Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 8301-8350

NAT8301: Wrong URL syntax.

Text Wrong URL syntax.
Expl. REQUEST DOCUMENT needs the correct syntax of the requested URL at
operand1. The syntax of the specified URL was not correct.
No protocol type or an unsupported protocol type was specified with
Actn. Correct the URL of operand1 and run the program again.

NAT8302: Request method :1: not supported.

Text Request method :1: not supported.
Expl. REQUEST DOCUMENT has been advised by a user-defined header
"REQUEST̲METHOD" to use a different request method.
The REQUEST DOCUMENT statement does not support the specified
request method.
Actn. Delete the header value, or change the header "REQUEST̲METHOD" to a
valid value.

NAT8303: Internal error with REQUEST DOCUMENT statement.

Text Internal error with REQUEST DOCUMENT statement.
Expl. An internal error has occurred while executing a REQUEST DOCUMENT and
writing back error messages.
Actn. Contact Software AG support.

NAT8304: HTTP request failed. Reason :1:.

Text HTTP request failed. Reason :1:.
Expl. The REQUEST DOCUMENT statement has received an error from the
transport layer.
Actn. Contact Software AG support.

NAT8305: Header :1: is longer than the receiving variable.

Text Header :1: is longer than the receiving variable.
Expl. The REQUEST DOCUMENT statement has returned a header value which is
longer than the receiving variable.
Actn. Use a GIVING clause to ignore this error, increase the length of
the receiving variable, or use a dynamic variable.

NAT8306: Return value is longer than the receiving variable.

Text Return value is longer than the receiving variable.
Expl. The REQUEST DOCUMENT statement has returned a value which is longer
than the receiving variable.
Actn. Use a GIVING clause to ignore this error, increase the length of
the receiving variable, or use a dynamic variable.

NAT8307: Cannot convert header :1: to format :2: of receiving variable.

Text Cannot convert header :1: to format :2: of receiving variable.
Expl. The REQUEST DOCUMENT statement has returned a header value which is
no valid alphanumeric representation of the format of the
receiving variable.
LASTMSG shows additional information about the header value.
Actn. Check the program and correct the error.
Change the format of the receiving variable.

NAT8310: Required parts of Internet Explorer missing.

Text Required parts of Internet Explorer missing.
Expl. Request Document relies on technology delivered with Internet
Explorer 4 or above. "wininet.dll" is particularly important.
Request Document failed because required parts of the Internet
Explorer are missing.
Actn. Install at least a minimum installation package for Internet
Explorer 4 or above.

NAT8311: Error parsing XML document, line :1: col. :2:; msg. :3:.

Text Error parsing XML document, line ... col. ...; msg. ....
Expl. The XML parser terminated with an error.
The XML input document is syntactically invalid.
The line/column at which the error occurred and the message returned by
the parser are indicated in the error message.
Actn. Correct the XML input document.

NAT8312: Error during XML parser processing, reason :1:.

Text Error during XML parser processing, reason ....
Expl. Possible reasons:
1: Error in parser access; XML parser not available.
2: Parser instance request failed; new instance not available.
3: Parser initialization failed.
4: XML input document is invalid.
5: Unsupported encoding is used.
6: Internal parse save-area stack overflow.
7: Resizing of parse operand failed.
Actn. Check the XML parser condition or XML document.

NAT8313: GETMAIN for :1: failed; return code :2:.

Text GETMAIN for ... failed; return code ....
Expl. Natural for XML is not able to allocate its internal buffers.
Return code = 4 : Not enough storage.
Return code > 4 : Internal error.
Actn. If return code = 4, increase the size of thread/region/partition/task;
otherwise contact Software AG support.

NAT8314: No Natural ICU handler available.

Text No Natural ICU handler available.
Expl. The Natural ICU handler is not available.
Possible reason are:
- The ICU handler module is not linked to Natural or cannot be loaded.
- The session profile parameter for ICU is set to OFF.
- An error occurred during the initialization of the Natural ICU.
The Natural ICU handler is a prerequisite for the Natural XML handler.
Actn. Depends on the reason of the error. If an initialization error has
occurred, check the session initialization error messages.

NAT8315: Incompatible versions of Natural and Natural XML.

Text Incompatible versions of Natural and Natural XML.
Expl. Version 4.2 of Natural XML can only be used with
Natural Version 4.2.1 or above.
Actn. Use a compatible Natural version.

NAT8316: Unsupported operating/TP system.

Text Unsupported operating/TP system.
Expl. Currently, Natural XML does not support BS2/UTM.
Actn. Use a supported environment.

NAT8317: Natural OS/TP driver is not LE370/CRTE enabled.

Text Natural OS/TP driver is not LE370/CRTE enabled.
Expl. To use the REQUEST DOCUMENT statement, the OS/TP driver used must be
compiled with the option LE370=ON or CRTE=ON.
Actn. Install a driver with the requested option.

NAT8318: Module :1: is missing in link-edit.

Text Module ... is missing in link-edit.
Expl. A module is missing in the link-edit of the Natural front-end
Actn. Include the module in the link-edit.

NAT8319: Natural statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE disabled.

Text Natural statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE disabled.
Expl. The profile parameter XML was set to "OFF".
Actn. Set the XML profile parameter or at least one of the
subparameters RDOC or PARSE to "ON".

NAT8320: Natural XML initialization failed.

Text Natural XML initialization failed.
Expl. The reason for this failure is explained by the more detailed
error message issued together with this error message.
Actn. See explanation of detailed message.

NAT8321: Natural statement PARSE is disabled.

Text Natural statement PARSE is disabled.
Expl. The subparameter PARSE of the Natural profile parameter XML is set
to "OFF".
Actn. Change the PARSE subparameter value to "ON".

NAT8322: Natural statement REQUEST DOCUMENT is disabled.

Text Natural statement REQUEST DOCUMENT is disabled.
Expl. The subparameter RDOC of the Natural profile parameter XML is set
to "OFF".
Actn. Change the RDOC subparameter value to "ON".

NAT8323: Nested parse loop not allowed.

Text Nested parse loops not allowed.
Expl. Natural detected a recursive call to the XML parser.
Actn. Correct program.

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