Installing the Natural Web I/O Interface Server under SMARTS on BS2000/OSD

This document describes how to install a server for the Natural Web I/O Interface (product code NWO) in the runtime environment SMARTS on BS2000/OSD.

The following topics are covered:

Notation vrs or vr

When used in this documentation, the notation vrs or vr represents the relevant product version (see also Version in the Glossary).


For details, refer to the section Prerequisites.

Installation Medium

Content of the Web I/O Interface Server Distribution Medium

The installation medium contains the data sets listed in the table below. The sequence of the data sets and the number of library blocks needed are shown in the Software AG Product Delivery Report, which accompanies the installation medium.

Data Set Name Contents
APSvrs.LIB Contains the load modules and the procedures of the SMARTS server.
APSvrs.L0nn Fix level of SMARTS (product code APS). The content of this library must be copied into the library APSvrs.LIB.
NWOvrs.MOD Contains the load modules of the Natural Web I/O Interface server.
NWOvrs.JOBS Contains the Installation Job Control for those customers who want to install without using System Maintenance Aid (SMA).
NCFvrs.MOD Contains the load modules of the Natural Com-plete Interface (required for SMARTS).

where vrs represents the relevant product version, and nn in a data set name represents the fix level of the product.

Content of the Web I/O Interface Server JOBLIB

Naming Conventions

In the following text, the library name JOBLIB stands for

  • the example job library (NWOvrs.JOBS), if you are not using SMA, or

  • the SMA job library (see SMA parameter JOBLIB in SMA Parameter Group BASIC), if you are using SMA.

Software AG uses the following naming conventions for source elements in the library JOBLIB:

A<product-code><function> = Assembler sources

L<product-code>< function> = Instruction for TSOSLNK/BINDER

Important Elements of the Job Library

Element Description
NWO-SYSPARM SMARTS parameters for NWO.
NWO-CONFG NWO configuration parameters.
ANWOPARM Assembler source - Natural parameter module for NWO.
LNATSHAR Link instructions to link the Natural nucleus.
LNWOFRNT Link instructions to link the NWO front-end module.
START-NWO Procedure to start the NWO server.
STOP-NWO Procedure to stop the NWO server.

Installation Procedure

To install the Natural Web I/O Interface server in a SMARTS environment on BS2000/OSD, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Assemble the Natural parameter module

(Job I055, Step 9420)

Assemble the source ANWOPARM which is contained in the library JOBLIB.

Step 2: Link the NWO front-end module

(Job I060, Step 9410)

Link the NWO front-end module by using the source LNWOFRNT which is contained in the library JOBLIB.

Step 3: NWO clients must be defined to Natural Security

If Natural Security (NSC) is installed:

  • The Web I/O Interface initial user ID (default ID is STARGATE) must be defined in Natural Security with a valid default library. Refer also to Web I/O Interface server configuration parameter INITIAL_USERID. Alternatively, you can define the Natural profile parameter AUTO=OFF (automatic logon) for the Web I/O Interface.

  • Each client user ID must be defined in Natural Security.

If the Web I/O Interface initial user ID is not defined, the Web I/O Interface server initialization aborts with a NAT0856.

If a Web I/O Interface client is not defined, the server connection returns an NSC error.

If you connect to the server from a Web I/O Interface client, make sure that the user who is defined in Natural Security has a default library or a private library defined. Otherwise, error message NAT0815 will occur.

Installation Verification

Check Messages

BS2000/OSD Operator Console

APSSVR0026-* Server NCFNATvr started 
APSOPC0000-* SMARTServer is initialized

Where vr is the current product version and release number.


The following messages are displayed when parameter TRACE_LEVEL=31 was set:

Template session initialized 
Template runtime connected 
Template runtime terminated 
Template ready for clone 
Listener thread launched 01625028 
************ Server is up **************
Waiting for terminate event...

SMARTS Portable File System on BS2000/OSD

The following topics are covered below:

PFS Description

SMARTS PFS (Portable or POSIX File System) implements a file system, known from UNIX systems, in a mainframe environment. Basically, it consists of a container file, which comprises all (UNIX) files and a corresponding (logical) access method, which processes all requested I/O operations.

The container file has to be allocated and preformatted using the BS2000/OSD procedure CREATE-PFS described below.

The PFS maps all file names to a node of a directory tree within the physical container file. In the case of BS2000/OSD, this container file is a PAM file with a block size of 4 KB (STD,2).

Within Natural, the actual path is specified by a corresponding DEFINE WORK FILE statement in the program which executes work file or print file access.

Each node (subdirectory) is separated by a slash (/) from its parent. The highest level qualifies the file name.

Example 1:


Specifies: ROOT' => MISC => 'USER1 => 'TESTFILE


Example 2:


Specifies: ROOT' => TESTFILE2.W01

Allocating and Configuring a SMARTS Portable File System

The Natural server uses the SMARTS portable file system (PFS) as a data container for Natural work files, print files, temporary sort files and the editor work file. The SMARTS PFS is the only storage medium available for these files under SMARTS.

In order to be able to use the PFS for Natural files you have to configure Natural accordingly:

  • For work files or print files, specify the access method AM=SMARTS, using the Natural profile parameters WORK (Work-File Assignments) and/or PRINT (Print File Assignments).

  • For temporary sort files, specify the type of storage medium STORAGE=SMARTS, using the Natural profile parameter SORT (Control of Sort Program).

  • And to allocate the editor work file in the PFS, specify the work file mode FMODE=SM, using the Natural profile parameter EDBP (Software AG editor buffer pool definitions).

If you use one of these options, you have to configure your SMARTS to use a PFS.

Step 1: Allocate a PFS

The file PFS.TST should not exist before the allocation procedure is executed, otherwise DMS error DMS0683 will occur.

The initialization can be done by using the following procedure:

/   APS-LIB=APSvrs.LIB) 

Step 2: Configure SMARTS

In the SMARTS SYSPARM configuration file, add the following lines: