriptor name was referenced in a database access statement. c) Two descriptors were specified: one belonging to an ancestor of the current segment, the other to a descendent segment. 2. A descriptor name not previously defined to Natural DL/I was referenced in a database access statement. Module name: NDPSDESE Problem determination: Items 2, 3, 6. |
Action |
1. Check program and correct error. 2. Perform the GENERATE function on the appropriate segment of the Natural DL/I DBD. |
Text |
Not enough Natural DL/I storage. |
Explanation |
Natural DL/I could not get the requested entry in the DFB internal table, because the requested storage is too large (or zero). Module name: NDPSFBSA Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parm = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2, 10. |
Action |
Increase the related DFB parameters DFBNUM and/or DFFNUM in the NDLPARM module. If this error occurs with requested storage = 0, contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
Internal error. Module name: NDPRS100 Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)). |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
A clause used in a FIND statement is not allowed. |
Explanation |
There is probably an error in your program: an disallowed clause was used in a FIND statement. Module name: NDPRS100 Problem determination: Item 2. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
A Boolean operation has been requested on SSAs related to different files. Module name: NDPRS800 Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parm = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2. |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
Internal error. Module name: NDPRS800 Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2. |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
Internal error. Module name: NDPSFBSA Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 3, 6. |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Invalid descriptor field in BY DESCRIPTOR clause of READ. |
Explanation |
In a BY DESCRIPTOR clause of a READ statement a descriptor field has been used which is neither the sequence field of the root segment nor a secondary-index field (i.e. XDFLD in the DBD). Module name: NDLSCGET Problem determination: Items 2, 6. |
Action |
Check the program against the NDB description. |
Text |
PCB with requested DBD not found in NSB. |
Explanation |
1) Natural for DL/I could not find a PCB (in the NSB) which provides access to the DBD containing the requested segment type. In particular, if the descriptor used in the FIND or READ statement is a secondary index field, a PCB with 'PROCSEQ = index-name' is required. 2) Using the DBID/FNR in the DDM, an UDF block and its corresponding NDB were found. However, the DBD name of this NDB has not been specified in the active PSB. This may occur if the DDM was copied into the FDIC system file, but not the corresponding NDB. Module name: NDLSCGET Problem determination: Items 2, 5, 7, 12. |
Action |
1) Check the PSB used by Natural for DL/I. Build a new PCB with the required parameters. Execute the NATPSB procedure. 2) Check the DDM and the corresponding NDB. |
Text |
Segment to be updated/deleted has not been selected. |
Explanation |
An UPDATE or DELETE statement does not refer to a READ or FIND statement. An UPDATE or DELETE statement must refer to a segment that has previously been selected with a FIND or READ statement. Module names: NDLRA100, NDLRE100. Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2. |
Action |
Correct error in program. |
Text |
Explanation |
Program error: an UPDATE or DELETE statement refers to a record that was read or selected prior to the last END TRANSACTION or BACKOUT TRANSACTION statement. UPDATE/DELETE statements must refer to a record previously selected or read by a FIND or READ statement. An END TRANSACTION or BACKOUT TRANSACTION statement issued after the FIND/READ releases the record; in this case, Natural cannot UPDATE/DELETE the record. Module names: NDPRA100, NDPRE100. Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
Internal error. Module name: NDPSSBAN Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER), a snap of search buffer is provided). |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
Internal error. Module name: NDPSSBAN Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER), a snap of search buffer is provided). |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Incorrect segment search expression. |
Explanation |
An invalid set of segment search expressions was specified, causing Natural DL/I to perform a logical operation on SSAs. The segments to which the SSAs are related do not pertain to the same path starting from the root down to the current segment. Module name: NDPSSBAN Problem determination: Items 2, 6. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
Internal error. Module name: NDPSSBAN Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER), a snap of search buffer is provided). |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
Internal error. Module name: NDPSSBAN Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER), a snap of search buffer is provided). |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
Internal error. Module name: NDPSSBAN Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER), a snap of search buffer is provided). |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
COUPLED clause is not allowed when accessing DL/I files. |
Explanation |
The program contains a FIND statement with a COUPLED clause; however, this clause is not allowed when accessing DL/I files. Module name: NDPSSBAN Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER), a snap of search buffer is provided). |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Field length inconsistency between DBD and DDM. |
Explanation |
The length specified in the DDM for the I/O fields referenced by the program is not the same as the length defined in the Natural DL/I DBD description. Module names: NDPSFBMI, NDPSFBMU. Problem determination: Items 2, 3, 6, 8. |
Action |
Compare the DDM with the DBD description and make the field lengths consistent. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
The calculated displacement of a field into the segment is greater than the segment length. Module names: NDPSFBMI, NDPSFBMU. Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)). |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
NDB not found on FDIC system file. |
Explanation |
The Natural system file FDIC does not contain the description of the DBD being accessed. In a multiple FDIC environment, the NTDB macro for DL/I (or IMS TM) must reference different DBIDs for different FDIC environments. This is because the buffer pool does not keep track from which FDIC the UDF control block is loaded. The UDF control block key is built up of the FNR and DBID assigned to the segment for which the UDF is defined. This error message is issued if the NDB (the name of which is stored in the UDF control block) cannot be found in the buffer pool or the current FDIC file. Module name: NDLSDGET Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)). |
Action |
Use the utility NDLBLOCK to check whether there is on FDIC an NDB whose name is the same as that of the DBD being accessed. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
No further space available on SSAL for AIX pointers. Module name: NDPSFBBS Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2, 6. |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
The Natural DL/I Boolean-operations manager was given an invalid Boolean operator. Module name: NDPSBOOL Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2. |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Invalid segment search expression ('AND' operator). |
Explanation |
An invalid segment search expression was specified which caused Natural for DL/I to perform an 'AND' operation on two SSAs on the same DL/I segment, with one SSA being of 'OR' type. Module name: NDLSBOOL Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Invalid segment search expression ('OR' operator). |
Explanation |
An invalid segment search expression was specified, which caused Natural DL/I to perform an 'OR' operation on two SSA lists that differ from each other in more than one pair of SSAs specified on the same DL/I segment. Module name: NDPSBOOL Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Invalid segment search expression ('BUT NOT' operator). |
Explanation |
An invalid segment search expression was specified, which caused Natural DL/I to perform a 'BUT NOT' operation on two SSA lists with the first operand of the logical operation being of 'OR' type. Module name: NDPSBOOL Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Invalid segment search expression. |
Explanation |
An invalid segment search expression was specified, causing Natural DL/I to perform a 'BUT NOT' operation on two SSA lists with the second operand of the logical operation not being of type 'SIMPLE'. Module name: NDPSBOOL Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Invalid segment search expression. |
Explanation |
1. An invalid set of segment search expressions was specified, causing Natural DL/I to perform a logical operation on SSAs. The segments to which the SSAs are related do not pertain to the same path starting from the root down to the current segment. 2. An invalid segment search expression was specified causing Natural DL/I to perform an 'OR' operation on two SSA lists not having the same number of SSAs. Module name: NDPSBOOL Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Not enough Natural DL/I storage. |
Explanation |
Natural DL/I could not get the requested entry in the PCBM internal table, because the requested storage is too large (or zero). Module name: NDPSPALL Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2, 10. |
Action |
Increase the related PCBM parameters PCBLEV and/or PCBNUM in the NDLPARM module. If this error occurs with requested storage = 0, contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Active PSB contains too few PCBs for program execution. |
Explanation |
The active PSB does not contain enough PCBs for program execution. To use multiple PCBs for the same database, the PCBs must be consecutive. Module name: NDLSPALL Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2, 5. |
Action |
Increase the number of PCBs in the PSB, or modify the program. Make the PCBs for a particular database consecutive in the PSB. |
Text |
Segment not defined in Natural DL/I PCB description. |
Explanation |
The accessed segment is not defined in the Natural DL/I PCB description. Module name: NDPSCGET Problem determination: Item 7. |
Action |
Redefine the PCB. Execute the NATPSB procedure. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
Internal error. Module name: NDPRRC00 Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER), a snap of Adabas control block is provided). |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
TSA entry with given command ID not found. |
Explanation |
Internal error. Module name: NDPRL100 Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2. |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
I/O statement not valid for access to DL/I files. |
Explanation |
1. The program contains an I/O statement which cannot be used to access DL/I files (e.g., GET SAME, GET *ISN, READ BY ISN). 2. The NISN parameter in the Natural parameter module has been modified. NISN is reserved for internal use and must not be modified. Module name: NDPRL100 Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)). |
Action |
1. Check program and correct error. 2. Ask your Natural administrator to make sure that NISN is set its original value as supplied by Software AG. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
1. Error may be a Natural DL/I work area overflow when building SSA list. 2. Internal error. Module name: NDPSBSKF Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)). |
Action |
1. Modify the Natural DL/I parameter WORKLGH in NDMCPARM. 2. Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Internal error. |
Explanation |
Internal error. Module name: NDPRS800 Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)). |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
Acquisition of entry in internal THC table failed. |
Explanation |
Natural DL/I was unable to obtain the requested entry in the internal Table of Hold Commands (THC table). Module name: NDPSSAVE Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)). |
Action |
Modify the related THC table parameter THCSIZE in NDMCPARM. |
Text |
Natural for DL/I work area overflow. |
Explanation |
An overflow occurred on a work area acquired from the Natural for DL/I common area. Module name: NDLSSAVE Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)). |
Action |
Modify the related work area size parameter WORKLGH in NDMCPARM. |
Text |
Field values have been changed by another user. |
Explanation |
The field values (stored under the same command ID) in the Table of Hold Commands do not match with those in the corresponding I/O area. The values of the accessed fields have been changed by another user after the READ (for update) and before the subsequent UPDATE. Module name: NDLSCHEC Problem determination: Item 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)). |
Action |
Retry the transaction. |
Text |
Invalid segment search expression in FIND statement. |
Explanation |
Program error: In a segment search expression, two qualification statements refer to different segment types. Module name: NDPSSBAN Problem determination: Items 1 (trace parameter = (CMD,REQ,SER)), 2. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |