This command is used to ascertain which products are installed at your Natural site. You are given information on your current Natural version, Natural selectable units and products running with or under Natural.

The following topics are covered below:

Using the Command in Online Mode

When you enter the command SYSPROD, a dialog displays information such as the following for each product installed:

  • product name

  • product version (see also Version in the Glossary)

  • installation date

  • installation component: I (INPL) or N (Nucleus)

For some of the products listed, you can get additional information by marking them with a line command in the Cmd column of the dialog:

Line Command Description
EX Display the extended product information.
HI Display the history of product information.
SC Display the subcomponents of the product.
SU Display the selectable units (if available) that has been activated for the product with the SELUNIT profile parameter (see the Parameter Reference) documentation.

For some products, no line commands are allowed.

Using the Command with Additional Keywords (Recommended in Batch Mode)




For batch processing or for an online output without dialog features such as line command input fields, you can issue the command SYSPROD with additional keywords and/or by specifying a product code (for example, NAT) as a parameter.

Keyword/Parameter Description
ALL Display a list of all products installed.
<product-code> Display unformatted information on a specific product.
EX Display the extended product information.
HI Display the history of the product information.
SC Display the subcomponents of the product.
SU Display the selectable units (if available) that has been activated for the product with the SELUNIT profile parameter (see the Parameter Reference) documentation.

If, in batch mode, the system command SYSPROD is issued without any keyword, the same maps will be used as in online mode; however, the online input must be simulated in this case, for example, by using the terminal command %Knn. This method is susceptible to produce errors, and its use is therefore not recommended in batch mode.

Application Programming Interfaces

The following application programming interfaces enable you to get SYSPROD information. They are available in the library SYSEXT:

  • USR0050N

  • USR2031N

See SYSEXT Utility - Natural Application Programming Interfaces in the Utilities documentation.