Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 4601-4650

NAT4601: Invalid screen operation in line :1:, column :2:.

Text Invalid screen operation in line ..., column ....
Expl. A field variable must not be changed to a text constant.
Actn. Delete the field or move it to another position by using the
appropriate field command, then insert the text.

NAT4602: Use ".E" command to edit field.

Text Use ".E" command to edit field.
Expl. The modification or definition of an edit mask for a field is only
possible by invoking "extended field editing" with the command ".E".
Actn. Use the field command ".E".

NAT4603: Error in DDM.

Text Error in DDM.
Expl. An error was detected in the currently used Data Definition Module.
Actn. Correct the DDM.

NAT4604: Use edit mask to change format.

Text Use edit mask to change format.
Actn. Use edit mask to change format.

NAT4605: Use ".A" command to define array.

Text Use ".A" command to define array.
Actn. Enter the field command ".A" in the field.

NAT4606: Invalid object name.

Text Invalid object name.
Actn. Specify a valid object name.

NAT4607: No DDM loaded.

Text No DDM loaded.
Expl. An internal error occurred while trying to load a DDM.
Actn. Contact Software AG - Natural support.

NAT4608: The requested DDM is too large.

Text The requested DDM is too large.
Expl. The requested DDM is too large to be processed by the map editor.
Actn. Reduce the size of the DDM.

NAT4609: Invalid edit mask.

Text Invalid edit mask.
Expl. The edit mask specified is invalid.
See the Natural documentation for detailed information on
edit masks.
Actn. Correct error.

NAT4610: Invalid field format.

Text Invalid field format.
Expl. The specified field format is invalid.
See the Natural documentation for valid format definitions.
Actn. Correct error.

NAT4611: Field name contains illegal characters.

Text Field name contains illegal characters.
Expl. The field name contains characters which are not allowed within a field
Actn. Correct error.

NAT4612: Too many digits before and/or after decimal character.

Text Too many digits before and/or after decimal character.
Expl. There are too many decimal digits before and/or after the
decimal character.
See the Natural documentation for additional information.
Actn. Correct error.

NAT4613: The source area is empty.

Text The source area is empty.
Expl. An attempt was made to edit an empty source area.
Actn. Use function "I" (Initialize map) or "R" (Read map) to place a map into
the source area.

NAT4614: Map not found in source area.

Text Map not found in source area.
Expl. The source area does not contain the map with the specified name.
Function "L" may be used to determine if a map is currently in the
source area; or the map-entry field may be left blank to cause all
maps in the source area to be displayed.
Actn. Use function "I" (Initialize map) or "R" (Read map) to place a map
into the source area.

NAT4615: Specified object not found in current or steplib library.

Text Specified object not found in current or steplib library.
Expl. The Natural object (program, subprogram, data area, etc.) with the
specified name could not be found either in the current library or
in any concatenated library (steplib).
Actn. Specify the correct name of the object.

NAT4616: Invalid use of a command.

Text Invalid use of a command.
Expl. An attempt was made to use a command incorrectly.
(for example, using the command ".A" for a text constant.
Actn. Enter correct command in correct field.

NAT4617: No delimiter matches attributes.

Text No delimiter matches attributes.
Expl. The specified attributes are not consistent with the delimiter settings
in the map profile.
Actn. Use other attributes or change delimiter settings in the map profile.

NAT4618: Too many occurrences of field in line :1:, column :2:.

Text Too many occurrences of field in line ..., column ....
Expl. An output field was used in more than 98 occurrences.
Actn. Specify a new field.

NAT4619: Multiple fields not allowed here: line :1:, column :2:.

Text Multiple fields not allowed here: line ..., column ....
Expl. An input-only field or a modifiable field must not be used in multiple
Actn. Correct error.

NAT4620: String too long: line :1:, column :2:.

Text String too long: line ..., column ....
Expl. A text constant of over 58 characters was specified.
Only text which consists of the repeated concatenation of the
same character may be longer than 58 characters.
Actn. Divide the text into 2 constants or use a variable containing the text.

NAT4621: System variable must be an output field.

Text System variable must be an output field.
Expl. System variables may only used in output mode.
Actn. Use a delimiter which indicates output mode.

NAT4622: Overlapping detected in line :1:, column :2:.

Text Overlapping detected in line ..., column ....
Expl. This error may be caused by any of the following:
- overlapping of one variable with another;
- overlapping of a variable with the right border of the map;
- overlapping of a variable and a text constant;
- an invalid command was interpreted as text.
Actn. Correct error.

NAT4623: Type conflict with DDM definition: line :1:, column:2:.

Text Type conflict with DDM definition: line ..., column....
Expl. The DDM variable attribute is not assigned to the screen variable
attribute in the case of incompatible formats.
Incompatible: A,B with N,P.
A with B.
Compatible : N with P.
Actn. Change screen specification and then reassign.

NAT4624: Reassignment not possible in line :1:, column :2:.

Text Reassignment not possible in line ..., column ....
Expl. This error may be caused by the following:
- the variable is already assigned;
- the variable is a system variable.
Actn. Delete the variable and generate it from the DDM.

NAT4625: Name of field/variable must be specified.

Text Name of field/variable must be specified.
Actn. Enter a field/variable name.

NAT4626: Internal format error in map definition.

Text Internal format error in map definition.
Expl. The map editor has detected an internal format error in the
map definition.
A possible cause is the attempt to edit the map source area
via another utility or program.
Actn. Use function "I" (initialize map) or "R" (read map)
to place the original map into the source area.

NAT4627: AL/NL syntax error.

Text AL/NL syntax error.
Expl. The specification of AL or NL is incorrect.
See the Natural documentation for detailed information.
Actn. Specify AL/NL correctly.

NAT4628: You may select only one item from the menu.

Text You may select only one item from the menu.
Actn. Select no more than one item.

NAT4629: Not enough empty lines available for inserting/splitting.

Text Not enough empty lines available for inserting/splitting.
Expl. When you use the line commands "..I" (insert) or "..S" (split),
all lines below the inserted/split line(s) will be "pushed" downward
and the last empty line(s) of the map will be deleted to make room
for the insertion/splitting.
However, if there are not enough empty lines at the bottom of the map,
the insert/split command cannot be executed.
Actn. Make sure that enough empty lines are available before you insert
new lines or split lines.

NAT4630: Invalid rank setting.

Text Invalid rank setting.
Expl. This error message may be caused by any of the following:
- The specified value was not greater than zero.
- The specified value was not smaller than or equal to the rank
of the array.
- The specified value has already been assigned.
Note: The rank of an array is equal to the number of indexes;
for example, A(3,4) is an element of array A with rank 2.
Actn. Correct rank setting.

NAT4631: Index is out of range.

Text Index is out of range.
Expl. The specified index is outside the array dimensions.
Actn. Correct the index specification.

NAT4632: Fixed index must be specified.

Text Fixed index must be specified.
Expl. If an array with 3 dimensions is used in a map, the index of
at least one dimension must be fixed (integer or variable).
Actn. Correct index specification.

NAT4633: Invalid color.

Text Invalid color.
Expl. An invalid color was specified.
The valid color codes may be determined by placing the
cursor on the field COLOUR and pressing the HELP key.
Actn. Specify a valid color.

NAT4634: No source/object name specified.

Text No source/object name specified.
Expl. The source name is missing for a READ or PURGE function; or
the object name is missing for the UNCATALOG function.
Actn. Specify source/object name.

NAT4635: No profile name specified.

Text No profile name specified.
Expl. A profile name must be specified when using function "I" or "M".
Actn. Specify a profile name.

NAT4636: Column shift can only be 0 or 1.

Text Column shift can only be 0 or 1.
Expl. The standard column shift is "0" .
In order to use the first column position for map fields,
a column shift of "1" may be specified.
Actn. Specify "0" or "1" .

NAT4637: Conflict between helptext size/position and screen size.

Text Conflict between helptext size/position and screen size.
Expl. The currently defined size of the helptext window does not permit
its being placed in the position you want it to be placed, because
it would not fit onto the screen of the specified device ("Device
You have to make the window smaller, change its position (or not use
the Device Check option).
Actn. Either make the helptext smaller (reduce page size and/or line size),
or change its position.

NAT4638: Map transmitted successfully.

Text Map transmitted successfully.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4639: Field/parameter names in a map must be unique.

Text Field/parameter names in a map must be unique.
Expl. The names of fields and parameters used in a map must be unique.
Actn. Do not use duplicate field/parameter names in a map.

NAT4640: SAVE command executed.

Text SAVE command executed.
Expl. The source has been stored in the current library.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4641: Map tested successfully.

Text Map tested successfully.
Expl. A RUN command was executed successfully for the current source.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4642: Variable already used with other format/array dimensions.

Text Variable already used with other format/array dimensions.
Expl. The variable whose name you have specified as help parameter,
attribute control variable or starting-from value has already
been defined elsewhere with a different format or with other
array dimensions.
Actn. Use a different name or check the other variable of the same name.

NAT4643: Invalid function code.

Text Invalid function code.
Expl. The specified function code is invalid.
Actn. Enter a valid function code, or a "?" for help.

NAT4644: Delimiter class must be "A","O","M" or "T".

Text Delimiter class must be "A","O","M" or "T".
Expl. An invalid code for the delimiter class was entered.
Possible codes are:
A - Input-only field
O - Output-only field
M - Modifiable field (output and input)
T - Text constant
Actn. Enter valid delimiter class.

NAT4645: Attribute of delimiter is invalid.

Text Attribute of delimiter is invalid.
Expl. Valid attribute codes are:
B Blinking NE Neutral
C Cursive/italic BL Blue
D Default (non-I, B, etc.) GR Green
I Intensified RE Red
N Non-display PI Pink
U Underlined YE Yellow
V Reversed video TU Turquoise
Y Dynamic (attributes to be
assigned dynamically by
user program)
Actn. Enter valid code.

NAT4646: Delimiter must be a special character.

Text Delimiter must be a special character.
Expl. Only special characters may be used as delimiters.
Actn. Enter a special character as delimiter.

NAT4647: Page size must be 1 - 250.

Text Page size must be 1 - 250.
Expl. The page size value must be in the range from 1 to 250 lines.
The standard page size for 3270-type screens is 23 lines.
Actn. Enter a valid page size.

NAT4648: Line size must be 5 - 249.

Text Line size must be 5 - 249.
Expl. The line size value must be in the range from 5 to 249 characters.
The standard line size for a 3270-type screen is 79 characters.
Actn. Enter a valid line size.

NAT4649: Enter "T" (top) or "B" (bottom).

Text Enter "T" (top) or "B" (bottom).
Expl. The message line may be located at the top (T) or the bottom (B)
of the screen.
Actn. Enter valid code ("T" or "B").

NAT4650: Invalid color code.

Text Invalid color code.
Expl. Valid color codes are:
NE - Neutral
BL - Blue
GR - Green
RE - Red
PI - Pink
YE - Yellow
TU - Turquoise
Actn. Enter a valid color code.

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