Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 7151-7200

NAT7200: NATSPOOL: :1: error :2: accessing spool file.

Text NATSPOOL: ... error ... accessing spool file.
Expl. Adabas/VSAM response code upon call to NATSPOOL file
at Natural initialization time was not "0".
Possible reasons are:
- The FSPOOL parameter is missing in NATPARM.
- The NATSPOOL file, as defined in FSPOOL, may not be loaded.
- The NATSPOOL file, as defined in FSPOOL, may not be open.
- DD/DLBL statements of NATSPOOL (VSAM) files missing in CICS
startup job.
Actn. Check status of NATSPOOL file and/or CICS startup job.

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