Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 4251-4300

NAT4251: Invalid action code specified.

Text Invalid action code specified.
Expl. Only the action codes displayed on the selection menu may be specified.
Actn. Enter valid action code.

NAT4252: LIST function executed.

Text LIST function executed.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4253: Invalid file number specified.

Text Invalid file number specified.
Expl. The database file number must be specified as a number between
1 and 5000.
Actn. Enter a valid file number.

NAT4254: DBID numbers must be different and cannot be "0".

Text DBID numbers must be different and cannot be "0".
Expl. The database number must be specified as a number between
1 and 65535 (DBID=254 indicates a VSAM file; DBID=255
indicates a logical file).
Actn. Enter a valid database number.

NAT4255: File definition does not exist in data dictionary.

Text File definition does not exist in data dictionary.
Expl. The referenced file definition cannot be found in the data dictionary.
Either a wrong name was specified or the data dictionary entry
has not yet been defined.
Actn. Enter valid file name from data dictionary.

NAT4256: Invalid type of system file.

Text Invalid type of system file.
Expl. The following values are valid for specifying the type of system file:
A - Adabas system file
V - VSAM system file
Actn. Specify correct value for system file type.

NAT4257: Invalid name for VSAM system file.

Text Invalid name for VSAM system file.
Expl. A valid name for the VSAM system file is required.
This name is the same as specified in the Natural parameter module
with the VSAM parameter (VSAM=name of VSAM system file).
Actn. Specify correct name of VSAM system file.

NAT4258: Source and target destination must be different.

Text Source and target destination must be different.
Expl. When copying programs, modules, or DDMs with the Natural utilities
SYSMAIN or SYSDDM, a valid source and target destination must be
specified. Target destinations may be DBID, FNR, System File Type, or
System File Name (in case of VSAM system file).
The source and target destination may not have the same values.
Actn. Specify correct source and target destination.

NAT4261: View cannot be read/listed; FSIZE is too small.

Text View cannot be read/listed; FSIZE is too small.
Expl. The view that is to be read/listed is too large to fit into the
current File Buffer. This error may occur when reading a view
with an online utility, listing a view with a command, or
incorporating a view into a Natural object with an editor.
Actn. Reduce the specifications in the file definition, or increase
the value for the FSIZE parameter.

NAT4262: File definition already exists in data dictionary.

Text File definition already exists in data dictionary.
Expl. A duplicate name for a file definition entry in the data dictionary
was specified.
Actn. Enter different file name or delete existing entry. If necessary,
use the REPLACE option to overwrite the existing file definition.

NAT4271: Error not directly corrigible. Press ENTER to edit DDM.

Text Error not directly corrigible. Press ENTER to edit DDM.
Expl. The error cannot be corrected interactively while processing
the file definition.
Actn. Use the editor to correct the error, and then repeat the desired

NAT4272: Periodic group cannot be descriptor or have special option.

Text Periodic group cannot be descriptor or have special option.
Expl. For a periodic group, a descriptor or a value for the special
option must not be specified.
Actn. Check whether the field is a group; if it is and should be, specify no
values for descriptor and/or special option.

NAT4274: Field is not member of this periodic group.

Text Field is not member of this periodic group.
Actn. Correct the field (level).

NAT4275: Field is member of a periodic group.

Text Field is member of a periodic group.
Actn. Correct field.

NAT4277: Field is not a multiple-value field.

Text Field is not a multiple-value field.
Expl. In the FDT (Field Description Table), the field is not a
multiple-value field.
Actn. Specify the correct type of the field.

NAT4278: Level number must be incremented consecutively.

Text Level number must be incremented consecutively.
Expl. The difference between two level numbers must be "1".
Actn. Correct the level number.

NAT4279: The field specified in the DDM is not in the FDT.

Text The field specified in the DDM is not in the FDT.
Expl. The field specified in the DDM does not exist in the corresponding
Field Description Table (FDT).
Actn. Check whether the correct field has been specified.

NAT4280: Format must be alphanumeric (A).

Text Format must be alphanumeric (A).
Expl. In the FDT, the format is specified as alphanumeric,
and the format in the DDM must be the same as in the FDT.
Actn. Change the format to alphanumeric (A).

NAT4285: Periodic group must be specified with "P".

Text Periodic group must be specified with "P".
Expl. The indicator for a periodic group is "P".
Actn. Specify the correct type, "P".

NAT4287: Field is not a descriptor.

Text Field is not a descriptor.
Expl. A wrong character has been specified in the descriptor field.
Actn. Specify correct character for descriptor field: " " or "D".

NAT4288: A group must contain at least one field.

Text A group must contain at least one field.
Expl. A group must contain at least one field, or another group.
Actn. Check the level or add fields to the group.

NAT4289: You are not allowed to LIST or CATALOG this DDM.

Text You are not allowed to LIST or CATALOG this DDM.
Expl. You are not linked to the file in the Natural Security System
and, therefore, not allowed to LIST or CATALOG the DDM.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT4290: You are not authorized to catalog this DDM.

Text You are not authorized to catalog this DDM.
Expl. Natural SECRITY does not allow you to catalog this DDM.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT4291: Do not specify both, edit command and line command.

Text Do not specify both, edit command and line command.
Expl. When editing, only one command may be specified, either in
a source line or in the command line.
Actn. Press ENTER to eliminate line command.

NAT4292: Line subcommand outside source lines.

Text Line subcommand outside source lines.
Expl. A line subcommand may only be entered in one of the source lines
that are displayed for editing.
Actn. Enter line command in a source line.

NAT4293: Invalid positioning number.

Text Invalid positioning number.
Expl. A positioning action was requested, but the position number
was specified incorrectly.
Actn. Enter valid position number.

NAT4294: No line has been marked with "X".

Text No line has been marked with "X".
Expl. A MOVE, COPY, SHIFT, or X subcommand was used, but no line was
marked with "X".
Actn. Mark a line with "X" before referencing it.

NAT4295: No line has been marked with "Y".

Text No line has been marked with "Y".
Expl. A MOVE, COPY, or SHIFT command was specified, but no line was marked
with "Y".
Actn. Mark a line with "Y" before referencing it.

NAT4296: "Y" position must be after "X" position.

Text "Y" position must be after "X" position.
Expl. The "Y "position must always be located AFTER the "X" position
in the program.
Actn. Position "X" and "Y" correctly.

NAT4297: Copied/moved lines overlap target line.

Text Copied/moved lines overlap target line.
Expl. A MOVE/COPY line command can only be executed if the target position to
which the lines are to be moved/copied is outside the range marked with
the labels "X" and "Y".
Actn. Reposition "X" or "Y", or move/copy to different target position.

NAT4298: Invalid label in MOVE command.

Text Invalid label in MOVE command.
Expl. Only "X" or "Y" may be used as labels in MOVE command.
Actn. Enter valid label for MOVE command.

NAT4299: Invalid edit command. Enter "?" for help.

Text Invalid edit command. Enter "?" for help.
Expl. An invalid command was specified in the edit command line.
Actn. Enter valid edit command. For information on valid edit commands,
enter "?" for help.

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