Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Natural Remote Procedure Call (RPC)  —

Terminating an EntireX Broker Service

This section describes how to terminate an EntireX Broker Service. Several methods exist.


Use the Terminate EntireX Broker Service command of the SYSRPC utility as described in Terminating a Server in the SYSRPC Utility documentation.

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Using EntireX System Management Hub

Use the Deregister button in the Service subtree of the EntireX System Management Hub.

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Using Application Programming Interface USR2075N

The Application Programming Interface (API) USR2075N enables you to terminate an EntireX Broker Service from within your application.

With the command TERMINATE-SERVICE the interface uses the command and information service of EntireX to fulfill the task. First of all, it sends a logon request to the EntireX Broker. Then it gets a list of all servers specified by server class, server name, and service type. Finally, it sends a shutdown request to each server. A message indicates how many servers were terminated.

Start of instruction setTo make use of USR2075N

  1. Copy the subprogram USR2075N from libray SYSEXT to the library SYSTEM or to the steplib library or to any application in the server environment.

  2. Using a DEFINE DATA statement in structured mode or a RESET statement in reporting mode, specify the following parameters:

    Parameter Format I/O Description

    This sends a shutdown request to each server specified with the parameters SRVCLASS, SRVNAME, and SERVICE (service type), see below.

    SRVNODE A192 I Specify the Broker name or an asterisk (*) if the server name represents a Location Transparency of EntireX or a logical Broker node name as LOGBROKER=nodename).

    See the profile parameter SRVNODE.

    SRVCLASS A32 I Specify the server class. For Natural RPC servers, this is RPC.
    SRVNAME A32/A192 I Server name (A32) or EntireX Location Transparency (A192). See the profile parameter SRVNAME .
    SERVICE A32 I Specify the type of service. For Natural RPC servers, this is CALLNAT.
    IMMEDIATE L   TRUE Immediately terminate all conversations for the specified server.
    FALSE Existing conversations are allowed to end normally; no new conversations are accepted.
    USER-ID A32 I Specify the user ID to logon to the EntireX Broker.
    PASSWORD A32 I Specify the password for EntireX Broker Security, if it is used on the EntireX Broker side.
    MSG A (dynamic) O Message returned.
    RC I2 O Response code; possible values:
    0 MSG contains a normal message from the EntireX Broker.
    1 MSG contains an error message from the EntireX Broker.
    3 MSG contains an error message from Natural Security on the client side.
  3. Before invoking the API, fill the input variables listed above.

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