Activating Natural SAF Security

After you have installed Natural SAF Security (as described under Installing Natural SAF Security in the Natural Installation documentation), you have to activate it.

This section describes the steps required to activate Natural SAF Security:

Activate Natural SAF Security Itself

Before you activate Natural SAF Security, you should define the necessary resources in the external security system, as described in the section Defining Resources in the External Security System and Activating Them. In particular, do not set any Natural SAF Security options other than the ones mentioned below, unless you have defined the corresponding resources in the external security system.

If you are not yet familiar with Natural SAF Security, it is recommended that you read the section Introducing Natural SAF Security before you activate it.

The activation of Natural SAF Security has to be performed within Natural Security. You have to meet the following prerequisites to be able to activate Natural SAF Security:

  • You must be defined as a user of type "Administrator" in Natural Security.

  • You must be linked to the library SYSSEC in Natural Security.

Start of instruction set To activate Natural SAF Security:

  1. Invoke Natural and log on to the Natural Security library SYSSEC.

  2. On the Natural Security Main Menu, select Administrator Services. The Administrator Services Menu 1 will be displayed.

  3. Select General NSF options. The General NSF Options 1 screen will be displayed.

  4. On this screen:

    • Set all four options listed under "Security System": Specify values for the fields External Security System, Server ID and Natural Security, and set the field Protection Level to "2". For details on these fields, see NSF Options. The setting of these four options activates Natural SAF Security.

    • Set the option NSF *USER-NAME, which is listed under "User Options", to "Y". This will be used by the check described below.

    • Do not change the values of any other fields on the screens General NSF Options 1 and 2!

  5. For the activation of Natural SAF Security to take effect, end your Natural session.

The activation as described above only "switches on" Natural SAF Security as such, using default settings. The subsequent configuration of your security environment can then be performed gradually step by step as outlined in the section Introducing Natural SAF Security.

Define SYSSAFOS Utility Profile

The utility library SYSSAFOS, which was loaded by the Natural SAF Security installation procedure, contains the SAF Online Services. To be able to access this utility, you have to define a utility security profile for SYSSAFOS in Natural Security (as described in the section Protecting Utilities of the Natural Security documentation).

Start SAF Server

Once Natural SAF Security has been activated, start the SAF server, as described in the SAF Security Kernel documentation.

If the SAF server is already running (which may be the case if it is being used by another product), restart it.

Access to Natural is now controlled by Natural SAF Security.

Check Connections and Data Transfer

Log on to Natural (with Natural profile parameter AUTO=OFF), using the password which is defined for you in the external security system.

Within your Natural session, enter the system command PROFILE.

If the logon with that password has been successful, and the field User Name on the PROFILE screen shows the name by which you are defined in the external security system, this confirms that the connections between the external security system, the SAF server and Natural SAF Security are established, and that the data transfer from the external security system to Natural SAF Security works correctly.