Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Natural Security  —


This section covers the following topics:

What is a Mailbox?

A mailbox is an information screen which may be used to broadcast messages to Natural users. It can best be described as a notice board.

Mailboxes may be assigned to users and/or to libraries.

When a user logs on to a library, the mailboxes assigned to his or her security profile, as well as the mailboxes assigned to the security profile of the library, will be displayed to the user.

You create a mailbox by defining it to Natural Security, that is, creating a security profile for it.

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Broadcasting a Message

Everybody specified as a mailer in a mailbox security profile may use the mailbox. If a group is specified as a mailer, every user contained in the group may use the mailbox. If no mailer is specified, any user may use the mailbox.

A mailer can invoke a mailbox with the Natural system command MAIL (provided that the mailer is logged on to a library for which command mode is allowed).



This command invokes the message screen of the mailbox FUGAZI.


This command displays a list of all mailboxes which the mailer may use; the mailer can then select a mailbox from the list.

Once the desired mailbox is invoked, the mailer may enter a message, add text to or delete text from an existing message, or change the "Valid from/to" dates.

Mailers have access only to the message screen of a mailbox, not to the mailbox security profile. Owners may also broadcast messages, as they have access to a mailbox message screen via the security profile. However, it is only mailers who may use the MAIL command.

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Receiving a Message

Once a mailbox is defined, it may be assigned to users and libraries by entering the mailbox ID in the "Mailboxes" window (under "Additional Options") of the respective user security profiles and library security profiles.

Owner logic applies to the assigning of mailboxes; that is, if owners are specified in the mailbox profile (see Components of a Mailbox Profile below), only these owners will be allowed to assign the mailbox to a user or library.

Mailboxes will be displayed to a user immediately after every successful logon to a library. The following mailboxes will be displayed to the user in the following order:

  1. all mailboxes assigned to the user;

  2. all mailboxes assigned to the library;

  3. all mailboxes assigned to the group via which the user is logged on (if the library is people-protected and the user is linked via a group);

  4. all mailboxes assigned to the user's terminal and all mailboxes assigned to the group via which the terminal is linked (if the library is terminal-protected ("Terminal-protected" set to "A")).

If one mailbox would have to be displayed more than once to a user (for example, if the same mailbox is assigned to the user's own security profile as well as to that of the group via which he/she is linked), it will only be displayed once; a repeated display will be suppressed.

The display of mailboxes cannot be suppressed by the user.

A mailbox will not be displayed

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Mailbox ID

Mailbox IDs are used by Natural Security to identify mailboxes and their security profiles.

A mailbox ID may be up to 8 characters long, it must start with an alphabetical character, and it must be unique amongst all mailbox IDs defined to Natural Security.

Before you start defining mailboxes, it may be advisable to conceive a logical system of mailbox IDs; this will help you to identify mailboxes easier when doing Natural Security maintenance.

Mailbox for Initial Logon

The mailbox ID "1INITIAL" serves a special purpose: if you define a mailbox with this mailbox ID, it will be displayed to every user after a successful initial logon to Natural.

The mailbox 1INITIAL need not be assigned to any user or library.

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Components of a Mailbox Profile

The following screen shows an example of a mailbox security profile:

13:00:00                   *** NATURAL SECURITY ***                   2008-10-31
                              - Modify Mailbox -                              
 Mailbox ID: MAIL2112                           Created: 2002-09-14 by: SAG    
 Mailb.Name: MAILBOX YYZ_____________________  Modified: 2008-10-12 by: SAG    
 Last mailed on .. 2008-06-11 at: 12:00:58 by: IW                              
 Valid from ...... 1999-12-31 to  2699-12-31                                   
 ------------- Mailbox Security Notes -------------  Mailers-    -- Owners --  
 __________________________________________________  AD______    ________   _  
 __________________________________________________  HW______    ________   _  
 __________________________________________________  IW______    ________   _  
 __________________________________________________  ________    ________   _  
 __________________________________________________  ________    ________   _  
 __________________________________________________  ________    ________   _  
 __________________________________________________  ________    ________   _  
 __________________________________________________  ________    ________   _  
 __________________________________________________  ________                  
 __________________________________________________  ________                  
 -------------------------------------------------- ---------   -------------  
       Help  PrevM Exit  AddOp       Flip                                Canc  

The individual components of a mailbox security profile are explained below.

The following items of information are entered by Natural Security:

Mailbox ID The ID by which you have defined the mailbox to Natural Security.
Created/by   The date when the security profile was created, and the ID of the ADMINISTRATOR who created the security profile.
Modified/by   The date when the security profile was last modified, and the ID of the ADMINISTRATOR who made the latest modification.
Last mailed on/at/by   The date, time and user ID of the latest modification of the mailbox message screen and/or "Valid from/to" dates.
Valid from/to   The period of time in which the mailbox is displayed to users when they log on.

These dates can be set on the mailbox message screen, not on the security profile screen.

You may specify the following items as part of a mailbox security profile:

Mailbox Name In this field, you may specify a name for the mailbox; this name may be up to 32 characters long.
Mailbox Security Notes   In these lines, you may enter your notes on the security profile.
Mailers   You may enter up to 10 IDs of users (of any user type) who may use the mailbox to broadcast messages, that is, modify the contents of the mailbox message screen.

If no mailers are specified, any user may use the mailbox.

Owners   You may enter up to 8 IDs of ADMINISTRATORs. Only the ADMINISTRATORs specified here will be allowed to maintain the mailbox security profile and assign the mailbox to users/libraries.

If no owner is specified, any user of type ADMINISTRATOR may do so.

For each owner, the number of co-owners whose countersignatures will be required for maintenance/assignment permission may optionally be specified in the field after the ID.

For an explanation of owners and co-owners, see the section Countersignatures.

If you press PF4 on the Add Mailbox screen, the message screen of the mailbox will be displayed:

 13:00:27               *** Mailbox Message Screen ***               2008-10-31
          Mailbox ID ... MAIL2112      Valid from 2008-05-24 to 2699-12-31       
          Last mailed on 2008-06-11 at 12:00:58 by IW                            
          I THERE IS UNREST IN THE FOREST                                I       
          I THERE IS TROUBLE WITH THE TREES                              I       
          I FOR THE MAPLES WANT MORE SUNLIGHT                            I       
          I AND THE OAKS IGNORE THEIR PLEAS                              I       
          I                                                              I       
          I                                                              I       
          I                                                              I       
          I                                                              I       
          I                                                              I       
          I                                                              I       
          I                                                              I       
          I                                                              I       
          I                                                              I       
          I                                                              I       
          I                                                              I       
          I                                                              I       
Valid from/to These dates may be set if a message in only relevant for a certain period of time, and the mailbox is therefore only to be displayed to users at logon within this period of time.

If a "from" date is specified, the mailbox will only be displayed beginning on this day.

If a "to" date is specified, the mailbox will no longer be displayed after this day.

Any mailer (or owner) may specify these dates.

The format in which the dates have to be specified depend on the setting of the Natural profile parameter DTFORM.

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Creating and Maintaining Mailbox Profiles

This section describes the functions used to create and maintain mailbox profiles. It covers the following topics:

Invoking Mailbox Maintenance

On the Main Menu, enter code "M" for "Maintenance". A window will be displayed.

In the window, mark object type "Mailbox" with a character or with the cursor. The Mailbox Maintenance selection list will be displayed.

From this selection list, you invoke all mailbox maintenance functions as described below.

Adding a New Mailbox

The Add Mailbox function is used to define new mailboxes to Natural Security, that is, create mailbox security profiles.

To add a new mailbox security profile, enter the command ADD in the command line of the Mailbox Maintenance selection list.

A window will be displayed. In this window, you enter a mailbox ID.

The Add Mailbox screen will be displayed. On this screen you may define a security profile for the mailbox. The items you may define or specify are explained under Components of a Mailbox Profile above.

When you add a new mailbox, the owners specified in your own user security profile will automatically be copied into the mailbox security profile you are creating.

Selecting Existing Mailboxes for Processing

When you invoke Mailbox Maintenance, a list of all mailboxes that have been defined to Natural Security will be displayed.

If you do not wish to get a list of all existing mailboxes but would like only certain mailboxes to be listed, you may use the Start Value option as described in the section Finding Your Way In Natural Security.

On the Main Menu, enter code "M" for "Maintenance".

A window will be displayed. In the window, mark object type "Mailbox" with a character or with the cursor (and, if desired, enter a start value).

The Mailbox Maintenance selection list will be displayed:

 11:35:19                   *** NATURAL SECURITY ***                 2008-10-31
                              - Mailbox Maintenance -                            
  Co Mailbox ID Mailbox Name                     Message                         
  __ __________ ________________________________ _____________________           
  __ MAILAZ     MAILAZ                                                           
  __ MAILB      MAILBOX B                                                        
  __ MAILF      MAIL-FINANCE                                                     
  __ MAILLP     PLEASE MR POSTMAN                                                
  __ MAILLP1    CHAIN MAIL                                                       
  __ MAILLP2                                                                     
  __ MAILSAG    MAILBOX FOR SAG                                                  
  __ MAILTM                                                                      
  __ MAIL1                                                                       
  __ MAIL10     NEWS AT 10                                                       
  __ MAIL11                                                                      
  __ MAIL12                                                                      
  __ MAIL13                                                                      
  __ MAIL14                                                                      
  __ MAIL2112   MAILBOX YYZ                                                      
  Command ===>                                                                
        Help        Exit              Flip  -     +                       Canc  

For each mailbox, its ID and name are displayed.

The list can be scrolled as described in the section Finding Your Way In Natural Security .

The following mailbox maintenance functions are available (possible code abbreviations are underlined):

Code Function
CO Copy mailbox  
MO Modify mailbox  
RE Rename mailbox  
DE Delete mailbox  
DI Display mailbox  

To invoke a specific function for a mailbox, you mark the mailbox with the appropriate function code in column "Co".

You may select various mailboxes for various functions at the same time; that is, you can mark several mailboxes on the screen with a function code. For each mailbox marked, the appropriate processing screen will be displayed. You may then perform for one mailbox after another the selected functions.

Copying a Mailbox

The Copy Mailbox function is used to define a new mailbox to Natural Security by creating a security profile which is identical to an existing mailbox security profile.

What is Copied?

All components you defined for the existing security profile will be copied into the new mailbox security profile - except the owners (these will be copied from your own user security profile into the new mailbox security profile you are creating).

How to Copy

On the Mailbox Maintenance selection list, mark the mailbox whose security profile you wish to duplicate with function code "CO".

A window will be displayed. In this window, enter the ID and the name of the "new" mailbox.

The Copy Mailbox screen will be displayed showing the new security profile.

The components of the security profile you may define or modify are explained under Components of a Mailbox Profile above.

Modifying a Mailbox

The Modify Mailbox function is used to change an existing mailbox security profile.

On the Mailbox Maintenance selection list, mark the mailbox whose security profile you wish to change with function code "MO".

The Modify Mailbox screen will be displayed. On this screen you may modify the mailbox's security profile. The items you may define or modify are explained under Components of a Mailbox Profile above.

Renaming a Mailbox

The Rename Mailbox function allows you to change the mailbox ID of an existing mailbox security profile.

On the Mailbox Maintenance selection list, you mark the mailbox whose ID you wish to change with function code "RE". A window will be displayed in which you can enter a new ID for the mailbox (and, optionally, change its name).

Deleting a Mailbox

The Delete Mailbox function is used to delete an existing mailbox.

On the Mailbox Maintenance selection list, mark the mailbox you wish to delete with function code "DE". A window will be displayed.

When you delete a mailbox, the mailbox ID will simultaneously be deleted from the security profiles of the users and libraries it has been assigned to.

If you mark more than one mailbox with "DE", a window will appear in which you are asked whether you wish to confirm the deletion of each mailbox with entering the mailbox ID, or whether all mailboxes selected for deletion are to be deleted without this individual confirmation. Be careful not to delete a mailbox accidentally.

Displaying a Mailbox

The Display Mailbox function is used to view an existing mailbox security profile.

On the Mailbox Maintenance selection list, mark the mailbox you wish to be displayed with function code "DI".

The Display Mailbox screen will be displayed, showing the security profile of the selected mailbox.

The individual components of the security profile are explained under Components of a Mailbox Profile above.

To view the message screen of the mailbox, press PF4 on the Display Mailbox screen.

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