Text |
ESY5551 Member not specified. |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to access a PDS member without specifying its name. |
Action |
Specify member name. |
Text |
ESY5552 NEWNAME / ALIAS operand missing. |
Explanation |
No value for NEWNAME or ALIAS was given. Formats are: NEWNAME (A8) - view PDS-UPDATE ALIAS (A8) - view CATALOG-UPDATE NEWNAME (A44) - view VTOC-UPDATE |
Action |
Supply a value for NEWNAME or ALIAS. |
Text |
ESY5553 I/O error on directory. |
Explanation |
An error occurred while reading a PDS directory. |
Action |
The directory of the specified data set is probably invalid. Check with the system programmer. |
Text |
ESY5554 MEMBER not found in directory. |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to access a member which doesn't exist. |
Action |
Specify valid member name. |
Text |
ESY5555 NEWNAME / ALIAS already exists in directory. |
Explanation |
Values for NEWNAME and ALIAS must be unique within a directory. The value specified already exists. |
Action |
Enter a unique value for NEWNAME or ALIAS. |
Text |
ESY5556 File is in use. |
Explanation |
The file is under exclusive control of another user. |
Action |
Retry at a later time. |
Text |
ESY5557 File is held by linkage editor. |
Explanation |
The file is under exclusive control of the linkage editor. |
Action |
Retry at a later time. |
Text |
ESY5558 No space in Directory. |
Explanation |
No space is available in the Directory. |
Action |
Enlarge the Directory. |
Text |
ESY5559 STOW error. |
Explanation |
An error occurred during a STOW attempt. |
Action |
No action is required. |
Text |
ESY5560 Segment length greater than 253. |
Explanation |
The maximum segment length is 253. |
Action |
Specify a valid SEGMENT-LENGTH. |
Text |
ESY5561 Required catalog does not exist. |
Explanation |
The specified catalog doesn't exist. |
Action |
Specify a valid CVOL. |
Text |
ESY5562 Catalog entry not found. |
Explanation |
The entry was not found in the catalog. |
Action |
No action is required. |
Text |
ESY5563 Data set is an index. |
Explanation |
The data set to be catalogued is an index. |
Action |
Specify a valid data set name. |
Text |
ESY5564 Data set not at lowest index level. |
Explanation |
The data set name entered must be at the lowest index level. |
Action |
Enter a valid data set name. |
Text |
ESY5565 Syntax error in data set name. |
Explanation |
A syntax error was detected in the data set name. |
Action |
Specify a valid data set name. |
Text |
Syntax error in catalog name. |
Explanation |
A syntax error was detected in the catalog name. |
Action |
Specify a valid catalog name. |
Text |
Invalid OPTION, specify LONG or USERCAT |
Explanation |
An invalid OPTION was specified, valid options are LONG and USERCAT. |
Action |
Specify a valid OPTION (LONG or USERCAT). |
Text |
ESY5571 DSNAME operand missing. |
Explanation |
A fully qualified data set name must be specified. Format is (A44). |
Action |
Enter a valid DSNAME. |
Text |
ESY5572 NEWNAME missing. |
Explanation |
A fully qualified data set must be specified as NEWNAME for the RENAME function. |
Action |
Specify a valid DSNAME in the NEWNAME field for the RENAME function. |
Text |
Text |
ESY5574 RENAME invalid |
Explanation |
the NEW dataset name contains invaild characters |
Action |
check NEW dataset name for invalid characters |
Text |
ESY5575 Dataset not renamed, CATALOG-UPDATE function failed. |
Explanation |
The new dataset name cannot be cataloged. Therefore the old dataset name is still valid, and the dataset can now be accessed only specifying the correct volume. |
Action |
Check with your systems programmer why the new dataset name cannot be cataloged. |
Text |
ESY5576 SCRATCH returned with RC ... and status .... |
Explanation |
SCRATCH could not be performed. See the OS/390 DFSMSdfp Advanced Services Manual for a detailed explanation of the return code and status code. |
Action |
Check status of dataset. |
Text |
ESY5577 RENAME returned with RC ... and status .... |
Explanation |
RENAME could not be performed. See the OS/390 DFSMSdfp Advanced Services Manual for a detailed explanation of the return code and status code. |
Action |
Check status of dataset. |
Text |
ESY5578 RENAME fatal error; VOL ... DSN .... |
Explanation |
RENAME could not be performed. Check the dataset (see DSN value) on volume (see VOL value). |
Action |
Check with your systems programmer. |
Text |
ESY5580 Binder API :1: call, rc :2:, rsn :3:. |
Explanation |
A call to the Binder API failed. |
Action |
Contact Software AG technical support. |
Text |
ESY5590 End of data reached during inplace-update. |
Explanation |
It is not possible to add records with the update-inplace function. |
Action |
Don't use update-inplace for adding records. |
Text |
ESY5591 Member not found for inplace-update. |
Action |
Specify a valid MEMBER. |
Text |
ESY5592 Record length error for variable inplace-update. |
Action |
Check the source program; RECORD-LENGTH may not be changed. |
Text |
ESY5600 Unknown function. |
Explanation |
An invalid value was specified in the FUNCTION field. |
Action |
Specify valid FUNCTION value. |