Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Tools and Utilities  —

SYSERR Utility Window and Functions

From the SYSERR - Error Messages window, you can invoke all SYSERR utility functions available for creating and maintaining user-defined or Natural system messages: 


The window is divided into two sections that contain data on messages available in the current library:

If no message exists for the specified library, both sections are empty.

The SYSERR - Error Messages window provides menus and command buttons for executing SYSERR utility functions. As an alternative to menus and command buttons, you can execute most of the functions by using toolbar buttons.

There are context menus available for several elements in the list box and the dialog boxes provided with the SYSERR functions. To invoke the context menu for an element, click on the element required with the right mouse button or select the element and press SHIFT+F10. The commands available are either cut and paste functions or correspond to the commands in the menus or to command buttons.

Some menu items are used to switch between modes or set a status. The check mark next to a menu item indicates which mode or status is active.

This section covers the following topics:

List Box

The list box appears in the left section of the SYSERR - Error Messages window. It contains the short messages of one language for one library. The short texts are preceded by the message number. The messages are sorted by the message number in ascending order.

If  a message file contains more than 200 messages, for performance reasons, not all messages are read in one step. When initially opening the SYSERR - Error Messages window, up to 200 messages are read from the message file at once, and about 30 of them are displayed in the list box. Scrolling down the list with the vertical scroll bar, the next 200 messages are read and displayed as soon as the scroll bar reaches the bottom of the list box.

Choose the Read All menu option, to read all remaining messages in one step as described in Edit Menu.

The selected (highlighted) short message is the current message. It is displayed in the right section of the SYSERR - Error Messages window. There, you can modify the short and long texts of the current message. See also Fields.

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The following fields appear in the right section of the SYSERR - Error Messages window:

Field Explanation
Samp. Output field that appears above the Num. field if a sample message exists for the current language and library.

Samp. displays the text of the sample message.

To create and use a sample message, see Sample in Options Menu.

Num. Displays the number of the current message. It  corresponds to the selected message in the list box.

To display another message or to create a new one, replace the current number by another valid number.

The maximum message number for a library and language is 9999. The message number 0000 is not allowed.

Short Modifiable field displaying the short message text of the current message number.

The input of the short message is mandatory. A new message can only be saved if text has been entered in the Short field. Therefore, if no text is displayed for the current message, the message number is free and can be assigned to a new message.

To extend the default field length, see Short Message Length 72 in Options Menu.

To copy sample messages into the Short field, see Sample in Options Menu and Copy in Command Buttons.

To copy text from the Short into the Long field, choose Short to Long.

Long Modifiable fields displaying the long message text of the current message.

Long consists of three input areas:

Text Extended version of the short message text.
Expl. Further explanation of the message.
Action   The action to be taken to resolve a problem, if relevant.

The input in Long is optional.

To copy text from the Short into the Long field, choose Short to Long.

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Command Buttons

The following commands can be executed by using command buttons:

Command Explanation
Copy This button is only visible if a sample message exists for the current language and library. Copy appears under the toolbar, in the right upper section of the SYSERR - Error Messages window.

Copies the text of a sample message (see Sample in Options Menu) into the Short field (see Fields) of the current message.

Previous / Add
Previous / Update

Toggles between Previous and Add, and Previous and Update depending on the status of the current message:
Previous   Scrolls from the current message to the previous message if no modification was made.
Add Adds a new message to the message file.
Update Saves the current message to the message file after modification.

You can only save a message if text was entered in the Short field (see Fields).

Next / Reset   Toggles between Next and Reset, depending on the status of the current message:
Next Scrolls from the current message to the next message if no modification was made.
Reset   Resets modifications made to the current message and displays the original message.
New Searches for the next free message number starting from the current message, and opens input fields to create a message for the number found. Free means that this message number is available and has not been assigned to another message of any language.

The search direction is downwards by default. However, the default direction can change to upwards if a previous search was performed in an upward direction by using the alternative function New Message (see Edit Menu).

Upwards searches for the next lower message number, downwards searches for the next higher message number from the current message.

As an alternative to New or New Message, you can also create a new message by replacing the number in the Num. field.

Short to Long  Copies the text of the Short field to the first line of the Long field.

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File Menu

This section describes the functions available in the File menu.

Function Explanation
New Lib/Lang Only applies to libraries and languages for which no messages exist.

Opens a new library and/or adds a new language. See also To switch libraries and/or languages.

Open Lib/Lang Only applies to libraries and languages for which messages already exist.

Opens another library and/or changes the language.

See also To switch libraries and/or languages.

Open File This function does not apply for accessing data on mainframe servers.

Selects an existing message file from a Natural Err directory (FNAT or FUSER) or from another directory.

See also the section Generating Message and Text Files.

Print Invokes the print function. 

A dialog box prompts you to:

  • Enter the range of messages.

  • Mark the Long texts printout option if you want to print the long message in addition to the short message.

  • Specify layout parameters and select the output device: Printer or Source. The initial assignment is the default printer set by Windows.

    To display the output in the source work area, use the system command LIST. If required, use the system command SAVE and the Natural object type text to save the contents of the source work area.

See also To print all Natural system messages.

Exit Terminates the SYSERR utility.

Start of instruction setTo print all Natural system messages

  1. Perform the steps described in Invoking SYSERR for Natural System Messages.

  2. From the File menu, select Print.

Start of instruction set To switch libraries and/or languages

  1. From the File menu, select New Lib/Lang if no messages exist.

    From the File menu, select Open Lib/Lang if messages exist.

    A SYSERR - New Lib/Lang or SYSERR - Open Lib/Lang dialog box similar to the example below appears:

  2. From the Library drop-down list box, select a library and a language.

    In the example above, the new language code 6 (Dutch) is selected for the library TESTLIB. TESTLIB already contains messages but no messages for language code 6.

  3. Choose OK to confirm your selection.

    An empty SYSERR - Error Messages window appears for the specified library and language.

    If the Open Lib/Lang menu option was selected, a list of messages appears that exist for the specified library and language.

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Edit Menu

This section describes the functions available in the Edit menu.

Command  Explanation
Cut Supported clipboard functions.
Undo Standard edit functions.
New Message Searches for the next free message number starting from the current message, and opens input fields to create a message for the number found. Free means that this message number is available and has not been assigned to another message of any language.

Upwards or Downwards specifies the search direction: Upwards searches for the next lower message number, Downwards searches for the next higher message number from the current message. See also the alternative New command button.

As an alternative to New Message or the New command button, you can also create a new message by replacing the number in the Num. field.

Delete Selected Removes all messages selected (highlighted) in the list box. A dialog box prompts you to confirm the action.
Delete All Removes all messages displayed in the list box. A dialog box prompts you to confirm the action.

When all messages of a message file have been deleted, the message file is deleted too.

Read All Reads all messages from a message file into the list box in one step. This command applies to message files with more than 200 messages.
Otherwise, for performance reasons, only 200 messages are read by default when the SYSERR - Error Messages window is opened. Additional messages can be displayed by scrolling down the list box to the end or by using the Read All menu option.
Translate Supports the creation of messages for different languages. Applies to short messages only. See To translate languages below. 

Start of instruction set To translate languages

  1. From the Edit menu, choose Translate.

    A SYSERR - Select Languages dialog box similar to the example below appears:

  2. Select one language or more into which you wish to translate the current message and choose OK.

  3. A SYSERR - Translate dialog box similar to the example below appears:

  4. The dialog box always lists the current language of the short text (in the example above, English) in the first position followed by the new language(s) selected in Step 1.

    The SYSERR - Translate dialog box provides the following menu options, command buttons and fields:

    File > Exit Closes the SYSERR - Translate dialog box and returns to the SYSERR - Error Messages window.
    Options > Select Languages Invokes a dialog box from which you can select one or more languages to be added to the current message number (unless selected earlier, during Step 1).
    Available languages The language code(s) of the language(s) already available for the current message number. 

    The code and language of the current language and the new language(s) selected.
    The current language is always listed in the first position.

    Short Text The text of the short message.
    Previous / Update Same as described for Previous / Update in Command Buttons.
    Reset / Next Same as described for Reset / Next in Command Buttons.
    Help > SYSERR Help Displays help text on SYSERR utility functions.
  5. Enter the translation in the Short Text field of the relevant language(s).

  6. Choose Update. The language code(s) of the new language(s) appears under Available languages.

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View Menu

This section describes the functions available in the View menu.

Function Explanation
Languages Display
Provides an overview of the languages available for one message number. You can choose among the following views:
Compressed   Displays the language code(s) that exists for a short and long message. For short messages, the language codes are listed next to Short, for long messages next to Long.

See also Example of Compressed.

Extended Short Displays the language code(s) that exists for a short message next to the message number.
Extended Long Displays the language code(s) that exists for a long message next to the message number.
You can keep the SYSERR - Language Display dialog box open while maintaining messages, and use the Reload command button any time you want to refresh the overview list.
Filter Display Applies in connection with the Set Filter function.

If Set Filter is enabled, the Filter Display function displays the short messages that match the filter criteria defined with the Set Filter function.

If Filter Display is enabled, the filter criteria specified with the Set Filter function are displayed above the list box.

To disable the Filter Display and list all messages, again choose the Filter Display option from the menu.

See also Filtering Messages.

Set Filter Defines a filter for displaying short messages and shows the filtered messages in the list box. See also Filtering Messages.

Set Filter must be enabled in order to use the Filter Display function.

Example of Compressed

In the example above, the short text (Short) for message number 14 exists in English = (1), German (2), Spanish (4), and Italian (5). The long text (Long) for message number 14 exists in English (1).

Filtering Messages

Start of instruction set To filter short messages

  1. From the View menu, choose Set Filter.

    A SYSERR - Set Filter dialog box similar to the example below appears:

    The dialog box provides the following filtering options:

    Filter values There are four fields in which you can enter the character string(s) to be used in the filter.
    Or / And / Not
    You can select one of the following Boolean operators:
    Or The filter selects one or more of the character strings entered in Filter values. This is the default setting.
    And The filter selects all of the character strings entered in Filter values.
    Not The filter selects none of the character strings entered in Filter values.
    The operator is ignored if you only fill one of the Filter Value fields.
    Find whole words If marked (default), the filter only allows searching for entire words and not parts of words.
    Case sensitive If marked, the filter only allows searching for letters that exactly match the lower and/or upper case specified.
  2. Specify the criteria to be used for the filter:

    In the example above, the filter selects all short messages that contain both the words buffer and pool.

  3. Choose OK.

    If the search criteria entered match the character strings contained in the short messages, the matches are displayed in the list box and the Set Filter and Filter Display functions are enabled.

  4. To remove a filter and list all messages, choose Filter Display to disable the function.

If the Set Filter function is enabled, alternatively, you can execute the filter function by choosing Filter Display.

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Options Menu

This section describes the functions available in the Options menu.

Function Explanation
Sample Invokes the SYSERR - Maintain Sample Message dialog box where you create a sample message to be used as a master for creating new short messages or replace the text of existing short messages.

If you enter the string 0000 anywhere in the SYSERR - Maintain Sample Message dialog box (combined with text or not), the string 0000 is replaced by the number of the new message or the current message when copying the message.

You can define one sample message for each language and library.

If you created a sample message, the Samp. field appears with the text of the sample message.

To copy the text of the sample message into the Short field, use the Copy command button (see Edit Menu). Alternatively, you can enter .C in the Short field if this field is empty.
Layout See Layout.
Shift Short Left If enabled, automatically shifts the text of a short message to the left margin when adding a new message or choosing Update after modification.
Short Message Length 72 This option does not apply to a remote environment located on a UNIX, OpenVMS or mainframe platform.

If enabled, the Short field (see Fields) is extended to a maximum input of 72 characters. The default field length is 65 characters, which is the maximum input in UNIX, OpenVMS and mainframe environments.

Resizes the dialog box:
Startup Resizes the dialog box to the size it had at startup.
Full List Box Resizes the dialog box to display the short message in full length.
Confirm Window Enables/disables a pop-up window to confirm:
  • The new message number.

  • That the text of the short message is copied into the first line of the Long field if  Short to Long was chosen.

  • That the text of the sample message (if available) is copied into the Short field if Copy was chosen.

Import Text File 
This function does not apply to a remote environment located on a mainframe platform.

Imports a text file and converts it into a message file. Note that you always need to specify the full path of a file.

From (text file)   The name of the text file from which the message file will be generated.
To (message file)   The name of the message file into which the text file will be generated. Default is the full path name of the current library and message file.

For user-defined messages, the file name must be NnnAPMSL.MSG. For Natural system messages, the file name must be NnnLmmmm.MSG.

For further information on file formats and generating message and text files, see the relevant section.
Export Message File
This function does not apply to a remote environment located on a mainframe platform.

Exports a message file and converts it into a text file. Note that you always need to specify the full path of a file.

From (message file)   The name of the message file from which the text file will be generated. Default is the full path name of the current library and message file.

For user-defined messages, the file name must be NnnAPMSL.MSG. For Natural system messages, the file name must be NnnLmmmm.MSG.

To (text file)   The name of the text file that will be generated.
For further information on file formats and generating message and text files, see the relevant section.


The Layout option allows specification of valid message ranges to categorize messages. Overlapping of ranges is possible. A new message can only be added if its number is within the range specified in the layout.

The layout definition applies to all languages. It is stored in the English message file.

An example layout definition is shown below:

In the fields From and To, specify the message range. In the Description field, enter text that describes the message category.

To insert or delete rows, mark a row and press the INS or DEL key. If the maximum of 18 rows is displayed, you may have to delete or overwrite another row before you can insert a new one.

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Toolbar Buttons

The toolbar buttons represent the following menu items or command buttons:

Toolbar Button Menu Item/Command Button Menu

New Lib/Lang File

Open Lib/Lang File

Print File

Exit File

Cut Edit

Copy Edit

Paste Edit

Undo Edit

New Message > Upwards Edit

New Message > Downwards Edit

Read All Edit

Translate Edit

Filter Display View

Sample Options

Layout Options

Size > Startup Options

Import Text File Options

Export Message File Options

Previous -

Next -

Update -

Reset -

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Status Bar

The status bar on the bottom of the SYSERR - Error Messages window displays the following:

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Online Help

You can obtain online information on using the SYSERR utility.

Start of instruction setTo view the overview of the online documentation

Start of instruction setTo view context-sensitive help

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