Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Parameter Reference  —

PM - Print Mode

The following topics are covered below:

Profile Parameter PM

The Natural profile parameter specifies how fields are to be printed or displayed.

PM=I affects any system controlled output screen items, that is, system variables and PF key lines. Moreover, all non-alphanumeric fields, for example, numeric and date are affected. In addition, for Natural Web I/O Interface terminals the field sequence is changed from left to right into right to left. The field inversion routine is supplied as assembler module NATPM in the Natural source library and can be modified in case of need.

For detailed information on how to use the setting PM=I, see Bidirectional Language Support in the Unicode and Code Page Support documentation.

Possible settings I The default screen direction when running programs is right-to-left. The RTL attribute for new dialogs is checked.
R The default screen direction when running programs is left-to-right. The RTL attribute for new dialogs is not checked.
Default setting R  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session yes  
Application Programming Interface USR1005N See SYSEXT - Natural Application Programming Interfaces in the Utilities documentation.

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Session Parameter PM

This session parameter is used to indicate how fields are to be displayed.

Possible settings PM=I The field direction is reversed.
PM=N The field is ignored (that is, not printed) for hardcopy output.
Default setting none The default field direction is used and it is regarded for hardcopy output.
Applicable Statements


For detailed information on how to use the setting PM=I, see Bidirectional Language Support in the Unicode and Code Page Support documentation.

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