NAF - Cross-Reference - Function 20

When you invoke this function, the Cross-Reference window appears.

Time 14:55:50        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
+-------- Cross-Reference 7/411 ---------+                                     
!                                        !      Information                    
!   1     Printer                        !                                     
!   2     Allocation Table               !      20 Cross-Reference             
!   3     Logical Printer                !      21 Statistics                  
!   4     User Profile                   !      22 Look at Spool File          
!   5     Header Page                    !      23 CALLNAT Handling            
!   6     Configuration List             !                                     
!   7     Cluster                        !                                     
!   8     Calendar                       !                                     
!   9     Message Header                 !      Control Functions              
!   A     RSO Device                     !                                     
!   B     RSO Profile                    !      40 Check Spool File            
!                                        !      41 Logging Data                
!   .     Exit                           !      42 Create Test Reports         
!                                        !      43 Delete Reports by Date      
!   Command / _  /                       !                                     
Enter command, or press a PF-key.                                              
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help  Menu  Exit  Print Alloc Logic User  Heade Confi Clust       

This document covers the following topics:

Printer - Function 20.1

When you invoke this function, you can specify the name of a physical printer, or enter an asterisk (*) to select the printer from a list.

All allocation tables and the corresponding logical printers and user profiles in which this physical printer is referenced are then shown.

Time 15:03:45        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22
User SAG                           M e n u                     File 7/411
+--------------------Cross-Reference 7/411------------------------+
!   Printer              DAEPRT12                                 !
!  -------------------------------------------------------------- !
!                                                                 !
!  Allocation Table     Logical Printer      User Profile         !
!  -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ! e
!                                                                 !
!  DAEPRT12 A           DAEPRT12                                  !
!                                                                 !
!                                                                 !
!                                                                 !
!                                                                 !
!                                                                 !
!                                                                 ! t(s)
!                                                                 !
!                                                                 !
!                                                                 !
Press 'Enter'.
Command ===>
            Menu  Exit  Print Alloc Logic User  Heade Confi Clust NTCC  

Allocation Table - Function 20.2

When you invoke this function, you can specify the name of an allocation table, or enter an asterisk (*) to select the allocation table from a list.

All logical printers and the corresponding user profiles in which this allocation table is referenced are then shown. The output is similar to that shown for a printer.

Logical Printer - Function 20.3

When you invoke this function, you can specify the name of a logical printer, or enter an asterisk (*) to select the logical printer from a list.

All user profiles in which this logical printer is referenced are then shown. The output is similar to that shown for a printer.

User Profile - Function 20.4

When you invoke this function, you can specify the name of a user profile, or enter an asterisk (*) to select the user profile from a list.

All logical printers and the corresponding allocation tables and printers in which this user profile is referenced are then shown. The output is similar to that shown for a printer.

Header Page - Function 20.5

When you invoke this function, you can specify the name of a header page, or enter an asterisk (*) to select the header page from a list.

All allocation tables and the corresponding logical printers and user profiles in which this header page is referenced are then shown. The output is similar to that shown for a printer.

Configuration List - Function 20.6

When you invoke this function, you can specify values for the printout (logical printer, profile, page size and column for left margin).

All references of user profiles and the corresponding logical printers, allocations, physical printers etc. are then listed. The configuration list is automatically written to the spool file. The output is similar to that shown for a printer.

Cluster - Function 20.7

When you invoke this function, you can specify the name of a cluster, or enter an asterisk (*) to select the cluster from a list.

All logical printers and the corresponding allocation tables and physical printers in which this cluster is referenced are then shown. The output is similar to that shown for a printer.

Calendar - Function 20.8

When you invoke this function, you can specify the name of a calendar, or enter an asterisk (*) to select the calendar from a list.

All logical printers and the corresponding allocation tables and physical printers in which this calendar is referenced are then shown. The output is similar to that shown for a printer.

Message Header - Function 20.9

This function is only available under BS2000/OSD.

When you invoke this function, you can specify the name of a message header, or enter an asterisk (*) to select the message header from a list.

All allocations in which this message header is referenced are then shown. The output is similar to that shown for a printer.

RSO Devices - Function 20.A

This function is only available under BS2000/OSD.

When you invoke this function, you can specify the name of an RSO device, or enter an asterisk (*) to select the device from a list.

All logical printers and the corresponding form and user profiles in which this device is referenced are then shown. The output is similar to that shown for a printer.

RSO Profiles - Function 20.B

This function is only available under BS2000/OSD.

When you invoke this function, you can specify the name of an RSO profile, or enter an asterisk (*) to select the profile from a list.

All user profiles in which this profile is referenced are then shown. The output is similar to that shown for a printer.