Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Natural Web I/O Interface  —

Installing the Natural Web I/O Interface Client on JBoss Application Server

If you want to use the Natural Web I/O Interface client with JBoss Application Server, you must proceed as described in this document. The following topics are covered:

Installation Steps

Only one version of the Natural Web I/O Interface client can be installed on the same JBoss Application Server.

You can either install the Natural Web I/O Interface client or Natural for Ajax on the same JBoss Application Server, not both.

It is assumed that <jboss> is the directory of your JBoss Application Server installation.

The following topics are covered below:

First-time Installation

Start of instruction setTo install the Natural Web I/O Interface client

  1. Download the Natural Web I/O Interface client for JBoss Application Server from Empower ( and unzip the contents to a directory of your choice on your hard disk.

    Natural for UNIX, Natural for OpenVMS and Natural for Windows: Copy the complete contents of the nwo/<platform>/j2ee/v<nnnn>/jboss directory from the installation medium to a directory of your choice on your hard disk.

  2. On UNIX platforms: Dearchive the TAR file using the following command:

    tar -xvf nwonnnn.tar
  3. Install Apache Ant (you need Apache Ant to deploy the Natural Web I/O Interface client to the JBoss Application Server; see the Prerequisities above for the required version number):

    1. Download and unzip Apache Ant (from into an installation directory of your choice. Avoid a directory name that contains blanks.

    2. Let the environment variable ANT_HOME point to the directory <ant> (where <ant> is the directory of your Ant installation).

    3. Add <ant>/bin to your PATH environment variable.

  4. Deploy the Natural Web I/O Interface client to JBoss Application Server:

    1. Copy the the Natural Web I/O Interface client distributables to a directory on a disk drive.

    2. In the directory that contains the the Natural Web I/O Interface client distributables, there is an Ant script named jbossdeploynwo.xml. Edit this script and change the setting

      <property name="jbosshome" value="C:/Program Files/Java/jboss-4.0.5"/>


      <property name="jbosshome" value="<jboss>"/>

      where <jboss> is your JBoss Application Server installation directory.

      Take care to use forward slashes (also on Windows) when specifying the directory path.

    3. Execute the script jbossdeploynwo.xml by entering the following command:

      ant -f jbossdeploynwo.xml

      Wait for the message "BUILD SUCCESSFUL". This indicates that the deployment was successful.

  5. Edit the file <jboss>/server/default/deploy/jbossjca-service.xml and change the setting

    <!-- Enable connection close debug monitoring -->
    <attribute name="Debug">true</attribute>


    <!-- Enable connection close debug monitoring -->
    <attribute name="Debug">false</attribute>
  6. JBoss Application Server 4.0.5 only: Edit the file <jboss>/server/default/deploy/natuniapp.ear/natuniweb.war/WEB-INF/web.xml and uncomment the section

    Uncomment the next lines, in case the configuration tool is installed on a JBOSS 4.0.5.GA

    so that it looks as follows:


    For JBoss Application Server 4.2, you must not remove this comment.

  7. Start JBoss Application Server.

Update Installation

Start of instruction setTo update the Natural Web I/O Interface client

  1. Download the Natural Web I/O Interface client for JBoss Application Server from Empower ( and unzip the contents to a directory of your choice on your hard disk.

    Natural for UNIX, Natural for OpenVMS and Natural for Windows: Copy the complete contents of the nwo/<platform>/j2ee/v<nnnn>/jboss directory from the installation medium to a directory of your choice on your hard disk.

  2. On UNIX platforms: Dearchive the TAR file using the following command:

    tar -xvf nwonnnn.tar
  3. Shut down JBoss Application Server.

  4. Deploy the Natural Web I/O Interface client to JBoss Application Server as in a first-time installation.

  5. Make sure that the file <jboss>/server/default/deploy/jbossjca-service.xml contains the same settings as described for a first-time installation.

  6. JBoss Application Server 4.0.5 only: Make sure that the file <jboss>/server/default/deploy/natuniapp.ear/natuniweb.war/WEB-INF/web.xml contains the same settings as described for a first-time installation.

  7. Start JBoss Application Server.

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Installation Verification

It is assumed that http://<host>:<port> is the URL of your application server.

Start of instruction setTo verify the installation

  1. Enter the following URL in your web browser:


    For example:


    The Natural Web I/O Interface client is now started in your browser. The entries which appear in the resulting logon page depend on the settings in your configuration file. For further information, see Configuring the Client.

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