Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 5701-5750

NAT5701: DSNAME missing.

Text ESY5701 DSNAME missing.
Expl. The DSNAME was missing.
Actn. Specify a valid DSNAME.

NAT5702: OUTADD error-code :1: reason-code :2: key :3:.

Text ESY5702 OUTADD error-code :1: reason-code :2: key :3:.

NAT5703: Copying of empty files not permitted.

Text ESY5703 Copying of empty files not permitted.

NAT5710: Allocation failed with code :1:.

Text ESY5710 Allocation failed with code :1:.
Expl. The allocation failed. The code is the DYNALLOC return code.
Note: A more detailed message is returned when field
ERROR-TEXT is specified.
Actn. Check the DYNALLOC return code.

NAT5711: Logical Error occurred in Common JES Interface.

Text ESY5711 Logical Error occurred in Common JES Interface.
Expl. A logical error has occurred in the Common JES Interface.
Additional messages describing the type of error may have
been issued to the console.
Actn. Check the system log for additional messages.
Contact Software AG technical support.

NAT5712: Request to Common JES Interface failed.

Text ESY5712 Request to Common JES Interface failed.
Expl. A request failed to access spool data.
Actn. Contact Software AG technical support.

NAT5713: Jobname and Job ID missing. One of them required.

Text ESY5713 Jobname and Job ID missing. One of them required.
Expl. Neither JOB-NAME nor JOB-ID / JOB-NUMBER have been specified.
At least one of them is required to process the request.
Actn. Specify JOB-NAME, JOB-ID or JOB-NUMBER with the request.

NAT5714: Unable to read :1: type SYSOUT datasets.

Text ESY5714 Unable to read :1: type SYSOUT datasets.
Expl. The specified spool file TYPE is invalid or can not be processed.
Actn. Specify a valid spool file type (CC, JL, SI, SM or SO).

NAT5715: Duplicate jobnames found. Please specify job id.

Text ESY5715 Duplicate jobnames found. Please specify job id.
Expl. Multiple jobs were found for the specified job name.
Actn. Additionally specify job id / job number.

NAT5717: GENCB for ACB or RPL failed with RC:1:and RSN:2:

Text ESY5717 GENCB for ACB or RPL failed with RC:1:and RSN:2:.
Expl. An ACB or RPL could not be generated to access a SYSOUT dataset.
Actn. Check with systems programmer. Contact Software AG technical support.

NAT5719: Unable to :1: SYSOUT dataset.

Text ESY5719 Unable to :1: SYSOUT dataset.
Expl. An error occurred during open or close of a SYSOUT dataset.
Actn. Check with systems programmer. Contact Software AG technical support.

NAT5720: Invalid TYPE.

Text ESY5720 Invalid TYPE.
Expl. An invalid TYPE was given in the READ-SPOOL view.
Actn. Check source program. Valid values for TYPE are:
in MVS: JL, SI, SO, SM and CC.
in VSE: LS, PU, RD, XM, CC.

NAT5721: Job found, but not for specified spool ID.

Text ESY5721 Job found, but not for specified spool ID.
Expl. The job was found on a different spool than the one specified.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5722: Requested data set not found.

Text ESY5722 Requested data set not found.
Expl. The requested dataset could not be found.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5723: Job not in output service.

Text ESY5723 Job not in output service.
Expl. The requested job is not in output service.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5724: Requested job not found.

Text ESY5724 Requested Job not found.
Expl. The requested job could not be found on the JES spool.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5725: I/O error on JES3 spool.

Text ESY5725 I/O error on JES3 spool.
Expl. A READ request to the JES spool failed.
Actn. Retry. If the error persists, this is probably a hardware error.

NAT5726: Logical error on JES3 spool.

Text ESY5726 Logical error on JES3 spool.
Expl. A logical error occurred while reading the JES3 spool dataset.
Actn. Notify systems programmer. Software AG technical support should be
notified as well.

NAT5727: Spanned record is too large.

Text ESY5727 Spanned record is too large.
Expl. A spanned record is too large.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5728: You are not allowed to see this job.

Text ESY5728 You are not allowed to see this job.
Expl. The user attempted to access a job for which he has not been authorized.
This error is issued by the security system with which Entire System
Server interfaces.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5729: Invalid job TYPE, specify JOB, STC or TSU.

Text ESY5729 Invalid job TYPE, specify JOB, STC or TSU.
Expl. The specified job TYPE is invalid.
Actn. Specify a valid job type (JOB, STC, or TSU).

NAT5730: Unknown error during spool open.

Text ESY5730 Unknown error during spool open.
Expl. An unknown error occurred during spool open.
Actn. Notify systems programmer and Software AG technical support.

NAT5731: Error occurred during spool GET.

Text ESY5731 Error occurred during spool GET.
Expl. An error occurred during spool GET.
Actn. Notify systems programmer and Software AG technical support.

NAT5732: Account number missing.

Text ESY5732 Account number missing.
Expl. Account number was not supplied.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT5733: User ID does not exist.

Text ESY5733 No JOIN entry found for user.
Expl. The user is not defined in the system.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5734: ARCHIVE run with errors.

Text ESY5734 ARCHIVE run with errors.
Expl. An error occurred during ARCHIVE execution.
Actn. Check with systems programmer.

NAT5735: Logical error using I-T-C.

Text ESY5735 Logical error using I-T-C.
Expl. The inter-task-communication was not used correctly.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5736: MESSAGE-ID missing.

Text ESY5736 MESSAGE-ID missing.
Expl. No MESSAGE-ID value supplied.
Actn. Specify a MESSAGE-ID.

NAT5737: No more index space for inserting record.

Text ESY5737 No more index space for inserting record.
Expl. The number of records exceeds the available index range.
Actn. No action required.

NAT5738: Error when using memory-pools.

Text ESY5738 Error when using memory-pools.
Expl. Incorrect use of the MAIN-STORAGE view.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5739: Error when using Job Variables.

Text ESY5739 Error when using Job Variables.
Expl. Incorrect use of JOB-VARIABLES view. More details are available in
Actn. Please analyze the SYSTEM-MESSAGE-CODE.

NAT5740: Error when using BTAM file.

Text ESY5740 Error when using BTAM file.
Expl. An error occurred while allocating a file.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5741: Error when using SAM file.

Text ESY5741 Error when using SAM file.
Expl. An error occurred while allocating a file.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5742: Error when using PAM file.

Text ESY5742 Error when using PAM file.
Expl. An error occurred while allocating a file.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5743: Error when using ISAM file.

Text ESY5743 Error when using ISAM file.
Expl. An error occurred while allocating a file.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5744: Invalid Eventing name given.

Text ESY5744 Invalid eventing name given.
Expl. An invalid eventing name was specified.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5745: Error occurred when executing Eventing.

Text ESY5745 Error occurred when executing Eventing.
Expl. Logical error using P1-Eventing.
Actn. Contact your systems programmer.

NAT5746: Serialisation running in error.

Text ESY5746 Serialisation running in error.
Expl. A serialization request has failed. Detailed information available
Actn. Repeat the request later.


Expl. Invalid value specification for view JOB-VARIABLES.
Possible reasons: - position greater than length of JV
- substring length greater than JV length minus
- position greater than JV length
Actn. Correct values and try again.

NAT5748: Internal LMS error has occured.

Text ESY5748 Internal LMS error has occurred.
Expl. An internal LMS error has been returned from LMS subprogram interface.
Check SYSTEM-MESSAGE-CODE for details.
Actn. Please check SYSTEM-MESSAGE-CODE.

NAT5749: PVS (CATID) not available.

Text ESY5749 PVS (CATID) not available.
Expl. The requested CATID is not available for the User ID of caller.
Actn. No action possible.

NAT5750: Invalid operand within operand list.

Text ESY5750 Invalid operand within operand list.
Expl. Incorrect usage of an Entire System Server view.
Actn. No action is required.

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