Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Programming Guide  —

Statements for Internet and XML Access

This document gives an overview of the Natural statements for internet and XML access and contains a list of further references. To take full advantage of these statements, a thorough knowledge of the underlying communication standards is required.

This document covers the following topics:

Statements Available

The following statements are available for internet and XML access:


This statement enables you to use the HTTP/HTTPS protocol.

The following is an example of how this statement can be used to access an externally-located document:

USER #User PASSWORD #Password
NAME 'XMLData' VALUE #Queryxml
NAME 'repServerName' VALUE 'NT2'
PAGE #Resultxml

For further information, see REQUEST DOCUMENT in the Statements documentation.


The PARSE XML statement allows you to parse XML documents from a Natural program.

For further information, see PARSE XML in the Statements documentation.

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Further References

Below is a list of resources that you may find useful.

Sample Programs

In addition to the sample programs provided at the end of the description of each statement, some sample programs are included in the Natural library SYSEXV.

Training Courses

Software AG's Corporate University offers special training courses on this subject. See the Corporate University offerings on ServLine24 at

Or, ask your local Software AG representative for the availability of special on-site training courses at your location.

Useful Links

Below is a collection of links that may be of interest.

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