Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 4401-4450

NAT4404: Error in internal subroutine.

Text Error in internal subroutine.
Actn. Note error and contact Software AG.

NAT4405: The selected number is out of range.

Text The selected number is out of range.
Expl. You may only select numbers for global variables that are displayed
on the screen.
Actn. Enter correct number for selection.

NAT4406: Number for selection of global variable is missing.

Text Number for selection of global variable is missing.
Expl. A number from the display screen must be entered to select a global
variable for processing.
Actn. Enter correct selection number.

NAT4407: End of global variable list.

Text End of global variable list.
Expl. All global variables have been displayed successfully.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4408: Unknown function, enter "?" for help.

Text Unknown function, enter "?" for help.
Actn. Enter valid function, or "?" for help information on valid functions
for global variables.

NAT4409: Contents of work area will be deleted.

Text Contents of work area will be deleted.
Expl. The requested function will delete the source object which is currently
in the source work area.
Actn. - If you do not wish the source to be deleted, leave the function with
PF12, SAVE the source, and then perform the function.
- Otherwise press ENTER and continue.

NAT4410: This file number already exists.

Text This file number already exists.
Expl. Each DDM must have a unique file number.
Actn. Correct the file number.

NAT4411: File number does not correspond to file name for replace.

Text File number does not correspond to file name for replace.
Expl. When you catalog a VSAM DDM to a VSAM system file using the REPLACE
option, the file name (number) must already exist on the VSAM system
file, so as to avoid duplicate records. If a new DDM is to be cataloged
with the layout of an old one, use an unused file name and file number
and catalog without the REPLACE option.
Actn. Catalog the DDM with a file name (number) that does not exist on
the VSAM system file. Do not use the REPLACE option in this case.

NAT4412: Format must be "A", "P", "N", or "B".

Text Format must be "A", "P", "N", or "B".
Expl. Possible formats are:
A - alphanumeric
N - numeric unpacked
P - packed numeric
B - binary
Actn. Enter valid field format.

NAT4413: Length of an alphanumeric variable must not exceed 253.

Text Length of an alphanumeric variable must not exceed 253.
Actn. Enter valid length for variable.

NAT4414: The length of a binary variable must not exceed 126.

Text The length of a binary variable must not exceed 126.
Actn. Enter valid length for binary variable.

NAT4415: Overall length of numeric field (nn.m) must not exceed 29.

Text Overall length of numeric field (nn.m) must not exceed 29.
Expl. The overall length of a numeric field, i.e. the aggregate number of
digits before and after the decimal character, must not exceed 29.
Actn. Enter valid length for numeric variable.

NAT4416: No more than 7 positions allowed after decimal character.

Text No more than 7 positions allowed after decimal character.
Expl. For a numeric variable, the number of digits AFTER the decimal character
must not exceed 7.
Actn. Enter valid number of digits after decimal character.

NAT4417: REPLACE only valid for DDM contained in VSAM system file.

Text REPLACE only valid for DDM contained in VSAM system file.
Expl. A DDM may not be cataloged with the REPLACE option being used, unless
the DDM already exists in the VSAM system file.
Actn. Do not use the REPLACE option, unless the DDM already exists in the
system file.

NAT4418: Name for global variable must start with a "+".

Text Name for global variable must start with a "+".
Expl. The name of a global variable must begin with a "+".
Actn. Enter "+" as the first character in the name of the global variable.

NAT4419: Invalid variable name.

Text Invalid variable name.
Expl. The name of a global variable must begin with the character "+"
and must be built according to the rules for variable names.
The name must not contain a blank character.
Actn. Enter a valid name for the variable.

NAT4420: Global variable already exists.

Text Global variable already exists.
Expl. While creating a new global variable, or while changing the name
of a global variable, another global variable with the same name
was found.
Actn. Enter a different name for the global variable.

NAT4421: Currently there is no DDM in the source area.

Text Currently there is no DDM in the source area.
Expl. The catalog (C) or test (T) function was specified,
but no DDM was found in the Natural source area.
Actn. Read a DDM into the source area, or edit or generate a DDM.

NAT4422: REDEFINE not permitted for this field.

Text REDEFINE not permitted for this field.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4423: Index permitted only for field.

Text Index permitted only for field.
Expl. An index can only be specified for a periodic group or a
multiple-value field.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4424: Maximum number of dimensions within a structure is 3.

Text Maximum number of dimensions within a structure is 3.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4425: Initial value not permitted for view fields.

Text Initial value not permitted for view fields.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4426: Edit mask not allowed for group or periodic-group field.

Text Edit mask not allowed for group or periodic-group field.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4427: Edit mask not permitted for structure.

Text Edit mask not permitted for structure.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4428: Struct./view level must be 1-99; no variable in data area.

Text Struct./view level must be 1-99; no variable in data area.
Expl. The level number for a structure/view must be 1 - 99.
Another reason for this error is that no variable is defined
in the data area.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4429: Level numbers must be assigned in increments of 1.

Text Level numbers must be assigned in increments of 1.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4430: Invalid level specification.

Text Invalid level specification.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4431: Invalid character in name field.

Text Invalid character in name field.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4432: Blank not permitted in name.

Text Blank not permitted in name.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4433: Format/length must not be specified for this field type.

Text Format/length must not be specified for this field type.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4434: Invalid format.

Text Invalid format.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4435: Invalid length or format specification.

Text Invalid length or format specification.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4436: Do not specify length with format "C", "D", "L", "T".

Text Do not specify length with format "C", "D", "L", "T".
Expl. For fields of the following formats, no length can be specified:
D - date
T - time
L - logical
C - attribute control
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4437: Length specification for format "F" must be 4 or 8.

Text Length specification for format "F" must be 4 or 8.
Expl. Floating-point fields can only have format/length F4 or F8.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4438: Invalid length for format "A" or "B" or "I".

Text Invalid length for format "A" or "B" or "I".
Expl. Valid length for format A is 1 - 253.
Valid length for format B is 1 - 126.
Valid length for format I is 1, 2, 4.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4439: Invalid object type specified in command.

Text Invalid object type specified in command.
Expl. The object type specified in the command LIST, EDIT, etc. was incorrect.
Valid object types are:
P - program T - text
S - subroutine Z - recording
N - subprogram K - server
7 - function R - routines (LIST)
H - helproutine D - data areas (LIST)
C - copycode D - Predict description (EDIT)
G - global data area CL - class
L - local data area DI - dialog
A - parameter data area CP - command processor
M - map
Actn. Enter valid command.

NAT4440: Length must be specified in form "nn" or "nn.n".

Text Length must be specified in form "nn" or "nn.n".
Expl. Length must be specified as "nn" (no decimal digits) or
as "nn.n" (nn digits before and n digits after decimal character)
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4441: Maximum length for decimal digits is 7.

Text Maximum length for decimal digits is 7.
Expl. There must be no more than 7 digits after the decimal character.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4442: Maximum length for numeric value is 29.

Text Maximum length for numeric value is 29.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4443: Data area was tested successfully.

Text Data area was tested successfully.
Expl. The data area was tested successfully using the CHECK command.
Note that a final syntax check of the generated DEFINE DATA statement
is NOT done by the CHECK function but by the CATALOG/STOW command.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4444: Error in Miscellaneous field.

Text Error in Miscellaneous field.
Expl. The specification in the Miscellaneous field is invalid.
See the Natural documentation for valid specifications.
Actn. Supply valid specification for Miscellaneous field.

NAT4445: Only "B", "V", "R" or blank permitted for type.

Text Only "B", "V", "R" or blank permitted for type.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4446: Level for substructure must be = or GT previous level.

Text Level for substructure must be = or GT previous level.
Expl. The level for a substructure must be the same as or greater than
the previous level.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4447: Variable definition required following structure definition.

Text Variable definition required following structure definition.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4448: Modification of range/format may delete INIT/EM values.

Text Modification of range/format may delete INIT/EM values.
Expl. A field is defined with initial values or with an edit mask.
If the range/format of this field is changed, the initial values will
remain if they fit into the changed index range definition; if they
do not fit, they will be deleted.
Actn. Make sure you do not lose any initial values or edit masks you
wish to keep.

NAT4449: Initial values not permitted; F/L missing for user field.

Text Initial values not permitted; F/L missing for user field.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT4450: Periodic group within periodic group is not allowed.

Text Periodic group within periodic group is not allowed.
Expl. A periodic group must not be defined within another periodic group.
Actn. Correct view definition.

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