Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Operations  —

Using the GUI Version of the Buffer Pool Monitor

This document covers the following topics:

See also Natural Buffer Pool which provides general information on the buffer pool and explains how to start the buffer pool.

This utility should not be generally accessible to all users of Natural, because its use can cause damage to the work of other users of the buffer pool.

Starting and Terminating the Buffer Pool Monitor

A Natural folder automatically appears in the Programs folder of the Start menu after Natural has been installed. It contains the shortcuts for Natural, including the Buffer Pool Monitor.

Start of instruction setTo start the Buffer Pool Monitor

Start of instruction setTo terminate the Buffer Pool Monitor

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Elements of the Natural Buffer Pool Monitor Window

When you start the Buffer Pool Monitor, it automatically tries to connect to Natural's default buffer pool NATBP. The name of the buffer pool which is currently used is shown in the title bar. It is also selected in the tree.

Buffer pool monitor

The following topics are covered below:

Menu Bar

The following menus are available:

Menu Using the commands in this menu, you can ...
Monitor Change the properties or exit the Buffer Pool Monitor.
Bufferpool Disconnect and connect a buffer pool. Shut down and start the buffer pool server.
View Show or hide the various elements of the Natural Buffer Pool Monitor window.
Help Invoke the online documentation and display information about the Buffer Pool Monitor.


You can execute the most important functions using a toolbar button. When you move the mouse pointer over a toolbar, a brief description for the button is shown in the status bar.

The following toolbar buttons are available:


Change properties


Connect to another buffer pool


Disconnect current buffer pool


Shutdown buffer pool server


Start buffer pool server


Display online help

Start of instruction setTo switch the toolbar display on and off


The tree on the left side of the Natural Buffer Pool Monitor window shows all buffer pools currently assigned in the local configuration file. See Buffer Pool Assignments in the Configuration Utility documentation.

Only one buffer pool can be monitored at a time. If you want to connect to a different buffer pool, see Connecting and Disconnecting a Buffer Pool.

When all nodes for the buffer pool which is currently used (NATBP in the example below) are expanded, the tree looks as follows.


When you select a node in the tree, the corresponding page is shown on the right side of the window. See the following sections for a detailed description of each page:

Status Bar

The status bar is the horizontal information line at the bottom of the Natural Buffer Pool Monitor window. It shows short help texts for the commands in the menu bar and toolbar.

Start of instruction setTo switch the status bar display on and off

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Disconnecting and Connecting a Buffer Pool

Only one buffer pool can be connected at a time. To switch to another buffer pool in the environment, you disconnect the currently used buffer pool and then connect to the new buffer pool.

When you connect to another buffer pool, the previously connected buffer pool is automatically disconnected. Thus, it is not necessary to use the Disconnect command first.

The icon next to a buffer pool name indicates one of the following states:


The Buffer Pool Monitor is connected to the buffer pool (green icon).


The Buffer Pool Monitor is not connected to the buffer pool (gray icon).

Start of instruction setTo disconnect the currently used buffer pool

  1. Select the name of the currently connected buffer pool in the tree.

  2. From the Monitor menu, choose Disconnect.

    Invoke the context menu and choose Disconnect.

    Choose the following toolbar button:


    The tree for this buffer pool is no longer shown.

Start of instruction setTo connect a buffer pool

  1. Select the name of a buffer pool in the tree.

  2. From the Monitor menu, choose Connect.

    Invoke the context menu and choose Connect.

    Choose the following toolbar button:


    The tree for this buffer pool is shown.

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Shutting Down a Buffer Pool Server

When you are connected to a buffer pool, you can shut it down. This is only possible if the buffer pool has not been started via the buffer pool service.

For example, if you want to to initialize the buffer pool, you shut it down and then restart it.

The buffer pool server will not shut down as long as any Natural process is still connected. It will only shut down after the last process has disconnected from the buffer pool. As long as processes are connected, the buffer pool status is "shutdown pending"; this is indicated in the tree, next to the buffer pool name.

Start of instruction setTo shut down the buffer pool server

  1. Select the name of the currently connected buffer pool in the tree.

  2. From the Monitor menu, choose Shutdown Server.

    Invoke the context menu and choose Shutdown Server.

    Choose the following toolbar button:


    The tree for this buffer pool is no longer shown.

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Starting a Buffer Pool Server

A buffer pool server can only be started via the Buffer Pool Monitor if a buffer pool server has not yet been started.

Start of instruction setTo start a buffer pool server

  1. Select the name of a buffer pool in the tree.

  2. From the Monitor menu, choose Start Server.

    Invoke the context menu and choose Start Server.

    Choose the following toolbar button:


    The buffer pool server is started.

    This does not automatically connect the buffer pool. You have to connect it manually as described in Disconnecting and Connecting a Buffer Pool.

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Changing the Properties of the Buffer Pool Monitor

You can define the files that are to be provided as the defaults on several pages of the Buffer Pool Monitor. You can also define the default text editor that is to be used.

Start of instruction setTo change the properties

  1. From the Monitor menu, choose Properties.

    The following dialog box appears. By default, a temporary directory is defined for the current user. Example: when you have defined your own temporary directory, the dialog box may look as follows:


    You can change the following information:

  2. If you want to change an entry, specify the path and file name in the corresponding text box.

    Choose the corresponding Browse button to select the file from a dialog box.

  3. Choose the OK button.

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Global Information

When you expand the Global Information node in the tree, you can display statistical data of the buffer pool and its parameters.

The following pages are available:


The following page appears when you select Statistics in the tree.


This page shows general information about the buffer pool and detailed information about memory, users and objects. It shows the same information as the STATUS command of the NATBPMON utility; see Statistical Information About the Buffer Pool for further information.

When the Automatic refresh check box is selected, the page is automatically refreshed every second. When this check box is not selected, you have to refresh the values manually by choosing the Refresh button.

When you choose the Clear counters button, the internal statistics of the buffer pool are reset to zero.


The following page appears when you select Parameters in the tree.


This page shows the same information as the PARAM command of the NATBPMON utility; see Displaying the Buffer Pool Settings.

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Buffer Pool Content

When you expand the Buffer Pool Content node in the tree, you can display details about the Natural objects which have been loaded into the buffer pool, as well as the users who are accessing them.

The following pages are available:

Directory Entries

The following page appears when you expand the Objects node in the tree and select Directory Entries.

Directory entries

This page provides a table containing information on all currently loaded directory entries. It shows the same information as the DIR command of the NATBPMON utility; see also Displaying the Objects in the Buffer Pool.

The following command buttons are provided:

Command Button Description
Refresh directory entries Updates the table.
Delete all directory entries Deletes all Natural objects which are currently loaded in the buffer pool.

When the mouse is positioned over the table, you can invoke a context menu containing the following commands:

Command in Context Menu Description
Select all Selects all entries in the table.
Delete Deletes the selected entries in the table.

Filter options

Using a filter, you can reduce the number of directory entries that are shown in the table.

Start of instruction setTo define a filter

  1. Activate the Use filter check box.

  2. Specify the filter criteria in the text boxes DBID, FNR, Library, Name, Kind and/or Type.

    For example, to display all programs in the libraries starting with "MY", specify "MY*" in the Library text box, and "P" in the Type text box.

  3. Choose the Refresh directory entries button to update the table.

Write file

You can write all directory entries which are currently shown in the table to a file. If required, the memory of the directory entries can also be written to this file.

Start of instruction setTo write the directory entries to a file

  1. Optional. In the File name text box, specify the path to the file to which the directory entries are to be written.

    Use the button to the right of this text box to select the file from a dialog box.

    By default, the File name text box contains the path to the file which has been defined in the properties.

  2. Optional. If the memory of the directory entries is to be written to this file, activate the Write directory entry memory check box.

  3. Choose the Write file button.

    The information is written to the specified file. The content of this file is automatically shown in the text editor which has been defined in the properties.


The following page appears when you expand the Objects node in the tree and select Corpses.


A corpse is an object which is to be deleted from the buffer pool, but is still in use. When corpses are available, they are shown in the table.

You can use the Refresh corpses button to update the table.


The following page appears when you select Users in the tree.


This page shows a table containing information on the users who are currently using the buffer pool.

You can use the Refresh users button to update the table.

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Graphic Analyzer

When you expand the Graphic Analyzer node in the tree, you can display graphical representations of the statistical numbers and a direct view on what is taking place inside the buffer pool memory.

The following pages are available:

Line Graph

The following page appears when you expand the Statistics Charts node in the tree and select Line Graph. When you have added data sources and have started the analyzer, this page may look as follows:

Line graph

The line graph and the bar chart are both working with the same statistical data sources. When you apply one of the following actions to the line graph, this action is also applied to the bar chart, and vice versa:

The analyzer is also used on the Memory Usage page.

Start of instruction setTo add data sources

  1. Choose the Add data source button.

    The Data Source dialog box appears.

    Data source

  2. From the Data source drop-down list box, select the data source that is to be shown in the chart.

    A description is shown for the selected data source.

  3. Optional. From the Growth factor drop-down list box, select the required value for the selected data source.

    This adjusts the range on the y-axis. The current value of the data source is multiplied by that factor to accomplish an appropriate representation on the chart.

  4. Optional. If you want to define a different color for the selected data source, choose the Choose color button.

    The standard Windows Color dialog box appears in which you can select or define another color to be used for the data source.

  5. Choose the OK button to add the data source to the table which is shown at the bottom of the page. The data source is then available for both the line graph and the bar chart.

    The table shows the color, name, description and growth factor of each data source that you have added. It also shows the minimum, maximum and current values of the data source.

  6. Optional. Repeat the above steps, if you want to add further data sources to the table.

Start of instruction setManaging the defined data sources

  1. Select a data source in the table and invoke the context menu.

    The context menu contains the following commands:

    Command in Context Menu Description
    Properties Invokes the Data Source dialog box for the selected data source. In this case, the dialog box can only be used to define another color.
    Select all Selects all data sources in the table.
    Delete Deletes the selected data source(s) in the table.
  2. Choose one of the above commands.

Start of instruction setTo adjust the update interval

Start of instruction setTo start the analyzer

Start of instruction setTo pause the analyzer

Start of instruction setTo reset the analyzer

Bar Chart

The following page appears when you expand the Statistics Charts node in the tree and select Bar Chart. When you have added data sources and have started the analyzer, this page may look as follows:

Bar chart

When you apply an action to the line graph, this action is also applied to the bar chart, and vice versa. See Line Graph for detailed information on how to add, modify and delete data sources, how to start, pause and reset the analyzer, and how to adjust the update interval.

Memory Usage

The following page appears when you select Memory Usage in the tree.

Memory usage

This chart simply shows the structure of the buffer pool memory. It shows allocated and free memory.

When the analyzer is active for a line graph or bar chart, it is also active on this page, and vice versa. See Line Graph for detailed information on how to start, pause and reset the analyzer, and how to adjust the update interval.

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When you expand the Reports node in the tree, several pages are available. They can be used to write certain types of information about the buffer pool into a file.

The following pages are available:

Simple Report

The following page appears when you select Simple Report in the tree.

Simple report

You can write a report which contains information on the data sources that you select on this page.

Start of instruction setTo select the data sources and write the report

  1. Select one or more data sources in the Available data sources list box.

  2. Choose the >> button.

    The selected data sources are moved to the Selected data sources list box.

    If you have accidentally moved the wrong data source to the Selected data sources list box, you can move it back to the Available data sources list box by choosing the << button.

  3. Optional. In the Report file text box, specify the path to the file to which the report is to be written.

    Choose the Browse button to select the file from a dialog box.

    By default, the Report file text box contains the path to the file which has been defined in the properties.

  4. Choose the Write report button.

    The report is written to the specified file. The content of this file is automatically shown in the text editor which has been defined in the properties.


The following page appears when you select Logging in the tree.


The upper part of this page contains the same information as the Simple Report page. The only difference is that a different log file is used by default.

In addition to selecting the data sources in upper part of this page, you can decide whether the log file is to be written immediately (manually) or whether it is to be scheduled for a specific time range.

Start of instruction setTo start the logging process manually

  1. Select all data sources and (optionally) the log file as described for the Simple Report page.

  2. From the Interval drop-down list box, select the interval which determines how often the log information is to be written to the file.

  3. Choose the Start now button to start writing information to the log file.

    A status message indicating the number of done circles and the elasped time is shown at the bottom of the Log control group box.

  4. Choose the Stop button to stop writing information to the log file.

    When the logging process has been stopped, the content of the log file is automatically shown in the text editor which has been defined in the properties.

Start of instruction setTo schedule the log process for a specific time range

  1. Select all data sources and (optionally) the log file as described for the Simple Report page.

  2. From the Interval drop-down list box, select the interval which determines how often the log information is to be written to the file.

  3. Specify a start date and time.

  4. Specify a stop date and time.

  5. Choose the Start schedule button.

    A status message is shown at the bottom of the Log control group box. It indicates the time that is to elapse until the log process is started. When the start time is reached, a different status message is shown which indicates the number of done circles and the elasped time.

    You can choose the Stop button to cancel the schedule before the specified start time.

    When the stop time is reached (or when you choose the Stop button after the start time has been reached), the content of the log file is automatically shown in the text editor which has been defined in the properties.

Advanced Analysis

The following page appears when you select Advanced Analysis in the tree. It provides information for the Software AG support team.

Do not use this page unless you are requested to do so by Software AG Support.

Advanced analysis

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