Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 8401-8450

NAT8401: Internal error :1: in Tamino database handler.

Text Internal error ... in Tamino database handler.
Expl. An internal error occurred in the Tamino database handler.
The error code is contained in the error message.
Actn. Contact Software AG support and quote the complete error message.

NAT8402: Natural for Tamino runtime error :1:.

Text Natural for Tamino runtime error ....
Expl. The following Natural for Tamino runtime error has occurred:
- 1: The value specified for the index of an array is less than 1.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT8410: Wrong URL for DBID :1:.

Text Wrong URL for DBID ....
Expl. The URL used in the request is wrong, or an invalid
protocol type is specified in the URL, or the specified
server behind this URL could not be contacted.
Actn. Check the URL in the Natural configuration file and correct
it, or check the existence of the server in the URL.

NAT8411: HTTP request failed with response code :1:.

Text HTTP request failed with response code ....
Expl. A HTTP request returns a response code not equal to "200".
The standardized response code indicates the
possible error situation.
Actn. Examine the response code and correct the error or
contact Software AG support.

NAT8412: Internal error in HTTP request.

Text Internal error in HTTP request.
Expl. An error occurred while executing an HTTP request.
Actn. Contact Software AG support.

NAT8415: Error while mapping XML Schema to DDM with reason :1:.

Text Error while mapping XML Schema to DDM with reason ....
Expl. Possible reasons:
1: Illegal syntax used in XML Schema.
2: Unresolved element reference.
3: Unresolved type reference.
4: Unresolved group reference.
5: Requested doctype or schema not found.
Actn. Check the validity of the XML Schema. References have to be
resolved within the Schema internally.

NAT8416: Maximum number of nested levels exceeded.

Text Maximum number of nested levels exceeded.
Expl. The maximum number of nested levels in a DDM is 99.
This number was exceeded while generating a
DDM from the given XML Schema.
Actn. Modify the XML Schema so that is has fewer nested structures.

NAT8417: Internal error in DDM generation for Tamino XML Schema.

Text Internal error in DDM generation for Tamino XML Schema.
Expl. An error has occurred while generating a Natural DDM
from a Tamino XML Schema definition.
Actn. Contact Software AG support.

NAT8418: Use of unsupported XML schema element :1:.

Text Use of unsupported XML schema element ....
Expl. An unsupported XML schema element was used:
1: "mixed=true" (mixed content mode) is not allowed.
2: maxOccurs > 1 not allowed for sequence, choice and all.
3: wildcards (any, anyAttribute) are not allowed.
Actn. Do not use the stated XML schema element when generating a DDM
for this schema.

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