Installing Natural Advanced Facilities on BS2000/OSD

This document describes the steps for installing Natural Advanced Facilities (product code NAF) on BS2000/OSD.

Related Topic:

For information on the features and functions provided by Natural Advanced Facilities, see the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation.

Notation vrs or vr:

When used in this document, the notation vrs or vr represents the relevant product version (see also Version in the Glossary).


See General Prerequisites and System Support in the section Overview of the Installation Process.

Installation Medium

The installation medium contains the following files required for product installation:

File Name Contents
NAFvrs.SYSF Natural FSPOOL system file definition
NAFvrs.MOD Load modules and object modules
NAFvrs.MAC Macros
NAFvrs.JOBS Sample installation jobs
NAFvrs.INPL Natural objects
NAFvrs.ERRN Natural error messages

Copy the files into your environment as described in Copying Files to a BS2000/OSD Disk in the section Installing Natural.

Installation Procedure

Be sure to read Installation Process and Major Natural Features and Naming Conventions for Installation Procedures before you start the installation procedure.

Step 1: Load the FSPOOL System File Definition

(Job I050, Step 0300)

Skip this step if you want to use an existing spool file of Natural Advanced Facilities.

Load the new Natural FSPOOL system file definition contained in the NAFvrs.SYSF file by using the Adabas ADALOD utility.

Step 2 : Build the NAFB2P Parameter Module

(Job I055, Step 0300)

  1. If required, modify the settings of the parameters in the source module ANAFB2P, which is contained in the file NAFvrs.JOBS.

    The following examples illustrate how the parameters can be set:

    Example 1 - Installation with Natural Security and Two Spool Servers:

    DC01    = NAFDCAM1
    DC02    = NAFDCAM2
    DC03    = NO
    DC30    = NO
    PA01    = 'STACK=(LOGON SYSPRINT,userid1,password;SVPBS201)'
    PA02    = 'STACK=(LOGON SYSPRINT,userid2,password;SVPBS201)'
    PA03    = 'NO'
    PA30    = 'NO'

    Example 2 - Installation without Natural Security and One Spool Server:

    DC01    = NAFDCAM1
    DC02    = NO
    DC30    = NO
    PA02    = 'NO'
    PA30    = 'NO'

    If Natural Security is installed, link the library SYSPRINT to a user which is normally not active in the Natural Security environment. Moreover, link SYSPRINT to as many users as there are spool servers (1-9).

    The parameters for DCAM connection (DC01 - D30) and for P1-EVENTING (NAFERK1, NAFERK2) must be different from those used for the same function in any other application for the same CPU.

    Described below are the parameters that can be specified in the macro NAFB2P:

    Parameter Explanation
    DC01 - DC30 7 bytes indicating the name of the corresponding DCAM application

    Unused entries should be set to NO.

    NAFERK1 8 bytes indicating the event ID for the communication between the online Natural and the spool server(s) and defining the name of the used common memory pool
    NAFERK2 8 bytes indicating the event ID for the automatic startup for spool server(s) using an openUTM TP monitor and the corresponding parameter SPOOL=(name, number)
    PA01 - PA30 Stack data for the initialization of Natural by specifying the following:
    STACK=(LOGON library,userid; 

    If Natural Security is installed, specify the following:

    STACK=(LOGON library,userid,password;

    Unused parameters must be set to NO.

    MONEVT Name of the event ID for the BS2000/OSD monitor task (8 bytes maximum)
    PAMO LOGON command for the monitor task.

    The start program must always be set to SVPMON01.

    If Natural Security is installed, specify the following:

    STACK=(LOGON library,userid,password;
    CMPSIZE Size of the Natural Advanced Facilities common memory pool (in units of 1 KB)

    The value is rounded up to the next higher multiple of 64 KB (64 KB = segment size = allocation unit for the common memory pools).

    RSOFORM Name of a form to be used by the spool server when output is sent to an RSO printer

    The information in the report is ignored. If value ' ' is used, the information from the report is used.

    BS2FORM Name of a form to be used by the spool server when output is sent to a system printer

    The information in the report is ignored. If value ' ' is used, the information from the report is used.

    PASEC Determines whether at logon the spool server uses the FSEC value applicable to the invoking online application (YES/NO).
    PANAT Determines whether at logon the spool server uses the FNAT value applicable to the invoking online application (YES/NO).
    ISO Determines whether the spool server(s) use a DCAM ISO application in addition to the DCAM NEA application (YES/NO).
    RSOPROT Determines whether the RSO messages resulting from the PRINT invocation are to be written to a log if logical printers with RSO support are used.

    ON: log is written to SYSLST02.

    OFF: no log is written to SYSLST02.

    MAXERR Maximum number of acceptable Natural spool server abends (abnormal termination of Natural).

    0: no limit.

    1-255: limit.

    If the specified limit is exceeded, the spool server terminates itself.

  2. Assemble the source module ANAFB2P to create the parameter module NAFB2P. If Natural Security is installed, check the LOGON command to application SYSPRINT.

Step 3: Assemble the Environment-Dependent Nucleus and the Natural Parameter Module

(Job I055, Steps 0301, 0302, 0303)

Assemble the environment-dependent nucleus for batch mode and the Natural parameter module for the Natural Advanced Facilities server task and the Natural monitor task.

  • Assemble the following source modules:

    ANAFFRNT Natural BS2000/OSD front-end for environment-dependent nucleus for batch
    ANAFRENT Natural BS2000/OSD reentrant, environment-dependent nucleus for batch
    ANAFPARM Natural BS2000/OSD parameter module for batch

Step 4: Build the Natural Parameter Module

(Job I060, Step 0010, and Job I080, Step 0109)

  1. Modify the parameters FSPOOL, NTPRINT, NAFUPF and NAFSIZE in the Natural parameter module according to your site requirements. For more information on these parameters, see Natural Profile Parameters for NATSPOOL in the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation.

  2. Assemble and link the Natural parameter module.

Step 5: Link the Environment-Independent Nucleus

(Job I060, Step 3802)

  • Add the following INCLUDE statements to the sources LNATSHAR in the library NAFvrs.JOBS:


Step 6: Load the Natural Objects

(Job I061, Step 0300)

  • Load the Natural objects specific to Natural Advanced Facilities from the NAFvrs.INPL file into the Natural system files SYSPOOL and SYSPRINT by using the Natural INPL utility.

    Ensure that the INPL load function finishes with the message:

    Natural Advanced Facilities initialized by INPL

    If this initialization fails, various problems will be encountered at execution time.

The maps contained on the data set are provided in source form so that you can modify them according to your requirements (for example, translate the maps from English into another language). If you modify these maps, ensure that all fields have the same format/length/relative position in the map. Failure to abide by this restriction will result in an invalid system.

Step 7: Load the Natural Error Messages

(Job I061, Step 0304)

  • Load the Natural error messages specific to Natural Advanced Facilities from the NAFvrs.ERRN file into the Natural FDIC system file by using the ERRLODUS program of the Natural SYSERR utility (described in the Utilities documentation).

Step 8: Link the Spool Server

(Job I065, Steps 0300, 0301, 0302, 0303)

  • Link the source members LNAFSERV, LNAFSEND, LNAFMON and LNAFMEND in the library NAFvrs.JOBS.

    Source Function
    LNAFSERV Links the program that starts the Natural Advanced Facilities server task
    LNAFSEND Links the program that terminates the Natural Advanced Facilities server task
    LNAFMON Links the program that starts the Natural Advanced Facilities monitor task

    See also BS2000/OSD Monitor in the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation.

    LNAFMEND Links the program that terminates the Natural Advanced Facilities monitor task

Step 9: Link the Environment-Dependent Nucleus

(Job I080, Steps 0110, 0200)

  • Add the following INCLUDE statements to the sources LNUTFRNT, LNRTFRNT and/or LNATFRNT (Job I060, Step 3801) in the library job-library:

    INCLUDE  NAFB2P   ,job-library

Step 10: Define Natural Advanced Facilities for Natural Security

This step must be performed only if Natural Advanced Facilities is being installed in a Natural Security environment.

  • Define SYSPOOL to Natural Security with the startup program MENU.

Step 11: Start Natural

  1. Start Natural and add the user profile, as defined in the NAFUPF parameter (see the Parameter Reference documentation) of the Natural parameter module, to the SYSPOOL file by using Function 31.1 (see the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation).

    A NAT7201 message is issued at the start of the session indicating that the profile has not yet been added to the SYSPOOL file.

  2. Configure the spool file by following the instructions in NATSPOOL Initialization in the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation.

Installation Verification

You can verify the successful installation of Natural Advanced Facilities by following the instructions provided in this section.

System Testing

You can perform the following steps to determine whether Natural Advanced Facilities functions correctly.

Start of instruction setTo print a test report

  1. In the appropriate logical printer, set the Disposition to K for testing.

  2. Log on to the Natural system library SYSPOOL and execute the programs NTEST and SPPTEST. These programs contain WRITE (1) statements.

    You can also create test reports with Function 42 (described in the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation.

Start of instruction setTo proceed if a test report cannot be printed

  1. Check whether the report is contained in the spool file. If the report is not in the spool file, it is possible that a FILE command for a print file has been active and that the report has been written to the print file and not to the spool file. This would occur because the FILE command has a higher priority.

    If the report is in the spool file but still is not printed, take the following steps.

  2. Check whether the printer is in FREE status. If the printer is in status BUSY, INOP, DEAC or HUNG, reset it to FREE.

  3. Check whether there is an error message on the console beginning with Natural Advanced Facilities. Normally, an error message will be sent to the console whenever a report is not printed. This allows the console operator to perform a more detailed analysis of the cause of the error.

  4. Check whether the information in the printer definition (see Function 31.4 in the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation) and PDN are consistent with one another.

    In addition, verify that the correct physical printer name and processor name have been specified.

  5. Check whether the printer is reserved by another spool system and, although it is not currently in use, has been deactivated by the other spool system. In this case, it is best if the printer is reset via a direct operator command.

  6. Check whether the printer is defined in an openUTM application (KDCDEF) and activated from that application. Deactivate the printer via an openUTM administration command.

    If the printer prints only 80 characters per line and 24 lines per page, take the following step.

  7. Check the PDN for the printer to see that the appropriate LINELEN and MAXLINE parameters have been included in the XOPCH macro.

    For example, to cause the printer to print 132 characters per line and 80 lines per page, provide the following parameter values:

  8. If a WRITE (rep) statement with attribute definition AD=I (intensified display) is used, the Natural profile parameter INTENS (see the Parameter Reference documentation) must be specified to enable intensified display.

    The following must be true:

    LS * INTENS < printer buffer size

    where LS is the line size as defined in the FORMAT (rep) statement, and the printer buffer size as specified in the printer definition (see Function 31.4 in the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation).

NATSPOOL System Errors

A system error may be issued upon initialization of openUTM if the SPOOL parameter has been included in the NATUTM macro and the spool server cannot be started during initialization.

Possible causes of this error are:

  • The batch limit has been exceeded, and the spool server cannot be started.

  • The entry job name specified in the SPOOL parameter either does not exist, or the entry job exists under a different name than the one specified in the SPOOL parameter.