NAF - Hardcopy Allocations - Function 33

When you invoke this function, the Hardcopy Allocation window appears. The window title indicates the type of hardcopy allocation: terminal ID or user ID.

Time 11:14:25        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                      +--- Hardcopy Allocation/Terminal ID ----+
       Administration                 !                                        !
                                      !   1     Display Hardcopy Allocation    !
       10 Reports/Queues              !   2     Add Hardcopy Allocation        !
       11 Devices                     !   3     Mass Update                    !
       12 Abstracts                   !                                        !
       13 Applications                !                                        !
       14 Change Spool File           !                                        !
                                      !                                        !
                                      !                                        !
       Maintenance                    !                                        !
                                      !                                        !
       30 Spool File Properties       !                                        !
       31 Objects                     !                                        !
       32 Mass Update                 !   .     Exit                           !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        !                                        !
       34 Transfer Objects            !   Command / _  /                       !
 Enter function, mark with cursor, or press a PF-key.                           
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  Displ Add H Mass                                Canc

This document covers the following topics:

General Information

There are two types of hardcopy allocation:

  • via user ID, or

  • via terminal ID.

Allocation via user ID is recommended if the terminal ID changes between Natural sessions.

In specific environments (for example, under CICS using Autoinstall), the terminal ID is not reliable because it changes periodically. To overcome this problem, use the special subprogram provided (see Function 23) which can be used to modify hardcopy assignments made by Natural Advanced Facilities.

The type of hardcopy allocation can be customized by the spool file administrator and is then the same for all users or terminals.

In addition, the spool file administrator can specify a mask for hardcopy allocation. This feature allows you to globally define a hardcopy allocation for a group of users or terminals.

The type of hardcopy allocation and the hardcopy mask can be set with Function 30.5.

Hardcopy allocations between user terminals and physical printers are established via logical printers. Thus, the spool server is able to recognize that hardcopies requested by various terminals are sent to the same physical printer, and to print them one after the other.

Internally, the following steps are performed to allocate a physical printer to a hardcopy request:

  • If a logical printer for hardcopy has been defined in the user profile used for initialization, it is stored in a NAF-internal area.

  • During Natural session initialization, a check is made whether a logical printer is present on the spool file with a name identical to the user ID or terminal ID (depending on the defined type of hardcopy allocation). Before this check is performed, all positions in the logical printer name whose corresponding positions are masked are replaced by a hyphen (-). If a logical printer for hardcopy is found, it is stored in a NAF-internal area. It is later used to satisfy subsequent hardcopy requests. The physical printer is taken from the allocation table which belongs to this logical printer. If a logical printer for hardcopy is not found, initialization continues normally.

  • During an actual hardcopy request, a check is made whether a logical printer for hardcopy was found during initialization. If this is the case, the physical printer is taken from the allocation which belongs to this logical printer for hardcopy. If not, error message NAT1578 is issued unless the user has entered %H name. In this case, name is first treated as a logical printer name. If it exists on the spool file, it is used as a logical printer for hardcopy. If name is not present as a logical printer, it is treated as a physical printer name (to be compatible with earlier NAF versions). If it exists on the spool file, it is used as a hardcopy printer, if not, a NAT1574 message is issued.

Example - Using a Hardcopy Mask:

The type of hardcopy allocation is U (user ID). The user ID is SAG and the hardcopy mask is ****** (positions 3-8 are masked).

In this case, a check is made whether a logical printer with the name SA- - - - - - exits on the spool file.

Display Hardcopy Allocation - Function 33.1

When you invoke this function, you can specify the name of a hardcopy allocation in a window.

The type of hardcopy allocation can either be a terminal ID or user ID. This depends on the type of hardcopy allocation specified with Function 30.5.

Time 09:39:48        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-21 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                      +------ Hardcopy Allocation 7/411 -------+
       Administration                 !                                        !
                                      !  Enter name of                         !
       10 Reports/Queues              !                                        !
       11 Devices                     !      Terminal ID                       !
       12 Abstracts                   !                                        !
       13 Applications                !  or                                    !
       14 Change Spool File           !                                        !
                                      !      *    for Selection                !
                                      !                                        !
       Maintenance                    !      ?    for Help                     !
                                      !                                        !
       30 Spool File Properties       !      .    for End                      !
       31 Objects                     !                                        !
       32 Mass Update                 !      -------------------------         !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        !      / ________ /                      !
       34 Transfer Objects            !                                        !
 Enter values.                                                                  
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  User  Logic Alloc Print Heade Appli       NTCC  Canc

When you specify the name of an existing hardcopy allocation, it is displayed.

You can also select the hardcopy allocation from a list.

Selecting a Hardcopy Allocation from a List

To select a hardcopy allocation from a list, enter one of the following:

  • a partly-qualified name (e.g. 08* to list all hardcopy allocations starting from 08),

  • an asterisk (*) to list all hardcopy allocations in the NATSPOOL system.

A list of logical printers used for hardcopy is then shown in a window. Active entries are highlighted.

Time 15:40:36        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-21
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411
                                     +-------------Select with *--------------+
      Administration                 !  New start value ......... _________   !
                                     !  -----------------------------------   !
      10 Reports / Queues            !  Fl Cm  Name        Fl Cm  Name        !
      11 Devices                     !  -- --  ---------   -- --  ---------   !
      12 Abstracts                   !      _  -------         _  ---0        !
      13 Applications                !      _  ---1            _  ---2        !
      14 Change Spool File           !      _  ---4            _  ---6        !
                                     !      _  ---8            _  --23        !
      Maintenance                    !      _  H-------        _  0-------    !
                                     !      _  0502            _  0506        !
      30 Spool File Properties       !      _  0512            _  0513        !
      31 Objects                     !      _  0514            _  0521        !
      32 Mass Update                 !      _  0526            _  0536        !
      33 Hardcopy Allocations        !      _  0539            _  0546        !
      34 Transfer Objects            !      _  0554            _  0569        !
                                     !      _  075-----        _  076-----    !
Mark on selection list.
Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit                     --   +                       Canc

The Fl (flag) column indicates the usage of the logical printer defined for hardcopy:

Flag Description
6 Output is routed to Entire Output Management.
7 Output is routed directly to the BS2000/OSD RSO spool system.
P The logical printer is protected by its owner.

A hyphen (-) is used to build up the names of the logical printer when a mask is defined for the hardcopy allocation. The positions to be ignored are replaced by this character.

In the Cm column, you can enter one of the following codes:

Code Description
C Copy hardcopy allocation.
D Delete hardcopy allocation.
R Rename hardcopy allocation.
. Exit function.
X or any other character Display hardcopy allocation for modification or deletion, see below.

Displaying an Existing Hardcopy Allocation

If the specified hardcopy allocation exists, it is displayed.

Time 09:44:25        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-21 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
   +----------------------------/ Logical Printer----------------------------+ +
   !   Modify                PCHC1                  Delete (Y/N)         N   ! !
   !   -------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   !   Mark for selection of existing alloctions (Destination/Form)      _   ! !
   !   Mark to show values for assigned allocation                       _   ! !
   !   -------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   !   Destination ....... DRPC___        Form .....................     H   ! !
   !                                                                         ! !
   !   Duplicates ........ 0__            Disposition ..............     K   ! !
   !   Priority .......... 255            Protected reports ........     N   ! !
   !   Retention period .. 9999  Days     for Dispositions      D  H  K  L   ! !
   !   using calendar ...  ________       (Y/N) ............... _  _  _  _   ! !
   !                                                                         ! !
   !   Type .............. NAF_____       linked to cluster .....   --       ! !
   !                                      Owner ................. N          ! !
   !   Notes                                                                 ! !
   !   ________________________________________________________________      ! !
   +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +
 Enter values for the logical printer.                                          
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  User  Logic Alloc Print Heade Appli       NTCC  Canc

For information on the fields in this window, see Function 31.2.

Add Hardcopy Allocation - Function 33.2

When you invoke this function, the following window appears.

Time 09:32:26        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-21
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411
                                     +--- Hardcopy Allocation/Terminal ID ----+
      Administration                 !                                        !
                                     !   1     Display Hardcopy Allocation    !
      10 Reports / Queues            !   2     Add Hardcopy Allocation        !
      11 Devices                     !   3     Mass Update                    !
      12 Abstracts                   !                                        !
      13 Applications                !                                        !
      14 Change Spool File           ! +----------------------------------+   !
                                     ! I Current hardcopy device P007     I   !
      Maintenance                    ! I for Terminal .......... 0788     I   !
                                     ! I Modified by mask to     078----- I   !
      30 Spool File Properties       ! I Enter                            I   !
      31 Objects                     ! I new printer ........... ________ I   !
      32 Mass Update                 ! I type of logical printer NAF_____ I   !
      33 Hardcopy Allocations        ! I header page ........... ________ I   !
      34 Transfer Objects            ! +----------------------------------+   !
                                     !   Command / 2  /                       !
Enter printer and header page.
Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  Displ Add H Mass                                Canc

You can now add a hardcopy allocation, if not yet present. To do so, specify the following:

  • the name for the new physical printer,

  • the type of logical printer to be used for hardcopy (see Function 31.2),

  • the name of the header page (see Function 31.3).

Mass Update for Hardcopy Allocation - Function 33.3

When you invoke this function, the Hardcopy Allocations screen appears. The first column indicates the type of hardcopy allocation: terminal ID or user ID.

Time 09:39:01        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-21  
User SAG                     Hardcopy Allocations              File 7/411    
 Terminal  Head.Pa.  Phy.Prtr LPF Type    Terminal  Head.Pa.  Phy.Prtr LPF Type
 --------  --------  -------- --------    --------  --------  -------- --------
 ________  ________  ________ ________    ________  ________  ________ ________
 ________  ________  ________ ________    ________  ________  ________ ________
 ________  ________  ________ ________    ________  ________  ________ ________
 ________  ________  ________ ________    ________  ________  ________ ________
 ________  ________  ________ ________    ________  ________  ________ ________
 ________  ________  ________ ________    ________  ________  ________ ________
 ________  ________  ________ ________    ________  ________  ________ ________
 ________  ________  ________ ________    ________  ________  ________ ________
 ________  ________  ________ ________    ________  ________  ________ ________
 ________  ________  ________ ________    ________  ________  ________ ________
 ________  ________  ________ ________    ________  ________  ________ ________
 ________  ________  ________ ________    ________  ________  ________ ________
 ________  ________  ________ ________    ________  ________  ________ ________
 ________  ________  ________ ________    ________  ________  ________ ________
    *****  is used as mask. Positions marked with * are ignored
Enter values for hardcopy allocation or press PF key.
Command ===>
Store Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

You can now define hardcopy allocations for multiple terminals or users at a time.