Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Parameter Reference  —

FREEGDA - Release GDA in Utility Mode

This Natural profile parameter controls whether current user global data area (GDA) and application-independent variables (AIV) are to be reset or not when a utility is invoked in utility mode (see Utility Activation in the Utilities documentation), that is, by using the direct command that corresponds to the utility's name.

Possible settings ON The current user GDA and AIV variables are reset before a utility is started. This behavior corresponds to the previous situation when the utility was invoked using the system command LOGON <library>.
OFF The current user GDA and AIV variables are preserved when a utility is started. Note that this will increase the data size correspondingly and may lead to thread problems under certain operating systems.
Default setting ON  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  

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