Text |
DDM ... is destroyed. |
Explanation |
The records on FDIC are corrupted. |
Action |
Contact your Natural administrator. |
Text |
Duplicate file numbers for physical VSAM DDM not allowed. |
Explanation |
The file number for a physical DDM must be unique. Duplicate file numbers are only allowed in the case of user views where the file number must be the same for the user view and the related physical (logical) DDM. |
Action |
Correct the file number or, in the case of a user view, specify 'USERVIEW=Y' in the DDM. |
Text |
No physical VSAM file with the given file number exists. |
Explanation |
In constructing a logical file, during the CATALOG action you have to specify the file number of the related physical file. |
Action |
Ensure that the related physical file (DDM) exists. |
Text |
VSAM file specified for user view does not exist. |
Explanation |
The file number used during user view creation must represent an existing physical file. |
Action |
Use correct file number. |
Text |
File ..., no string available. |
Explanation |
VSAM returned a 'no string' condition upon access to the file. |
Action |
Either change program to maintain fewer current positions in the file, or change file definition / region size to define/allow more strings. |
Text |
I/O to file ... issued; exit ... .... |
Explanation |
An I/O to a VSAM file was issued. Before or after the I/O, the user-exit program received control and detected an error condition. |
Action |
Contact your Natural administrator. |
Text |
GET statement issued for non-existent VSAM record. |
Action |
Correct error in program. |
Text |
Com-plete SYSPARM value VSAMRPL exceeded. |
Action |
Contact your system administrator. |
Text |
Reusable file ... is corrupted, OPRB string is missing. |
Explanation |
The first record is lost for the reusable file. No OPRB string has been specified with option R to open this file in REUSE mode. |
Action |
Specify an OPRB string with option R for this file. |
Text |
Corresponding system file TAF not linked. |
Explanation |
The load module containing the description of the system file being accessed (TAF) has not been linked to the Natural for VSAM interface. |
Action |
Correct link-edit for Natural for VSAM. |
Text |
Internal error during system file handling,... not found. |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
DD/DLBL name for system file not specified. |
Explanation |
An internal Natural error occurred. |
Action |
Contact Software AG support. |
Text |
DD/DLBL name for system file must not exceed 7 characters. |
Action |
Correct setting in Natural parameter module. |
Text |
This type of system file is not supported. |
Explanation |
You have tried to access a type of system file that is not supported by Natural for VSAM. |
Action |
Contact your Natural administrator. |
Text |
Active VSAM system file call, but SFILE=OFF specified. |
Action |
Change the SFILE setting. |
Text |
This type of system file is not supported. |
Explanation |
You have tried to access a type of system file that is not supported by the Natural for VSAM interface. |
Action |
Contact your Natural administrator. |
Text |
ILLOGIC condition when executing command to ... dataset. |
Explanation |
An ILLOGIC condition has been detected during execution of a command to a VSAM, ISAM or LEASY dataset. |
Action |
Correct error in program. |
Text |
Invalid Natural ... request. |
Explanation |
The attempted file operation is not supported or permitted according to the DATA SET entry specification in the FCT. |
Action |
Correct error in program. |
Text |
... is active, module ... is wrongly assembled. |
Action |
Correctly assemble module ... . |
Text |
MULTI-PASS is active, update transaction is not allowed. |
Text |
Create mode for VSAM LSR-pools, error by ..., ... .... |
Explanation |
The response code is returned by the macro, or the logical file name. |
Action |
Consult the appropriate IBM literature for explanation or contact your administrator or support personnel. |
Text |
DDM analyzer : level error for field .... |
Action |
Check DDM and correct error. |
Text |
DDM analyzer: unsupported data type for field .... |
Explanation |
The corresponding DDM contains unsupported data types for Natural for VSAM (long-alpha, graphical, phonetic or hyper descriptor). |
Action |
Correct DDM. |
Text |
VRRDS datasets support up CICS version 5.1. |
Action |
Contact your system administrator. |
Text |
Source locking is active, but LFILE is missing or invalid. |
Explanation |
Source locking is activated for VSAM system files, but the required LFILE definition is missing or invalid. |
Action |
Define a valid LFILE for source locking on VSAM system files. |
Text |
Session registry is active, but LFILE missing or invalid. |
Explanation |
Session registry is activated for VSAM system files, but the required LFILE definition is missing or invalid. |
Action |
Define a valid LFILE for Session registry on VSAM system files. |
Text |
Logical ... file must be of type KSDS. |
Explanation |
A logical file being cataloged with the SYSDDM utility has the attribute 'ESDS' or 'RRDS', but only 'KSDS' is allowed. |
Action |
Change file organization of VSAM DDM. |
Text |
File number for related physical ... file is missing. |
Explanation |
Each logical file must refer to a physical VSAM file. |
Action |
Check file number. |
Text |
Illegal OPRB string: .... |
Explanation |
See the Natural documentation for valid strings for the OPRB parameter. |
Action |
Invoke Natural again with a valid OPRB string. |
Text |
Error in VSAM DDM for SUB/SUP definition. |
Action |
Check DDM and correct error. |
Text |
Statement invalid for VSAM ... dataset. |
Explanation |
An invalid request has been issued against a VSAM KSDS, ESDS, RRDS or VRDS dataset. See the Natural documentation for valid statements. |
Action |
Correct error in program. |
Text |
SLOCK=PRE option not supported on VSAM system files. |
Explanation |
Locking on VSAM system files works only with option SLOCK=POST or as NDV locking. The SLOCK=PRE option is refreshed. |
Action |
Turn off the option SLOCK=PRE. |
Text |
Statement invalid for ... RRDS dataset. |
Explanation |
An invalid statement was issued against a VSAM RRDS dataset. See the Natural documentation for valid statements. |
Action |
Correct error in program. |
Text |
File ..., condition 'NOTAUTH', RESP2 .... |
Explanation |
CICS returned a 'NOTAUTH' condition upon access to the file. RESP2 indicates the RESP2 value as taken from the EIB. |
Action |
Contact your Natural or CICS administrator. |
Text |
File ..., RBA invalid. |
Explanation |
A READ BY ISN statement was executed with an invalid ISN (RBA). |
Action |
Correct error in program. |
Text |
File ..., invalid RRN for an RRDS/VRDS dataset. |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to access an RRDS/VRDS VSAM dataset with an invalid relative record number (RRN). |
Action |
Correct error in program. |
Text |
Implicit VSAM GETMAIN failed. |
Explanation |
VSAM returned a 'GETMAIN failed' feedback code. |
Action |
Increase the size of the partition/region/task. |
Text |
Use only K, E, R (file org); Y, N (compress); F, C (zone). |
Explanation |
Allowed values are: K - KSDS E - ESDS R - RRDS Y, N - compress (yes, no) F, C - zoned with 0F or 0C |
Action |
Enter correct value. |
Text |
Incompatible version of ... system file. |
Explanation |
The system file is of an older version. |
Action |
Use the correct system file version. |
Text |
Module ... is missing in link-edit. |
Explanation |
A module is missing in the link-edit of the Natural nucleus. |
Action |
Include the module in the link-edit. |
Text |
GETMAIN for ... failed; return code .... |
Explanation |
Natural for VSAM is not able to allocate its internal tables. return code = 4 : not enough storage return code > 4 : internal error |
Action |
If return code = 4, increase size of thread/region/partition/task; otherwise contact Software AG support. |
Text |
... too small for .... |
Explanation |
A Natural for VSAM table is too large to fit into the VSIZE buffer. |
Action |
Either reduce size of table, or increase VSIZE. |
Text |
Version does not fit in Natural VSAM link-edit. |
Explanation |
The modules included in the Natural link-edit must be of the same version. |
Action |
Check Natural nucleus and/or NVSPARM module. |
Text |
Create mode for VSAM LSR-pools, error by ..., ... .... |
Explanation |
The response code is returned by the macro. |
Action |
Consult the appropriate IBM literature for explanation or Contact your system administrator. |
Text |
Unsupported operating system or TP system version. |
Explanation |
Natural for VSAM only supports ESA operating systems and Com-plete Version 5.1 or above. |
Action |
Install an operating system and/or TP system supported by Natural for VSAM. |
Text |
No DBID marked as VSAM in NTDB macro. |
Explanation |
Natural for VSAM has been invoked, but in the NTDB macro no database has been reserved for VSAM. |
Action |
If you do not wish to invoke Natural for VSAM, invoke Natural with VSIZE=0; otherwise correct error in NTDB macro. |
Text |
Used as WTO message in NVSMISC. |
Explanation |
The reason for this failure is explained for the macro BLDVRP. |
Action |
See IBM documentation 'DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets'. |
Text |
Incompatible versions of Natural and Natural for VSAM. |
Explanation |
Natural for VSAM Version 4.2 or above can only be used with Natural Version 4.2 or above. |
Action |
Use a compatible Natural version. |
Text |
Natural VSAM initialization failed. |
Explanation |
The reason for this failure is explained by the more detailed error message issued together with this error message. |
Action |
See explanation of detailed message. |
Text |
Address of program starting asynchronous task is missing. |
Explanation |
A master file definition specified that an asynchronous task is to be started after an update to the master file has been committed by means of an Adabas ET command. The address of the program used to start such a task has not been specified correctly in the ETP 3GL interface initialization call. |
Action |
Specify the correct address of a program used to start an asynchronous task in the ETP 3GL interface initialization call. |