Natural under CICS Messages

This section contains the abend codes, SCP environment initialization errors, SCP environment recovery errors, SCP processing errors and the session errors issued by the Natural CICS Interface. For information on this interface, see Natural under CICS in the TP Monitor Interfaces documentation.

Natural under CICS Abend Codes and Error Messages

This section contains the abend codes, SCP environment initialization errors, SCP environment recovery errors, SCP processing errors and the Natural CICS interface session errors issued by the Natural CICS Interface.

Unlike Natural system messages, the explanatory long texts to these messages and codes are only available in this document, not online.

This section covers the following topics:

The abend codes and corresponding error messages of the Natural CICS interface are listed groups in the following order:

NInn SCP environment initialization errors
NRnn SCP environment recovery errors
NSnn SCP processing errors
NTnn  Natural under CICS session errors

The Natural System Control Program (SCP) is part of the Natural CICS Interface. A dump is taken for most of the SCP failures.

All messages included in this document actually appear in mixed case format.

SCP Environment Initialization Errors

Overview of Messages

NIAB | NIAD | NI01 | NI02 | NI03 | NI04 | NI05


CICS transaction abend xxxx occurred during system environment initialization.


Check the abend code and correct the error or print the dump and contact Software AG Support.

NIAB - INIT, Abend xxxx during initialization
Explanation CICS transaction abend xxxx occurred during system environment initialization.
Action Check the abend code and correct the error or print the dump and contact Software AG Support.
NIAD - xxxxxxxx, Abend xxxx in Adabas linkage routine
Explanation At system initialization, CICS transaction abend xxxx occurred in the Adabas linkage module xxxxxxxx that was specified via the Natural profile parameter ADANAME (see the Natural Parameter Reference documentation).
Action Check the Adabas documentation and correct the error or print a dump and contact Software AG Support.
NI01 - INIT, No storage for directory extension (eeeeeeee)
Explanation At system initialization, the EXEC CICS GETMAIN command for the system directory extension has failed due to a CICS storage bottleneck, eeeeeeee being the CICS error condition.
Action Increase CICS dynamic storage.
NI02 - INIT, No valid threads
Explanation At system initialization, the system is inoperational because all thread groups are of TYPE=SHR, but there are no valid threads.

a) The thread group definitions are setup incorrectly.

b) In CICS versions prior to CICS TS: The GETMAIN/GETVIS requests for TYPE=SHR threads have failed.

c) In CICS Transaction Server systems: The EXEC CICS GETMAIN SHARED requests for TYPE=SHR thread have failed.


a) Check the thread group definitions by the NCMTGD macro in the system directory and make sure that enough storage is available in OSCOR/GETVIS or the relevant CICS (E)DSA to satisfy all TYPE=SHR thread GETMAIN requests.

b) Increase OSCOR/GETVIS storage.

c) Increase the relevant CICS (E)DSA.

NI03 - INIT, No CICS roll facility available
Explanation At system initialization, the system has TYPE=SHR or TYPE=GETM thread groups, but no CICS roll facilities are available for these and it has been defined that the NCI system is not to use the Natural Roll Server.
Action If VSAM RRDS roll files are to be used:

a) Check if the VSAM RRDS roll files are allocated (IDCAMS DEFINE CLUSTER) and formatted correctly (NATSCPRI program).

b) Check if the VSAM RRDS roll files are defined correctly in the CICS start-up JCL and in the CICS FCT.

c) Check if the VSAM RRDS roll files are supported at all (ROLLFLS parameter in the NCMPRM macro).

d) Check if the VSAM RRDS roll file names are consistent with the Natural under CICS definition (PREFIX parameter of the NCMPRM macro). If CICS auxiliary temporary storage is to be used:

e) Check if the TS CI-SIZE is greater/equal 4K and if the DFHTEMP data set is defined in the CICS start-up JCL. If CICS main temporary storage is to be used:

f) Make CICS main temporary storage available as roll facility by specifying a non-zero value in the TSRECSZ in the NCMDIR macro.

NI04 - INIT, Roll/SIP server SUBSID XXXX invalid/not active
Explanation At system initialization: The Natural CICS environment has been specified to use SIP server and/or roll server (CICSPLX=YES or SIPSERV=YES or ROLLSRV=YES in NCISCPCB), but no valid Natural profile parameter SUBSID has been specified, or the specified subsystem is not active.
Action a) Specify a valid subsystem ID using the SUBSID profile parameter.

b) Start a roll server and/or SIP server for the specified subsystem ID.

NI05 - INIT, Aborted by INIT exit xxxxxxxx
Explanation At system initialization, the system initialization exit in NCISTART has aborted the initialization process with return code xxxxxxxx.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

SCP Environment Recovery Errors

Overview of Messages

NRAB | NR01 | NR02 | NR03 | NR04 | NR05

NRAB - RCVR, Abend xxxx during directory recovery
Explanation At system recovery, CICS transaction abend xxxx occurred while recovering the system environment.
Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NR01 - Unable to recover SIR blocks chain
Explanation At session initialization or termination, the session information record (SIR) blocks' forward and/or backward chain is broken and the system cannot recover from this by means of the system control record.
Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NR02 - Thread storage overflow
Explanation At any SCP request with system integrity checking active, the prefix and suffix of a thread are not consistent.
Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NR03 - Thread groups (index) failure
Explanation At an SCP request with system integrity checking being active, one of the following has occurred:

a) The thread groups index vector is not consistent with the number of thread groups;

b) the thread groups index does not point to the corresponding thread group;

c) the size of a thread group block is not consistent with its type and definition;

d) the name of a thread group does not match the common system prefix.

Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NR04 - System directory extension failure
Explanation The system directory extension is not consistent with the system directory or its eye catcher does not match the common system prefix.
Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NR05 - VSAM roll files (directory) failure
Explanation It has been defined that the NCI system is not to use the Natural Roll Server. At an SCP request with system integrity checking being active, one of the following has occurred:

a) The name of a VSAM roll file does not match the common system prefix;

b) the VSAM roll facility RCB slot is not consistent with its online directory bitmap.

Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.

SCP Processing Errors

Overview of Messages

NSAB | NSAD | NS01 | NS02 | NS03 | NS04 | NS05 | NS06 | NS07 | NS08 | NS09 | NS10 | NS11 | NS12 | NS13 | NS14 | NS15 | NS16 | NS17 | NS18 | NS19 | NS21 | NS22 | NS23 | NS30 | NS31 | NS32 | NS33 | NS34 | NS39 | NS40 | NS41 | NS42 | NS43 | NS44 | NS45 | NS46 | NS49 | NS50 | NS51 | NS52 | NS53 | NS54 | NS55 | NS59 |

NSAB - SCP, Abend XXXX during SCP processing
Explanation An abend xxxx occurred during SCP processing.
Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NSAD - xxxxxxxx, Abend XXXX in Adabas linkage routine
Explanation During SCP processing, CICS transaction abend xxxx occurred in the Adabas linkage module xxxxxxxx that was specified via the Natural profile parameter ADANAME (see the Natural Parameter Reference documentation).
Action Check the Adabas documentation and correct the error or print a dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS01 - SCP, GETMAIN for IOCB failed (eeeeeeee)
Explanation At session initialization, the EXEC CICS GETMAIN command for IOCB storage of a transaction belonging to a TYPE=NONE thread group has failed due to a CICS storage bottleneck, eeeeeeee being the CICS error condition.
Action Increase CICS storage or use a thread-bound transaction ID.
NS02 - SCP, System initialization/recovery failure xxxx
Explanation The Natural system environment is not operational due to a failure in a previous system initialization or recovery. xxxx indicates the initialization (NInn) and recovery (NRnn) message code respectively.
Action Determine the reason of the failure. Correct the error and load a new copy of the system directory to restart system initialization.
NS03 - SCP, BB invalid during roll-in
Explanation At session resumption, the IOCB and BB control block pointers are not consistent or the BB pointed to by IOCB is not in the valid storage range for this session.
Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS04 - SCP, IOCB not found during roll-in
Explanation At session resumption, the IOCB and SIR pointers are not consistent or the IOCB pointer to the session's "old thread" is invalid.
Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS05 - SCP, No thread available (eeeeeeee)

a) At session initialization or resumption, the EXEC CICS GETMAIN command for thread storage of a

transaction belonging to a TYPE=GETM thread group has failed, eeeeeeee being the CICS error condition.

b) A TYPE=SHR thread group has no valid threads.

c) The thread of a non-relocatable session has gone.


a) Increase CICS dynamic storage.

b) and c) Print dump and contact Software AG Support.

NS06 - SCP, No CICS roll facility available
Explanation It has been defined that the NCI system is not to use the Natural Roll Server. At session initialization, no CICS roll facility is available for a new Natural session due to one of the following reasons:

a) All VSAM RRDS roll files are full or not available and temporary storage is full or not available;

b) CICS temporary storage auxiliary is full or not available;

c) CICS main temporary storage is not allowed.

Action a) Increase the size of the current VSAM RRDS roll file(s) or allocate additional VSAM RRDS roll file(s);

b) make CICS auxiliary temporary storage available as Natural roll facility by establishing CISIZE greater/equal 4K;

c) specify a non-zero value in the TSRECSZ parameter of the NCMDIR macro to allow main temporary storage.

NS07 - SCP, Thread group not available
Explanation At session initialization, the TYPE=SHR thread group associated to the current transaction has no valid thread(s).
Action Check the thread group definition by the NCMTGD specification in the system directory generation.
NS08 - xxxxxxxx, System directory missing/invalid (eeeeeeee)
Explanation At an SCP request, one of the following has occurred:

a) The EXEC CICS LOAD command for the Natural system directory has failed (no valid PPT entry / directory name incorrect), xxxxxxxx representing the name of the module to be loaded and eeeeeeee being the CICS error condition;

b) the loaded directory module is incorrectly linked;

c) the loaded directory module is not compatible to NCISTART.

Action Check by means of CEDF which of the explanations applies:

If a) or b), set up SCP environment correctly;

if c), reassemble NCISCPCB with correct macro library.

NS09 - SCP, No session info record available
Explanation At session initialization, one of the following has occurred:

a) the primary SIR block is full and secondary SIR blocks are disallowed;

b) the EXEC CICS GETMAIN command for a secondary SIR block has failed due to CICS storage bottleneck;

c) at session resumption, SIR and restart data are inconsistent.

Action a) Increase the primary SIR block (first subparameter of the USERS parameter in the NCMDIR macro) or allow secondary SIR blocks (second subparameter of the USERS parameter in the NCMDIR macro);

b) increase CICS dynamic storage;

c) print dump and contact Software AG Support.

NS10 - SCP, Compression error during roll-out
Explanation At session suspension, the size of storage to be rolled is larger than the roll facility's slot size; in case of VSAM RRDS: the size of the session to be rolled out does not fit into the session's VSAM RRDS roll file slot.
Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS11 - SCP, BB invalid during roll-out
Explanation At session suspension, IOCB and BB pointers are not consistent or the BB pointer in the IOCB is not in the valid storage range of this session.
Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS12 - xxxxxxxx, Roll-out, FC=ffff, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr, eeeeeeee
Explanation At session suspension, a roll facility I/O request has failed.

xxxxxxxx - CICS roll facility name

ffff - failing EXEC CICS command (EIB field EIBFN)

ccc - EXEC CICS command response code (EIB field EIBRESP)

rrr - EXEC CICS command reason code (EIB field EIBRESP2)

eeeeeeee - CICS error condition

Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS13 - xxxxxxxx, Roll-in, FC=ffff, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr, eeeeeeee
Explanation At session resumption, a roll facility I/O request has failed.

xxxxxxxx - CICS roll facility name

ffff - failing EXEC CICS command (EIB field EIBFN)

ccc - EXEC CICS command response code (EIB field EIBRESP)

rrr - EXEC CICS command reason code (EIB field EIBRESP2)

eeeeeeee - CICS error condition

Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS14 - Cntrl record access, FC=ffff, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr, eeeeeeee
Explanation At session initialization or termination, access to the SCP system control record has failed.

ffff - failing EXEC CICS command (EIB field EIBFN)

ccc - EXEC CICS command response code (EIB field EIBRESP)

rrr - EXEC CICS command reason code (EIB field EIBRESP2)

eeeeeeee - CICS error condition

Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS15 - SCP, Synchronization, FC=ffff, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr, eeeeeeee
Explanation At session synchronization/serialization, a request as ENQ/DEQ/WAIT EVENT has failed; the following parameters apply:

ffff - failing EXEC CICS command (EIB field EIBFN)

ccc - EXEC CICS command response code (EIB field EIBRESP)

rrr - EXEC CICS command reason code (EIB field EIBRESP2)

eeeeeeee - CICS error condition

Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS16 - SCP, Natural session lost
Explanation At session resumption, session data cannot be found, neither in a thread nor in a roll facility.
Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS17 - SCP, System control record invalid
Explanation At session suspension or termination, when trying to release a SIR block, the SCP system control record is inconsistent with the current system.
Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS18 - SCP, System directory extension missing/invalid
Explanation At an SCP request one of the following has occurred:

a) The system directory has no extension;

b) the directory and its extension are not consistent.

Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS19 - SCP, Duplicate terminal ID encountered xxxxxxxx
Explanation At Natural session start the Natural CICS interface has detected, that a session for the mentioned terminal ID still/already exists. This message only comes up then DUPTID=NO has been specified in NCIPARM.

a) The existing session is "dead", i.e. a terminal disconnected from CICS without prior session termination, or Natural failed to clean-up properly after an abend.

b) A Natural CICS terminal ID exit generates non-unique logical terminal IDs.

c) CICS regions with identical terminal IDs are sharing the same Natural SIP server and/or roll server.

d) The user's CICS auto-install exit generates non-unique CICS terminal IDs.


Specify DUPTID=YES in NCIPARM to make the Natural CICS interface handle these duplicate terminal IDs internally.

a) Use SYSTP E,U to cancel the renegade Natural session.

b) Correct your Natural CICS terminal ID exit.

c) Either provide unique terminal IDs over all CICS regions sharing Natural roll and/or SIP server, or do not share these Natural resources amongst CICS regions with non-unique terminal IDs.

d) Correct your CICS auto-install exit.

NS21 - SCP, Relocation error FC=ffff, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr, eeeeeeee
Explanation At session resumption, the relocation process has failed.

ffff - failing EXEC CICS command (EIB field EIBFN)

ccc - EXEC CICS command response code (EIB field EIBRESP)

rrr - EXEC CICS command reason code (EIB field EIBRESP2)

eeeeeeee - CICS error condition

Action Contact Software AG Support.
NS22 - SCP, Compression failure, RSP=nn
Explanation At session suspension, the compression process has failed, the response code nn reflects the last 2 digits in a NUS02nn message number. This NUS02nn message is issued in addition upon the message log (NCIPARM generation parameter MSGDEST) giving detailed information about the compression failure.
Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS23 - SCP, De-compression failure, RSP=nn
Explanation At session resumption, the decompression process has failed, the response code nn reflects the last 2 digits in a NUS02nn message number. This NUS02nn message is issued in addition upon the message log (NCIPARM generation parameter MSGDEST) giving detailed information about the decompression failure.
Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS30 - Roll server XXXXXXXX failure, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr
Explanation At session initialization, the request to register a session to the Roll Server has failed.

ccc - Roll Server return code

rrr - Roll Server reason code

Action Check Roll Server return code and reason code (Reason Codes of the Roll Server Requests). Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS31 - Roll server free failure, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr
Explanation At session termination, the request to deregister a session from the Roll Server has failed.

ccc - Roll Server return code

rrr - Roll Server reason code

Action Check Roll Server return code and reason code (Reason Codes of the Roll Server Requests). Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS32 - Roll server write failure, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr
Explanation At session suspension, the request to pass a session's data to the Roll Server has failed.

ccc - Roll Server return code

rrr - Roll Server reason code

Action Check Roll Server return and reason code (see Roll Server Messages, Condition Codes and Abend Codes in the Natural Operations documentation). Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS33 - Roll server read failure, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr
Explanation At session resumption, the request to retrieve a session's data from the Roll Server has failed.

ccc - Roll Server return code

rrr - Roll Server reason code

Action Check Roll Server return and reason code (see Roll Server Messages, Condition Codes and Abend Codes in the Natural Operations documentation). Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS34 - Roll server stats failure, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr
Explanation A SYSTP utility request for Roll Server Statistics has failed.

ccc - Roll Server return code

rrr - Roll Server reason code

Action Check Roll Server return and reason code (see Roll Server Messages, Condition Codes and Abend Codes in the Natural Operations documentation). Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS39 - Roll server not active
Explanation The NCI environment is to use the Natural Roll Server (ROLLSRV=YES in NCMDIR), but it is currently not active. No dump is created.
Action Start the Natural Roll Server.
NS40 - SIP server XXXXXXXX failure, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr
Explanation At session initialization, the request to register a session to the Authorized Services Manager's SIP handler has failed.

ccc - SIP Server return code

rrr - SIP Server reason code

Action Check SIP Service return code and reason code (see SIP Service Return Codes and Reason Codes). Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS41 - SIP server free failure, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr
Explanation At session termination, the request to deregister a session from the Authorized Services Manager's SIP handler has failed.

ccc - SIP Server return code

rrr - SIP Server reason code

Action Check SIP Service return code and reason code (see SIP Service Return Codes and Reason Codes). Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS42 - SIP server read failure, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr
Explanation At session resumption, the request to retrieve the session's information record (SIR) from the Authorized Services Manager's SIP handler has failed.

ccc - SIP Server return code

rrr - SIP Server reason code

Action Check SIP Service return code and reason code (see SIP Service Return Codes and Reason Codes). Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS43 - SIP server BROWSE-F failure, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr
Explanation A SYSTP utility request to browse forward through the session information records has failed.

ccc - SIP Server return code

rrr - SIP Server reason code

Action Check SIP Service return code and reason code (see SIP Service Return Codes and Reason Codes). Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS44 - SIP server BROWSE-B failure, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr
Explanation A SYSTP utility request to browse backward through the session information records has failed.

ccc - SIP Server return code

rrr - SIP Server reason code

Action Check SIP Service return code and reason code (see SIP Service Return Codes and Reason Codes). Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS45 - SIP server write failure, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr
Explanation At session suspension, the request to pass the session's information record (SIR) to the Authorized Services Manager's SIP handler has failed.

ccc - SIP Server return code

rrr - SIP Server reason code

Action Check SIP Service return code and reason code (see SIP Service Return Codes and Reason Codes). Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS46 - SIP server query failure, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr
Explanation A SYSTP utility request for SIP Server statistics has failed.

ccc - SIP Server return code

rrr - SIP Server reason code

Action Check SIP Service return code and reason code (see SIP Service Return Codes and Reason Codes). Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS49 - SIP server not active
Explanation The NCI environment has been defined to be able to switch CICS application regions (parameter CICSPLX=YES in NCMDIR). This requires that the Authorized Services Manager's SIP handler is active, but it is currently not. No dump is created.
Action Start the Authorized Services Manager's SIP handler.
NS50 - Swap manager swap pool installation failure
NS51 - Swap manager session initialization failure
NS52 - Swap manager roll-out failure
NS53 - Swap manager roll-in failure
NS54 - Swap manager normal termination failure
NS55 - Swap manager abnormal termination failure
Explanation For swap manager failures, additional NUSnnnn error messages giving more detailed error information are issued upon the message log (NCIPARM generation parameter MSGDEST) and the transaction is terminated with a dump. The abend code along with the dump depends on the failing swap operation.
Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NS59 - Swap manager module NATSWPMG not installed
Explanation The swap manager module NATSWPMG is not linked to the Natural nucleus.
Action Relink the Natural nucleus with module NATSWPMG included.

Natural CICS Interface Session Errors

Overview of Messages

NTAD | NT01 |NT02 | NT03 | NT04 | NT05 | NT06 | NT07 | NT08 | NT09 | NT10 | NT11 | NT12 | NT13 | NT89 | NT90 | NT91 | NT92 | NT93 | NT94 | NT95 | NT96 | NT97 | NT98 | NT99

NTAD - xxxxxxxx, Abend xxxx In Adabas linkage routine
Explanation CICS transaction abend xxxx occurred in the Adabas linkage module xxxxxxxx that was specified via the Natural profile parameter ADANAME (see the Natural Parameter Reference documentation).
Action Check the Adabas documentation and correct the error or print a dump and contact Software AG Support.
NT01 - Screen size lost, session size was xxx, terminal size is yyy
Explanation After resume of a pseudo-conversational Natural session the terminal mode has changed from DEFAULT to ALTERNATE or vice versa.

xxx - DEF or ALT
yyy - ALT or DEF

Action Check for potential other transactions running on that terminal between two Natural tasks; for example, message switching transaction, or good-night programs.
NT02 - Session was cancelled by administrator uuuuuuuu tttt
Explanation The user session was cancelled via the system administrator function in SYSTP or via CICS Node Error Program (NEP) processing.

uuuuuuuu - system administrator's user ID (*USER)

tttt - system administrator's terminal ID (*INIT-ID)

Action Contact your system administrator.
NT03 - I/O exit' ffffffff failure: RSP=nnn
Explanation The Natural CICS Interface terminal I/O exit NCIDTPEX has aborted the session with return code.

ffffffff - NCIDTPEX exit function
nnn - NCIDTPEX exit return code

Action Check the reason for the abortion within your terminal I/O exit.
NT04 - Aborted by TERMINAL ID exit xxxxxxxx
Explanation At session initialization or resumption, the Natural CICS Interface terminal ID exit NCITIDEX has aborted the session with return code xxxxxxxx.
Action Check the reason for the abortion within your terminal ID exit.
NT05 - External CALLNAT interface level failure
Explanation At terminal I/O, the Natural CICS Interface has detected an inconsistency between the current CICS link level and the Natural external CALLNAT interface level. The session is cancelled.
Action Print dump and contact Software AG Support.
NT06 - Send attempted without a terminal
Explanation Self-explanatory.
Action When *DEVICE=ASYNC, Natural must not issue screen I/Os (DISPLAY, WRITE, etc.) unless the session parameter SENDER was specified. Restart the session with the SENDER parameter to get the terminal output or check the dump.
NT07 - Error at task end: FC=ffff, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr, eeeeeeee
Explanation At session suspension or termination, the EXEC CICS RETURN command has failed.

ffff - failing EXEC CICS command (EIB field EIBFN)

ccc - EXEC CICS command response code (EIB field EIBRESP)

rrr - EXEC CICS command reason code (EIB field EIBRESP2)

eeeeeeee - CICS error condition

Action Contact Software AG Support.
NT08 - Terminal write error FC=ffff, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr, eeeeeeee
Explanation An EXEC CICS SEND command has failed.

ffff - failing EXEC CICS command (EIB field EIBFN)

ccc - EXEC CICS command response code (EIB field EIBRESP)

rrr - EXEC CICS command reason code (EIB field EIBRESP2)

eeeeeeee - CICS error condition

Action Contact Software AG Support.
NT09 - Terminal read error FC=ffff, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr, eeeeeeee
Explanation An EXEC CICS RECEIVE command has failed.

ffff - failing EXEC CICS command (EIB field EIBFN)

ccc - EXEC CICS command response code (EIB field EIBRESP)

rrr - EXEC CICS command reason code (EIB field EIBRESP2)

eeeeeeee - CICS error condition

Action Contact Software AG Support.
NT10 - Message switch error: FC=ffff, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr, eeeeeeee
Explanation An EXEC CICS SEND request of the Natural CICS Interface message switching transaction has failed.

ffff - failing EXEC CICS command (EIB field EIBFN)

ccc - EXEC CICS command response code (EIB field EIBRESP)

rrr - EXEC CICS command reason code (EIB field EIBRESP2)

eeeeeeee - CICS error condition

Action Contact Software AG Support.
NT11 - XXXXXXX send failure: FC=ffff, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr, eeeeeeee
Explanation An asynchronous Natural session has failed to route a message to the facility (terminal/destination) specified via the SENDER/OUTDEST session parameters.

ffff - failing EXEC CICS command (EIB field EIBFN)

ccc - EXEC CICS command response code (EIB field EIBRESP)

rrr - EXEC CICS command reason code (EIB field EIBRESP2)

eeeeeeee - CICS error condition

Action Check the failing CICS command and response code.
NT12 - Asynch start failure: FC=ffff, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr, eeeeeeee

A pseudo-conversational asynchronous Natural session has failed to start its continuation task.

ffff - failing EXEC CICS command (EIB field EIBFN)

ccc - EXEC CICS command response code (EIB field EIBRESP)

rrr - EXEC CICS command reason code (EIB field EIBRESP2)

eeeeeeee - CICS error condition

Action Check the failing CICS command and response code.
NT13 - Commarea write error: FC=ffff, RSP=ccc, RSP2=rrr, eeeeeeee

A Natural session has failed to write its session restart data into CICS temporary storage.

ffff - failing EXEC CICS command (EIB field EIBFN)

ccc - EXEC CICS command response code (EIB field EIBRESP)

rrr - EXEC CICS command reason code (EIB field EIBRESP2)

eeeeeeee - CICS error condition

Action Check the failing CICS command and response code.
NT89 - xxxxxxxx, Incompatible CICS version: MACLIB=xxxx SYSTEM=yyyy
Explanation The indicated module has been assembled with macros of a CICS version xxxx, which is different to the one which is currently active (yyyy).
Action Assemble NCISTART with the correct CICS macro library.
NT90 - xxxxxxxx, Backend program/transaction missing (eeeeeeee)
Explanation The back-end program or transaction specified via front-end program of session parameter PROGRAM or CALLNAT 'CMPGMSET' does not exist; back-end transactions have a back-end "program" name STR=xxxx or RET=xxxx.

eeeeeeee - CICS error condition.

Action Check the program or transaction name and its CICS program and transaction definition respectively.
NT91 - xxxxxxxx, Adabas linkage routine missing/invalid (eeeeeeee)
Explanation a) A CICS LINK/LOAD request for the indicated module has failed.

eeeeeeee - CICS error condition.

b) The requested module is not a valid CICS command level program.

Action a) Check if the Natural profile parameter ADANAME (see the Natural Parameter Reference documentation) specifies the correct Adabas linkage program, if it is defined in CICS and if it is linked in a library available to CICS.

b) Check if the module named by the Natural profile parameter ADANAME is the Adabas command level version and if it is linked correctly.

NT92 - xxxxxxxx, Natural nucleus module missing/invalid (eeeeeeee)

For xxxxxxxx = NATPARM:

a) The Natural parameter module is not linked to the CICS interface or has the wrong product version.

For xxxxxxxx = NATSTUB:

b) NATSTUB is not linked to the CICS interface, while the Natural nucleus is linked to it or has the wrong product version number.

c) NATSTUB is not the entry point of the shared Natural nucleus which is not linked to the CICS interface or has the wrong product version.


d) Unable to load the shared Natural nucleus module xxxxxxxx.eeeeeeee - CICS error condition.


a) Link the Natural parameter module to the CICS interface.

b) Link module NATSTUB to the CICS interface.

c) Specify entry point CMSTUB linking the shared Natural or specify the correct module in the NUCNAME session parameter.

d) Check if session parameter NUCNAME is consistent with the CICS program definition and if the shared Natural nucleus has been linked correctly.

For z/OS only: If the shared Natural nucleus is to be loaded into the LPA/ELPA, check if LPA=YES has been specified in the CICS SIT or startup parameters.

For z/VSE only: If the shared Natural nucleus is to be loaded into the SVA, check if SVA=YES has been specified in the CICS SIT or startup parameters

NT93 - xxxxxxxx, Natural driver module missing/invalid
Explanation The indicated module is not linked or invalid or does not have the same system maintenance (SM) level as the CICS interface.
Action Link the correct module to the CICS interface.
NT94 - xxxxxxxx, mandatory module not accessible
Explanation The indicated module is not accessible by the Natural CICS Interface, because

a) it resides "above the line", whereas NCISTART runs in 24-bit mode (the shared Natural nucleus, for example);

b) it cannot be modified.

Action a) Link the Natural CICS Interface and the indicated module with consistent AMODE/RMODE.

b) Link the indicated module with NORENT option and define it with EXECKEY=USER in the CICS program definition (CICS Transaction Server).

NT95 - Natural transaction XXXX, TWA size too small
Explanation The size of the transaction work area for Natural is too small. It must be at least 128 bytes.
Action Correct the TWASIZE parameter in the CICS transaction definition entry for transaction xxxx.
NT96 - Natural transaction XXXX missing/invalid
Explanation The Natural pseudo-conversational restart transaction ID specified in a front-end parameter list does not exist.
Action Check the transaction code and its CICS transaction definition entry.
NT97 - Natural has been reset, please restart
Explanation A new copy of the Natural under CICS system directory module has been loaded. Existing sessions cannot survive.
Action The session is terminated.
NT98 - Session terminated, XXXX abend occured
Explanation An abend xxxx has occurred and Natural is unable to continue.
Action The session will be terminated with a dump.
NT99 - Session terminated, unrecoverable abend xxxx/yyyyy
Explanation A second abend xxxx has occurred while processing abend yyyy.
Action The session is terminated with a dump. Specify parameter DU=ON and reproduce the problem to get a dump for the first abend.

Natural under CICS Informational Messages

The Natural under CICS informational messages comprise NCI environment startup messages and other messages, such as termination messages and messages issued via WTL, etc.

NCI0000 Unknown message NCInnnn
NCI0001 NciPfx Natural/CICS Interface Version nnn Lvl nnn
NCI0002 NciPfx Installing Natural system
NCI0003 NciPfx Natural system successfully started
NCI0004 NciPfx Natural system reset
NCI0005 NciPfx Un-installing old Natural system
NCI0007 NciPfx NCI system directory dir-name at address
NCI0008 NciPfx NCI system directory extension at address
NCI0009 NciPfx NCI directory extension released at address
NCI0010 grp-name, Installing thread group, thread size = nnnnn
NCI0011 grp-name, Terminating thread group, thread size = nnnnn
NCI0012 grp-name, Thread group (type) available: threads = nnn
NCI0013 grp-name, Thread group (type) dead due to no threads available
NCI0015 grp-name, Thread(s) released at address
NCI0016 thd-name, Thread allocated at address
NCI0017 thd-name, Thread allocation failure: failure
NCI0019 NciPfx Max thread size for Roll Server: nnnnn
NCI0020 NciPfx Max thread size for VSAM roll files: nnnnn
NCI0021 NciPfx Max thread size for CICS Temp Storage: nnnnn
NCI0022 file-name, VSAM roll file not available
NCI0023 file-name, VSAM roll file access failure: failure
NCI0024 file-name, VSAM roll file unusable: inconsistent control record
NCI0025 file-name, VSAM roll file unusable: too few records in file
NCI0026 file-name, no. records / record size / CI size: nnnnnnnn / nnnnn / nnnnn
NCI0027 file-name, roll attributes: slot size / no. slots: nnnnn / nnnnn
NCI0028 NciPfx CICS Main Temp Storage available: slot size = nnnnn
NCI0029 NciPfx CICS Aux Temp Storage available: slot size = nnnnn
NCI0030 tran-id, NCI message switch transaction available/not available
NCI0031 dest-id, NCI session log destination available/not available
NCI0032 dest-id, NCI message log destination available/not available
NCI0033 dest-id, NCI common dyn parms destination available/not available
NCI0034 dest-id, NCI MVS RJE destination available/not available
NCI0035 tran-id, NCI node error transaction available/not available
NCI0040 NciPfx Loading NCI dyn parms from destination dest-id
NCI0041 NciPfx Deleting NCI common dyn parms
NCI0042 NciPfx NCI common dyn parms deleted at address
NCI0043 NciPfx NCI common dyn parms loaded at address
NCI0044 NciPfx NCI dyn parms load failure: failure
NCI0050 NciPfx Installing type pool, size = nnnnnnn pool-name
NCI0051 NciPfx Creating type pool cache, size = nnnnnnn
NCI0052 NciPfx Deleting type pool cache, size = nnnnnnn
NCI0053 NciPfx type pool allocated at address size = nnnnnnn
NCI0054 NciPfx type pool released at address size = nnnnnnn
NCI0055 NciPfx type pool GETMAIN failure: failure
NCI0056 NciPfx type pool cache created ALET = xxxxxxxx
NCI0056 NciPfx type pool cache created 64-bit address
NCI0057 NciPfx type pool cache deleted ALET = xxxxxxxx
NCI0057 NciPfx type pool cache deleted 64-bit address
NCI0058 NciPfx type pool cache creation failure: failure
NCI0059 NciPfx type pool cache deletion failure: failure
NCI0060 NciPfx Swap pool successfully initialized pool-name
NCI0061 NciPfx Swap pool usable size = nnnnnn pool-name
NCI0062 NciPfx Swap pool cache not created: no space for roll buffer
NCI0069 NciPfx Local Editor buffer pool using file file-name
NCI0070 SubSid, Sub-system for server(s), directory at address
NCI0071 SubSid, Sub-system location failure: failure
NCI0080 NciPfx NCIPARM generation parameters modified
NCI0081 NciPfx NCIPARM gen parms resource status refreshed
NCI0082 NciPfx Buffer pool de-/re-allocated
NCI0090 NciPfx Sessions force-terminated: nnnnn
NCI0100 Message produced by CMWTL
NCI0110 Message produced by CMTRACE
NCI0200 Natural termination message
NCI0210 z/VSE submit debug message
NCI0250 Storage violation in program PPPPPPPP called by Natpgm/NatLib/StatementNo
NCI0300 server-id: Master session installed
NCI0301 server-id: Master session installation failed
NCI0302 server-id: Server environment terminated
NCI0303 NciPfx server-id: Master session deleted
NCI0304 NciPfx server-id: Master session deletion failed
NCI0305 NciPfx server-id: No master session to delete
NCI0310 Server trace message number

NCISCPRI Warnings and Error Messages

The following messages may be output during the initialization of VSAM roll files for Natural:

mmmmmmmm Request failure at offset xxxxx, RTC=rrrr, ERROR=eeee, FTNCD=ffff (E)

A VSAM macro request failed. mmmmmmmm is the failing macro; xxxxx is the offset of the macro request within NCISCPRI; rrrr, eeeee and fffff are the VSAM macro request return, feedback and function code.

Record size is less than optimum of CI-SIZE - 7 (W)

For an (unblocked) VSAM file, the maximum possible record size is the control interval size minus 7. Any smaller record size means wasted disk space and can result in more roll I/Os.

Accessed file is not an RRDS file (E)

The VSAM file to be initialized is not an RRDS, but a KSDS or ESDS file. Only VSAM RRDS files are supported as VSAM roll files for Natural.

Record size is less than allowed minimum of 4089 (E)

The minimum VSAM control interval size supported by the Natural CICS interface is 4096 and the minimum record size supported by Natural under CICS is the corresponding optimum record size.

Parameter input obsolete and therefore ignored (W)

NCISCPRI does not require parameter input in JCL stream. But if available, it is retrieved (until the end-of-data). The message is not issued for null files.