Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 5351-5400

NAT5360: Non-zero Adabas response - :1:/:2: (RC=:3:/:4:).

Text Non-zero Adabas response - .../... (RC=.../...).
Expl. The Natural/SAP Communication has received a non-zero
response from the database. The error may have been
caused by one of the following:
- A time-out condition has occurred.
- An invalid request was made to the database.
Additional information about which command received
the response code can be obtained by analyzing the
contents of the DDM field "ERROR-TEXT".
Actn. Analyze persistent errors using the ERROR-TEXT field.

NAT5361: Installation error: "ADALNK" is not reentrant.

Text Installation error: "ADALNK" is not reentrant.
Expl. Natural/SAP Communication requires that a reentrant
Adabas link module "ADALNK" be used.
Actn. Make the necessary modifications to ADANLK, as described in the source.
Assemble and link-edit the module before attempting again.

NAT5362: Unexpected SDAM response received (RC=:1:).

Text Unexpected SDAM response received (RC=...).
Expl. The SDAM interface used by Natural/SAP Communication
has returned a non-zero response.
The response code is located in the DDM field ERROR-TEXT
RC Description
-- --------------------------------
01 Error in EXTENT chain.
02 No RSA provided.
03 No record found with given RSA.
07 User area too small.
08 Compressed field group too long.
09 Invalid Qmacro.
FE Nothing found for search criterion.
Actn. Check the SAP/Qmacros with which XCOMSAP was compiled.
For further assistance, contact Software AG support.

NAT5363: No record found with given key or RSA.

Text No record found with given key or RSA.
Expl. No record was found because:
1) a header segment was accessed using the Master-Index field "BMI"
with an invalid value, or
2) an internal error occurred when
accessing the SAP/Document File with an invalid RSA.
Actn. Check the value of "BMI", when used.
Contact Software AG Customer Support for further assistance.

NAT5364: Logical file ID/segment ID not found in description table.

Text Logical file ID/segment ID not found in description table.
Expl. An access was made using a logical file number which was not
found in the SAP/description tables (XCOMSAP);
or the segment ID used internally was not located within the
SAP/description tables.
Actn. Check for the file number (LFID) in the modules XCOMSAP and XCOMFUNC.
Check the version of the SAP Qmacros which were used to
assemble XCOMSAP.

NAT5365: Document-type is invalid for the SAP/table used.

Text Document-type is invalid for the SAP/table used.
Expl. The value used in the FIND/READ statement for the
document-type (DDM field "BLTYP") is invalid for this
A list of document-types and the associated logical files
is provided in the documentation.
The document-type is optional and can be omitted.
Natural/SAP Communication supplies the document-type when
it is not otherwise specified.
Actn. Check the value of the document-type, and where possible
avoid using it.

NAT5366: SAP/document files do not have the same database-ID.

Text SAP/document files do not have the same database-ID.
Expl. The SAP/document files have different database IDs
in the SAP/description table (XCOMSAP).
Natural/SAP requires that the SAP/files:
ABMI - Master Index File
ABIB - Secondary Index File
ABEZ - Document Container File
all have the same database ID.
Actn. Check the SAP/description table for correctness.

NAT5367: Queuing error: WADS or workarea address not found.

Text Queuing error: WADS or workarea address not found.
Expl. An internal error has occurred.
Actn. Contact Software AG Customer Support for further assistance.

NAT5368: FB/SB work buffer overflow (:1:/RECAREA).

Text FB/SB work buffer overflow (:1:/RECAREA).
Expl. An internal error has occurred.
Actn. Contact Software AG Customer Support for further assistance.

NAT5369: GETMAIN storage error - :1:/:2: (RC=:3:)

Text GETMAIN storage error - .../... (RC=...)
Expl. A non-zero response code was received by Natural/SAP
Communication when attempting to perform a GETMAIN.
This error can only occur when the resources are exhausted.
The most common reason for this problem is that the region size
is too small for the number of users that are concurrently
Actn. Check the region size.
Contact Software AG Customer Support for further assistance.

NAT5370: FREEMAIN storage error - :1:/:2: (RC=:3:)

Text FREEMAIN storage error - .../... (RC=...)
Expl. A non-zero response code was received by Natural/SAP
Communication while attempting to perform a FREEMAIN.
This situation should not occur.
Repeated occurrence of this error could lead to a depletion
of resources and a GETMAIN error.
Actn. Contact Software AG Customer Support for assistance.

NAT5371: Invalid value in Master-Index - :1:.

Text Invalid value in Master-Index - ....
Expl. A sub-field of the Master-Index used to access the
SAP/Document File contains an invalid value.
The range of values for each of the sub-fields is listed below:
Sub-Field Field Name Range of Values
---------------- ------------- ------------------------
Client Number MANDANT 00 to 99
Company Code BUKRS Greater than "00"
Document Number BLNR Greater than "00000000"
Actn. Check value of Master-Index used in FIND/READ statement.

NAT5372: Internal error: Search/value buffer analysis (RC=:1:)

Text Internal error: Search/value buffer analysis (RC=:1:)
Expl. An internal error occurred when performing the search/value
buffer analysis.
This error can occur when insufficient work-area space is available
or an invalid numeric value is encountered in the value buffer.
Actn. Consult Software AG Customer Support for further assistance.

NAT5373: Wildcards and multiple SVB entries are not supported.

Text Wildcards or multiple field entries in the Search/Value buffer have been encountered.
Expl. The use of wildcards "*" or multiple field entries are not
supported by Natural/SAP Communication.
Actn. Check and correct the search criterion used in the FIND statement.

NAT5374: Invalid OFFSET-Field used in search criterion or overlap.

Text Either an OFFSET field which is not a descriptor has been used a part of the search criterion, or one OFFSET field overlaps another.
Expl. The main data key of the secondary index is often redefined,
and thus provides the user with multiple keys with which the
data can be accessed.
This error occurs when an invalid search criterion has been
used; i.e. parts of different keys have been combined in one
logical search criterion.
The search-buffer analysis determines such errors from the
fact that these OFFSET fields overlap.
Actn. Check and correct the search criterion.
Consult the SAP/system description for further information.

NAT5375: Invalid DB-Field used as descriptor.

Text A field has been used which is either unknown to the file processor or not inverted.
Expl. Fields which are not descriptors cannot be used in a search criterion.
Furthermore, some of the fields in the DDM are file-access dependent.
For example, the field group "MASTER-INDEX" and all fields within
this group can only be used when accessing the SAP/document file.
The use of these fields in a search criterion while accessing the
secondary index (ABIB) will result in such an error.
Actn. Check and correct search criterion.
See the NATSAP Programming Considerations for further information.

NAT5376: Mandatory field missing.

Text Mandatory field missing.
Expl. The use of some fields in the search criterion
is required.
This is the case for the field CLIENT NUMBER (MANDT).
The section "Programming Considerations" of the Natural/SAP
Communication documentation explains this in more detail.
Actn. Check and correct the search criterion.
See the "Programming Considerations" for further information.

NAT5377: "Single Value" field used with multiple values.

Text "Single Value" field used with multiple values.
Expl. Some fields cannot be used in the search criterion with
multiple values or a range of values. They may only be assigned
a "single" value, and, for example, must not be used in the
Natural THRU clause.
Some examples of such fields are:
Single-value fields are explained in the "Programming Considerations"
in greater detail.
Actn. Check and correct search criterion.
See the "Programming Considerations" for further information.

NAT5378: A composite-key field has been misused.

Text A composite-key field has been misused.
Expl. There are two composite keys in every DDM: "BMI" and "BSI".
These fields are used as part of the search criterion
or are returned for use in the following FIND/READ loops.
The fields, when used, are to be used alone, and cannot be combined
with other key fields.
These composite fields are file-oriented.
- "BMI" can only be used when accessing the document file (ABEZ)
- "BSI" can only be used when accessing the secondary index (ABIB)
The current master-index value for the record being accessed
is always returned in "BMI".
Actn. Check and correct the search criterion
See the "Programming Considerations" for further information.

NAT5379: Internal positioning error has occurred (RC=:1:).

Text Internal positioning error has occurred (RC=...).
Expl. An internal error has occurred while attempting to position
within a structured document.
One of the following errors has occurred:
RC Description
----- -------------------------------------------------
x"FB" Mismatching segment ID"s positioning in document.
x"FD" Index error while positioning within XCOMSAP.
Actn. Contact Software AG Customer Support for further assistance.

NAT5380: Dependent segment accessed without reading parent segment

Text Dependent segment accessed without reading parent segment
Expl. The position segments of the documents files AUFK and AUAK
are hierarchically structured, e.g. parent-child relationship.
Structured documents must be accessed in this parent-child order.
You cannot access a lower-level document segment
without having first read the next higher-level segment.
Actn. See the SAP documentation for a description of the file structure,
and correct the nesting of the FIND/READ statements.

NAT5381: Order of accessing segments incorrect.

Text Order of accessing segments incorrect.
Expl. The position segments of the document files AUFK and AUAK
are hierachically structured, e.g. parent-child relationship.
Structured documents must be accessed in this parent-child order.
You cannot access a higher-level segment from within
a lower-level access loop.
The order of access must always be from top to bottom.
Actn. See the SAP documentation for a description of the file structure,
and correct the nesting of the FIND/READ statements.

NAT5382: Invalid length of field group encountered.

Text Invalid length of field group encountered.
Expl. While decompressing a document, a field group with an invalid length
attribute was encountered. The length attribute is either
zero (0) or greater than 8000.
This type of error can occur when the version of the SAP data
does not coincide with the version of the QMACROS used for
generating the NATSAP description table (XCOMSAP).
Actn. Regenerate XCOMSAP and retry; should the error persist,
analyze the document with SAP utilities.

NAT5399: Recursive entry into error handler.

Text The error handler has been entered recursively.
Expl. This is most likely an internal error
and should be reported to Software AG.
Actn. Consult Software AG Customer Support for further assistance.

NAT5400: No subclause given in COMPOSE statement.

Text No subclause given in COMPOSE statement.
Actn. Correct error in program.

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