Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Parameter Reference  —

IA - Input Assign Character

This Natural profile and session parameter defines the character to be used as the assignment character for the input parameter processing in INPUT statements, either in keyword/delimiter mode or when processing data from the Natural stack.

Within a Natural session, the profile parameter IA can be overridden by the session parameter IA.

Possible settings any special character

Assignment character for the input parameter processing in INPUT statements. The character specified with the IA parameter

  • must not be the same as the character specified with the profile/session parameters CF (control character for mainframe terminal commands), DC (decimal character) or ID (input delimiter character);

  • should not be the same as the one specified with the profile parameter HI (help character).

Default setting = Equals sign.
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session yes Applicable Statements: SET GLOBALS
Applicable Command: GLOBALS
Application Programming Interface USR1005N

See SYSEXT - Natural Application Programming Interfaces in the Utilities documentation.


In the following example, it is assumed that, for the beginning, the default input assign character (=) applies.

** Example 'IACHAR': Input Assign character                             
DEFINE DATA LOCAL                                                       
1 #A (A1)                                                               
1 #B (A1)                                                               
INPUT #A #B                                                             
WRITE 'Field #A:' #A  / 'Field #B:' #B                                  
  1. Enter the command

    IACHAR #A=Y,#B=X

    The program produces the following output:

    Page      1                                                  05-01-19  11:05:51
    Field #A: Y                                                                    
    Field #B: X  
  2. Enter the command


    This sets the input assign character to colon (:).

  3. Then enter the command

    IACHAR #B:X,#A:Y

    The program produces the following output:

    Page      1                                                  06-11-13  12:12:24
    Field #A: Y                                                                    
    Field #B: X   

Under Natural Security: The setting of this parameter can be overridden by the Session Parameters option of the Library Profile.

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